

Altekin, Tevhide and Bukchin, Yossi, (2022) “A multi-objective optimization approach for exploring the cost and makespan trade-off in additive manufacturing”, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol.301, No.1, 235-253 (SCI)
Altekin, Tevhide and Daşcı, Abdullah and Karatas, Mumtaz, (2021) “Linear and conic reformulations for the maximum capture location problem under multinomial logit choice”, Optimization Letters, Vol.15, No.8, 2611-2637 (SCI)
Altekin, Fatma Tevhide, (2017) “A comparison of piecewise linear programming formulations for stochastic disassembly line balancing”, International Journal of Production Research, Vol.55, No.24, 7412-7434 (SCI)
Altekin, Fatma Tevhide and Aylı, Ezgi and Şahin, Güvenç, (2017) “After-sales services network design of a household appliances manufacturer”, Journal of the Operational Research Society, Vol.68, No.9, 1056-1067 (SCI, SSCI)
Altekin, Fatma Tevhide and Bayındır, Z. Pelin and Gümüşkaya, Volkan, (2016) “Remedial actions for disassembly lines with stochastic task times”, Computers & Industrial Engineering, Vol.99, 78-96 (SCI)
Suyabatmaz, Ali Çetin and Altekin, Fatma Tevhide and Şahin, Güvenç, (2014) “Hybrid simulation-analytical modeling approaches for the reverse logistics network design of a third-party logistics provider”, Computers & Industrial Engineering, Vol.70, 74-89 (SCI)
Altekin, Fatma Tevhide and Akkan, Can, (2012) “Task-failure-driven rebalancing of disassembly lines”, International Journal of Production Research, Vol.50, No.18, 4955-4976 (SCI)
Denizel, Meltem and Altekin, F. Tevhide and Süral, Haldun and Stadtler, Hartmut, (2008) “Equivalence of the LP relaxations of two strong formulations for the capacitated lot-sizing problem with setup times”, Operations Research Spektrum, Vol.30, No.4, 773-785 (SCI)
Altekin, F. Tevhide and Kandiller, Levent and Özdemirel, Nur Evin, (2008) “Profit-oriented disassembly-line balancing”, International Journal of Production Research, Vol.46, No.10, 2675-2693 (SCI)

Papers in Conference Proceedings

Altekin, Tevhide and Yaman, Ulaş, ” Implications of direct digital manufacturing on sustainable supply chain management “, Bozdağı Akar, Gözde and Gökler, Mustafa İlhan and Yaman, Ulaş and Ertekin, Şeyda and Uluyurt, Aslı Gülbike (eds.), International Conference & Exhibition on Digital Transformation & Smart Systems (DTSS 2018), ODTÜ (Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi), October 2018, 37-40
Altekin, Fatma Tevhide, ” A piecewise linear model for stochastic disassembly line balancing “, 8th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control (MIM), Elsevier, August 2016, 932-937

Working Paper / Technical Report

Ulusoy, Gündüz and Kılıç, Kemal and Özlü, Emre and Altekin, Fatma Tevhide and Çatay, Bülent and Budak, Erhan and Pasin, Merih and Karaata, Enver Selçuk and Varandi, Siamak, “Sanayide Dijitalleşme Stratejileri Çalıştayı – Taslak rapor”, September 2017