Article |
Yılmaz, Bahri, (2013) “The new emerging power China: the role of China in the world economy and world politics”, Görüş, Vol.80 |
Yılmaz, Bahri, (2013) “Çin’in önlenemeyen yükselişi”, Görüş, Vol.78, 64-68 |
Yılmaz, Bahri, (2013) “The irresistible increase of China”, Görüş, Vol.78, 64-68 |
Yılmaz, Bahri, (2011) “Turkey’s membership in the EU: realistic or merely wishful?”, Harvard International Review |
Yılmaz, Bahri, (2010) “Hinwendung, abwendung oder doppelstrategie? die debatte um die mitgliedschaft der Türkei in der Europäischen Union”, Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung |
Yılmaz, Bahri, (2005) “International competitiveness of Turkey in the EU”, Eastern European Economies (SSCI) |
Yılmaz, Bahri, (2005) “The foreign trade pattern and foreign trade specialization in the European Union: a comparison of six new member/candidate countries and the EU/15”, Eastern European Economics, Vol.43, No.5, 74-100 (SSCI) |
Yılmaz, Bahri, (2005) “Relations of Turkey with the EU after summit meeting”, Journal of Royal Institute for International Affairs(ENCONA) |
Yılmaz, Bahri, (2002) “Turkey’s relations with the European Union (Economic integration between EU and Turkey)”, Turkish Policy Quarterly, Vol.1, No.3, 107-116 |
Yılmaz, Bahri, (2002) “Turkey’s competitiveness in the European Union – A comparison with Greece, Portugal, Spain, and the EU/12/15”, Russian & East European finance and trade, Vol.38, No.3, 54-72 (SSCI) |
Yılmaz, Bahri, (2002) “The role of trade strategies for economic development: a comparison of foreign trade between Turkey and South Korea”, Russian & East European finance and trade, Vol.38, No.2, 59-78 (SSCI) |
Yılmaz, Bahri, (1999) “A sick man on the Bosporus? – the political and economic interests of Turkey”, Internationale Politik, Vol.54, No.1, 66-70 (SSCI) |
Book |
Turkey’s accession to the European Union: political and economic challenges, Akçay, Belgin and Yılmaz, Bahri (eds.), Lanham: Lexington Books 2013 |
EuroMed-2030: long term challenges for the Mediterranean area: report of an expert group, (Prepared by: Yılmaz, Bahri), Brussels: European Commission, June 2011 |
Book Section / Chapter |
Yılmaz, Bahri, Incomplete peace: relations between Turkey and Greece Turkey’s accession to the European Union, Yılmaz, Bahri and Akçay, Belgin (eds.), Maryland, USA: Lexington Books (forthcoming) |
Yılmaz, Bahri, “Turkey and the Arab spring: the revolutions in Turkey’s near abroad” Changes and Opportunities in the Emerging Mediterranean, Calleya, Stephen and Wohlfeld, Monika (eds.), Malta: University of Malta 2012, 349-369 |
Yılmaz, Bahri, World economic crisis and its impacts on Turkish economy The EU As A Global Player, Madrid: CEU Ediciones 2012, 45-61 |
Yılmaz, Bahri, World economic crisis and Turkish economy The EU as a Global Player, CEU Ediciones, CEU San Pablo University (ed.), Madrid: CEU University (forthcoming) |
Yılmaz, Bahri and Başar, Mustafa Doruk, Foreign direct investment in the Mediterranean partner countries, developments and determinants of FDI in the Mediterranean countries Euro-Mediterranean Partnership, Zukrowska, Katarzyna (ed.), Warsaw, Poland: Warsaw School of Economics, December 2008, 65-92 |
Yılmaz, Bahri, La competitivite internationale et la specialisation dans le commerce international: une comparaison Entre siz pays et L’Europe des 15 L’élargissement de L’union Européenne: Quels Enjeux et Défis Majeurs?, Krifa-Schneider, Hadjila (ed.), Paris: L’Harmattan 2007, 181-212 |
Yılmaz, Bahri, Incredible India New Economic Order After World Crisis, Öniş, Yusuf Ziya and Şenses, Fikret (eds.), İstanbul: İletişim Yayıncılık (forthcoming) |
Monograph |
Yılmaz, Bahri, “China’s economic ties to the gulf: comparisons with EU and US economic relations”, Berlin, Germany: Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, August 2023 |
Yılmaz, Bahri, “The role of Turkey in the European energy market”, Malta: MEDAC (Mediterranean Academy of Diplomatic Studies), University of Malta, February 2012 |
Volumes Edited / Special Issues |
Yılmaz, Bahri, Bertelsmann transformation index: towards democracy and a market economy, Gütersloh: Verlag Bertelsmann Stiftung, August 2006 |
Working Paper / Technical Report |
Yılmaz, Bahri, “China’s economic rise in the Balkans: could China challenge the European Union’s economic interests in the Balkans?”, May 2024 |
Yılmaz, Bahri, “Economic relations of Turkey with Russia: Turkey’s role in energy transportation: is Turkey an energy power?”, December 2009 |
Yılmaz, Bahri, “European energy security and the role of Turkey in the global energy market”, February 2012 |
Yılmaz, Bahri and Başar, Doruk Mustafa, “Foreign direct investment in the Mediterranean Countries: developments and determinants of FDI in the Mediterranean Countries”, December 2006 |
Yılmaz, Bahri, “Foreign trade specialization and international competitiveness Of Greece, Portugal, Spain, Turkey and the EU 12”, September 2008, Sabancı University ID:SU_FASS_2008/0008 |
Yılmaz, Bahri, “Germany’s economic relations with China within the within the framework of the Indo-Pacific strategy”, January 2025, Sabancı University ID:10.5900/SU_FASS_WP.2025.51271 |
Yılmaz, Bahri and Başar, Doruk Mustafa, “Institutions and economic performance: A case study for Turkey, Greece, Spain, Portugal, South Korea and API countries”, December 2009 |
Yılmaz, Bahri and Akın, Gökçe, “International competitiveness and foreign trade specialization: The Mediterranean Neighbouring Countries and the EU15”, December 2006 |
Yılmaz, Bahri, “Lee Kuan Yew: Uluslararası politikanın büyük ustası ve Singapur ekonomik mucizesini yaratan devlet adamı: Çin ve Amerika Birleşik Devletleri üzerine eleştiriler”, March 2023, Sabancı University ID:10.5900/SU_FASS_WP.2023.45559 |
Yılmaz, Bahri and Öztürk, Ezgi Özgül, “New challenges: the impact of EU enlargement on the Barcelona process: international competitiveness and foreign trade specialisation in the enlarged European Union and MPCs. Division of labour in the mediterranean neighbouring countries and a comparison with seven new member countries, Turkey and the EU 15”, February 2008 |
Yılmaz, Bahri, “Prospects for Turkey’s role in international politics at the beginning of the 21st century” 2009 |
Yılmaz, Bahri, “Relations of Turkey with the European Union a candidate forever?”, November 2008 |
Yılmaz, Bahri, “The Chinese economic relations with the Eastern Mediterranean – Greece, Egypt, Israel and Turkiye: a challenge for the European Union and the United States of America”, November 2024, Sabancı University ID:10.5900/SU_FASS_WP.2024.50574 |
Yılmaz, Bahri, “The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP): The World’s Interest and Competition Concentrated in the Indo-Pacific Region”, December 2022, Sabancı University ID:10.5900/SU_FASS_WP.2022.45047 |
Yılmaz, Bahri, “Türkiye’s economic relations with the countries of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership and India (RCEP+I): would the new development of the Indo-Pacific region open up new opportunities for the Turkish economy?”, November 2023, Sabancı University ID:10.5900/SU_FASS_WP.2023.48727 |