Sabancı University, 
Faculty of Arts of Social Sciences 
Orhanlı 34956 Tuzla- Istanbul, Turkey 

Tel: 90- 216 483 9298Fax: 90- 216 483 9250

E-mail: (for non-academic correspondence)



PhD.   Political Science, May 2002, SUNY-Binghamton

Dissertation Title: “Migrating Onto Identity: Kurdish Mobilization through Associations in Istanbul”

M.A.    Political Science, 1999, SUNY-Binghamton

B.A.     Political Science and International Relations, 1995,  Boğaziçi University (Turkey)


  • Gender and Mediation, Mediterranean Women Meditators Network Training, Rome, 1-5 April 2019.
  • OSCE National Action Plan Academy, The OSCE Support to the Implementation of UNSCR 1325 on Women, Peace and Security in the OSCE Region Training, Vienna, April 2018.
  • CDA, Reflecting on Peace Project (Conflict Mapping Training), Cyprus, May 2012.
  • American University & George Mason University Collaboration, Problem-Solving Training, March 2009.
  • United States Institute of Peace, S.E.N.S.E. and Negotiation Workshop, November 2008.
  • University of Maryland, Multi-Track Diplomacy and Conflict Transformation, January 2006.
  • Eastern Mennonite University, Dialogue: Approaches and Skills for Individual and Group Transformation, May 2004.


  • Turkish (Native)
  • English (Proficient)


  • Full Professor, Sabancı University (December 2015- present)
  • Associate Professor, Sabancı University (June 2009- December 2015)
  • Visiting Scholar, Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies, University of Sydney (January-April 2014).
  • Visiting Professor, American University, School of International Studies (Spring 2009)
  • Assistant Professor, Sabancı University (September 2002- June 2009)
  • Adjunct Faculty Member, S.U.N.Y. Binghamton (2000-2002)

 RESEARCH INTERESTS: Ethnic Conflict, Gender and Peacemaking, Displacement, Reconciliation, Kurdish Question in Turkey, Turkish Politics, Intergroup Relations, Peace Processes, International Conflict and Peace, Civil Society and Peacebuilding.            

Methods expertise: Interviews, Focus Group, Scenario Analysis, Surveys, Text Analysis, Conflict Mapping


  • PEACERETURN (beneficiary), European Research Council (ERC) advanced grant, led by Prof. Dr. Neophytos Loizides (University of Kent at Canterbury), (2023-2027) 
  • “Official” (Ufficiale) rank of the Star of the Order of Italy (Ordine della Stella d’Italia) (2021)- for her work on gender and peace
  • The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK), Post-Doctoral Research Fellowships, “An Approach to Peace Process and Reconciliation with a Gender Perspective,” hosted by the University of Sydney, Spring 2014 (in the amount of 10,000 USD).
  • Internal Research Grant, Sabancı University, to organize the conference “Ontological Security and Conflict Resolution,” January 2013 (in the amount of 3,500 USD).
  • Sabancı University and Central European University (CEU) Research Grant for the Research, “Conflicts in Eurasia and the Middle East (CEME) –Towards a New Conflicts Database (1990-2010)”, 2012 (with Matteo Fumagalli from CEU) (in the amount of 12,000 USD).
  • International Peace Research Foundation, “Imagining Peace: Perceptions of Women Members of Parliament on the Kurdish Question in Turkey”, 2011-2012 (in the amount of 3000 USD and conference participation fee waiver).
  • Marie Curie Initial Training Networks Project, 7th Framework, “Sustainable Peacebuilding (SPBUILD)”, 2009-2013 (in the amount of 257,318 EUR).
  • Research Award, “Return of the Internally Displaced Kurds and Reconstruction of the Post-Conflict Zones”, Migration Research Center at Koç University (MiReKoc), January 2006 (in the amount of 15,000 USD)
  • Internal Research Grant, Sabancı University 2003-2004. Project Title: Ethnic Associations in the New Conflict Phase (in the amount of 5,000 USD)
  • International Scholar Travel Grant, American Political Science Association, September 2002.
  • Research Award, Middle East Awards (MEAwards) Program in Population and the Social Sciences, the Population Council (2000). Project Title: Migration, City and Ethnicity: Mobilization of Kurdish Migrants in Istanbul (in the amount of 12,000 USD)
  • Research Award, Binghamton University Dissertation Year Fellowship (1999-2000).
  • Tuition Scholarship and Teaching Assistantship, Political Science Department Binghamton University (1995-2001).
  • Honors Roll in the Graduating Class, Department of Political Science and International Relations, Boğaziçi University (1991-1995).

Practice-related projects:

  • SKL International, RESLOG project (resilience in local governance- a project to strengthen local governance to increase social cohesion of Syrian refugees and local communities), Conflict Resolution Expert, 2020-2022 (50,000 Euro)
  • Sivil Düşün (European Union Civic Involvement Program), Women Mediators (Support to Establish a Network), 2018-2019 (27,000TL).
  • Swedish Consulate in Istanbul & UNWomen Istanbul, Activist Grant, “Women, Peace and Security: Training for Writing Turkey’s National Action Plan for UNSCR 1325” 2016 (64,000 Euro) (with Zeynep Alemdar).
  • Chrest Foundation & Heinrich Boell Stiftung, Research Grant, “Women’s Understanding of the Gendered Aspects of Conflict and Peace Process: From “Victimhood” to “Agency” 2015 (16,086 USD).



2018    Türkiye’de ve Dünyada Barış Süreçleri: Anlamak ve Canlandırmak (Peace Processes in Turkey and the World: Understanding and Rejevunating). Istanbul: Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları.

2007      Coming to Terms with Forced Migration: Post-Displacement Restitution of Citizenship Rights in Turkey. TESEV: Istanbul (with Dilek Kurban, Deniz Yükseker, Turgay Ünalan, A. Tamer Aker) (sponsored by the Brookings Institute, U.S.A.). (Also available in Turkish).

Edited Journal Volumes:

2017       Peace Processes and Durable Returns. International Migration, Vol. 55 (5), Guest Editor, Special Section (with Neophytos Loizides and Djordje Stefanovic). 

Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals:

2023    “We are One Team”: An Evaluation of an Intervention for Improving Relations Between Turkish Local and Refugee Adolescents,” International Journal of Intercultural Relations, (FirstOnline) (with Emine Yücel and Hatice Ekici).

2022    Ex-combatants as civic activists in post-conflict societies: KLA members in Kosovar civil society, Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, Vol. 22 (4), pp. 523-543 (with Lirika Agusholli).

2022    “Women’s Dialogic Encounters: Agonistic Listening and Emotions in Multiple-Identity Conflicts,” Third World Quarterly, Vol.43 (6), pp.1251-1269 (with Zeynep Gülru Göker).

2021    “War and Peace in the Age of Corona: An Analysis of Support for Repressive State Policies in Divided Societies,” Turkish Studies, Vol. 2, p. 177-199 (with Mehmet Gurses and Evren Balta).

2021    “Inclusive Citizenship and Societal Reconciliation within Turkey’s Kurdish Issue,” Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, Vol. 21 (2), pp. 313-332, 2021.

2021    “Dialogue in Polarized Societies: Women’s Encounters with Multiple Others,” New Perspectives on Turkey, Vol. 64, pp. 31-54 (with Zeynep Gülru Göker).

2021    “Agonistic Peace and Confronting the Past: An Analysis of a Failed Peace Process and the Role of Narratives,” Cooperation and Conflict, Vol. 56(1) pp. 26–43.

2020    “Civil War and Democratization: A Micro-Level Analysis,” Social Science Quarterly, Vol. 101 (2), pp.776-791 (with Mehmet Gurses and Evren Balta).

2020    “Explaining the Micro Dynamics of the Populist Cleavage in the ‘New Turkey’,” Mediterranean Politics,Vol. 25 (2), pp. 160-181 (with Evren Balta).

2019    “Explaining Different Orientations to the 2013 Gezi Park Demonstrations in Istanbul, Turkey,”, British Journal of Social Psychology, Vol. 58 (4), pp. 829-852 (with Andrew L. Stewart, Colin Wayne Leach, and Rezarta Bilali, Atilla Çidam,).

2018    “The Role of National Identity, Religious Identity, and Intergroup Contact on Social Distance across Multiple Social Divides in Turkey,” International Journal of Intercultural Relations, Vol. 65, pp.73-85 (with Rezarta Bilali and Yeshim Iqbal).

2017    Gendered Aspects of Conflict, Displacement and Peace Process in Turkey, International Migration, Vol. 55 (5), pp.136-149.

2017    “Ontological Insecurity in Asymmetric Conflicts: Reflections on Agonistic Peace in Turkey’s Kurdish Issue,” Security Dialogue, Vol.48 (4), pp. 279-296 (with Bahar Rumelili).

2017    “Patterns of ‘Othering’ in Turkey: A study of Ethnic, Ideological and Sectarian Polarization,” South European Society and Politics, Vol.22 (2), pp. 217-238 (with Rezarta Bilali and Yeshim Iqbal).

2017    “Beyond Islamic versus Secular Framing: A Critical Analysis of Reproductive Rights Debates in Turkey,” Journal of Middle East Women’s Studies, Vol. 13 (2), pp.195-218 (with Ana Frank).

2016    “Being There: The 2013 Anti-government Protests in Istanbul,” Contention: The Multi-Disciplinary Journal of Social Protest, Vol.4 (1-2), pp. 25-37(with Colin Wayne Leach, Rezarta Bilali, Atlla Çidam and Andrew L. Stewart)

2016    “15 Years after UNSCR 1325: Women, Peace and Security”, Centre for Policy and Research on Turkey (ResearchTurkey), London, Research Turkey, Vol. V, Issue 3, pp.6-17, 2016. (

2016    “A Holistic Approach to Violence: Women MPs’ Understanding of Violence against
Women and Violence in the Kurdish Issue in Turkey,” European Journal of Women’s Studies, Vol. 23 (1), pp.76-92.

2014    “Psychological Asymmetry in Minority-Majority Relations at Different Stages of Ethnic Conflict,” International Journal of Intercultural Relations, Vol 43, Part B., pp. 253-264, (with Rezarta Bilali and Ekin Ok).

2014    “Imagining Peace in a Conflict Environment: Kurdish Youths’ Framing of the Kurdish Issue in Turkey and Their Peace Imaginations,” Patterns of Prejudice, Vol. 48 (3), pp.265-285 (with Zeynep Başer).

2013    “Cultural Contingencies of Mediation: Effectiveness of Mediator Styles in Intercultural Disputes,” Journal of Organizational Behavior, Vol. 34 (6), pp.887-909, (with Elizabeth D. Salmon, Michele J. Gelfand, Sarit Kraus, Jonathan Wilkenfeld and Molly Inman).

2013    “State, Non-Governmental and International Organizations in the Possible     Peace Process in Turkey’s Conflict-Induced Displacement,” Journal of Refugee Studies, Vol. 26 (1), pp.1-25.

2010    “An Analysis of Reconciliatory Mediation in Northern Albania: The Role of Customary Mediators,” Europe-Asia Studies, Vol. 62 (6), pp.885–914 (with Alma Shkreli).

2007    Track II Interventions and the Kurdish Question in Turkey: An Analysis Using a Theories of Change Approach,” The International Journal of Peace Studies): Vol.12(2), pp.51-81 (with Andrew Blum).

2007    “Future Uncertain: Using Scenarios to Understand Turkey’s Geopolitical Environment and Its Impact on the Kurdish Question,” Ethnopolitics, Vol.6 (4), pp. 569-583 (with Andrew Blum).

2006    “Necessary but not Sufficient: The Role of EU in Resolving Turkey’s Kurdish Question and Turkish-Greek Conflicts” European Foreign Affairs Review, Vol.11 (2), pp.203-222 (with Bahar Rumelili).

2005    Transnationalization of Human Rights and Its Impact on Internally Displaced Kurds,” Human Rights Quarterly, Vol.27 (3), pp. 969-996, (Reprinted in Crepeau et al. Forced Migration and Global Processes. Lanham: Lexington Books, 2006).

2005    “I Miss My Village!: Forced Kurdish Migrants in Istanbul and Their Representation in Associations”, New Perspectives on Turkey, Vol. 32, pp.137-163, 2005.

1998    “Kurds and Nationalism”, New Perspectives on Turkey, Vol. 18, pp.147-154.


Book Chapters:

2021    “Civil Wars and Displacement,” in Oxford Research Encyclopedia of International Studies, Neophtyos Loizides (ed.).

2018    “A Human-Security Approach to the Syrian ‘Refugee Crisis’ in Turkey: Assessing Third-Party Efforts,” Handbook on Mediating International Crises, Jonathan Wilkenfeld, Kyle Beardsley, and David Quinn (eds.), Edward Elgar Press (with Yasin Duman).

2015    “The Kurdish Issue and Levels of Ontological Security,” Conflict Resolution and Ontological Security: Peace Anxieties, Bahar Rumelili (ed.). Routledge.

2015    “Resolving Internal Displacement in Turkey: The Need for Reconciliation,” Displacement, Reconciliation and Justice, Megan Bradley (ed.). McGill-Queen’s University Press, 195-222.

2013    “Return of the Internally Displaced Kurds and Reconstruction of the Post-Conflict Zones: An Actors Analysis” Migration Around Turkey: Old Phenomena and New Research, A. İçduygu and D. Yükseker (eds.), UK: Isis publishing

2011    “Ethnopolitical Conflict in Turkey: From the Denial of Kurds to Peaceful Co-existence?” Handbook of Ethnocultural Conflict, Dan Landis and Rosita Albert (eds.), Germany: Springer.

2010    “Representative Decision Making: Constituency Constraints on Collective Action “, Psychological and Political Strategies for Peace Negotiation: A Cognitive Approach, M. Galluccio and F. Aquilar (ed.), New York: Springer (with Druckman, Daniel, Ayşe Betül Çelik, Nimet Beriker, Esra Çuhadar-Gürkaynak), 157-173.

2010    Turkey: The Kurdish Question and the Coercive State,” Civil Society and Peacebuilding: Concepts, Cases, Lessons, Thania Paffenholz (ed.), Boulder: Lynne Reiner, 153-179.

2009    “Trauma and Forgiveness: Comparing Experiences from Turkey and Guatemala “, Forgiveness: Probing the Boundaries, David White and Stephen Schulman (eds.), Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Press (with Riva Kantowitz), 179-190.

2004    “Gender: Feminism and Women’s Studies” in Overcoming the “Two Cultures”:  Science versus the Humanities in the Modern World-System, Richard E. Lee and Immanuel Wallerstein (coordinators). Boulder, Colorado: Paradigm Publishers (with Volkan Aytar).

2003    “Alevis, Kurds, Hemsehris: Resurgence of Alevi Kurdish Identity in the 1990s”, in The Alevi Enigma, Joost Jongerden and Paul J. White (eds.), Leiden and Boston: Brill.


In Turkish:

2015      “Travmaların Aşılmasında Toplumsal Mutabakat,” Barış Kitabı, Ankara: Türkiye Psikiyatri Derneği Yayınları.

2015      “Toplumsal Barış ve Barışın Toplumsallaşması,” Müge Sökmen (ed.), Çözüme Doğru, Istanbul: Metis Yayınları (with Nil Mutluer).

2015      “Barış Sürecine Giden Yol,” Müge Sökmen (ed.), Çözüme Doğru, Istanbul: Metis Yayınları (with Murat Çelikkan, Evren Balta, Nil Mutluer, Levent Korkut).

2015      “Barış Süreci: Müzakereler ve Hukuk,” Müge Sökmen (ed.), Çözüme Doğru, Istanbul: Metis Yayınları (with Murat Çelikkan, Evren Balta, Nil Mutluer, Levent Korkut).

2014      “Kürt Meselesini Dönüştürmede Toplumsal Mutabakat İhtiyacı: Neden, Nasıl, Kimle?” Murat Aktaş (ed.). Çatışma Çözümü ve Barış. Istanbul: Iletişim Yayınevi.

2013      “Kürt Meselesinde Algılar ve Barışın Önündeki Sosyo-Psikolojik Engeller,” Heinrich Böll Stiftung Derneği, Kürt Meselesinin Çözümüne İlişkin Algılar, Aktörler ve Süreç.Istanbul.

2009      “Etnik Çatışmaların Çözümünde Siyaset Bilimi ve Uyuşmazlık Çözümü Yaklaşımları,” Çatışmadan Uzlaşmaya: Kuramlar, Süreçler ve Uygulama , N. Beriker, (ed.), İstanbul: Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları, 163-188.

2006      “Kürt Sorununda ‘Avrupa’ Boyutu” ve Sivil Toplum Kuruluşları,” in Sivil Toplum Örgütleri ve Dış Politika, Erhan Doğan and Semra Cerit Mazlum (eds.), İstanbul: Bağlam Yayınları.



2018       “Toplumsal Mutabakat ve Çatışma Çözümünda Kadınların Rolü,” [The Role of Women in Reconciliation and Conflict Resolution] Istanbul Policy Center, February.

2017       “Yeni Türkiye’nin Yurttaşları: 15 Temmuz Darbe Girişimi Sonrası Siyasi Tutumlar, Değerler ve Duygular ,” [Citizens of ‘New Turkey’: Political Attitudes, Values and Emotions after the Jul 15 Attempted Coup], KONDA, May (with Evren Balta and Murat Paker).

2006       “Overcoming a Legacy of Mistrust: Towards a Reconciliation Between the IDPs and the State,” Istanbul: TESEV and Norwegian Refugee Council, July (with Deniz Yukseker and Dilek Kurban).   

2008       “Ovacık ve Hozat İlçelerinde Geriye Göç Sürecine İlişkin Araştırma: Alana İlişkin Temel Demografik Göstergeler ve Göç Süreçlerinde Yaşanan Tarımsal Değişimler””, Istanbul: Ulaşılabilir Yaşam Derneği (with Bülent Gülçubuk and Tamer Aker).

2005       “Findings and Recommendations Relating to Turkey’s Internal Displacement Issue,” Istanbul: TESEV, October (also published in Turkish).


            Book Reviews:

2016         “The Armenian Socialist Paramaz: Armenian Socialists and Genocide from Abdulhamid to Progress and Union Party,” by Kadir Akın, British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, Vol. 43(4), pp. 683–684.

2016         “Time for Peace: The Essential Role of Time in Conflict and Peace Processes,” by Luc Reychler, Nationalism and Ethnic Politics, Vol.22 (2), pp. 241-242.

2008         “The Age of Apology: Facing Up to the Past,” Human Rights and Human Welfare, May, Vol. 8: Iss. 1, Article 11.

2013         “Activists in Office: Kurdish Politics and Protest in Turkey,” by Nicole F. Watts, Review of Middle Eastern Studies, Vol.47 (1), pp.126-127.



  • Organizer, “Rejuvenating Peace Processes: Colombia, Indonesia and Philippines,” (Istanbul, 14-5 October, 2016)
  • Co-Organizer, Workshop, “Peace Processes and Durable Solutions to Displacement,” (Ankara, 17-18 April 2015).
  • Co-organizer, Workshop, “Ontological Security and Conflict Resolution,” (Istanbul, January 2013).
  • Organizer, International Conference, “Interdisciplinary and Comparative Approaches to Ethnic Conflict: An International Symposium,” (Istanbul, 5-6 May 2012) (sponsored by Marie Curie Fellowship Program).
  • Co-organizer, Workshop, “Trajectories of Ethnopolitical Conflict,” (Sofia, 28-29 October 2005).
  • Co-Organizer, Tunceli workshop on the Return of the IDPs (2005).
  • Trainer, United Nations Gender Awareness Program, Training of Trainers, December 2006-present.



Graduate Level:

  • CONF 501: Introduction to Conflict Analysis and Resolution, Sabancı University.
  • CONF 511: Culture and Conflict, Sabancı University.
  • CONF 512: Research Methods, Sabancı University
  • CONF 534: Media in Conflict Resolution, Sabancı University
  • CONF 531: Conflict Resolution Practice, Sabancı University.
  • CONF 536: Role of Organizations in Conflict Resolution, Sabancı University.
  • CONF 582: Approaches to Ethnic Conflict, Sabancı University.
  • POLS 583: Nationalism and Ethnicity, Sabancı University.
  • SIS 606: Culture, Peace and Conflict Resolution: Alternatives to Violence, American University at Washington, D.C.
  • Sabancı CONF program 0-credited Directed Reading, Master’s Thesis, Internship, Term Project courses.
  • Also taught modules at the Intensive Program (IP) of the EDEN partnership (European Doctoral Enhancement program on Peace and Conflict) between 2005 and 2013.

Undergraduate Level:

  • CONF 431: Conflict Resolution Practice, Sabancı University.
  • IR 394: World Politics, Sabancı University
  • IR 400: International Conflict and Peace, Sabancı University
  • POLS 583: Nationalism and Ethnicity, Sabancı University.
  • SPS 320: Approaches to Ethnic Conflict, Sabancı University.
  • PLSC 113: Comparative Politics, Binghamton University.  
  • PLSC 112: Cultural Forces in World Politics, Binghamton University.
  • PLSC 341: Women and Politics, Binghamton University.

Other Teaching- Related Experiences (selected):                               

  • Mentor, “Preparing Future Professors” (Fund for the Improvement of Post-Secondary Education), Spring 1999, Binghamton University.
  • Trainer, Gender-Aware Teaching for High School Teachers, UNDP-Sabancı Foundation-Sabancı University, 2005-2018.
  • Trainer, Gender-Sensitive Mediation for Women Activists, October 2019, Mardin
  • Trainer, The Role of Women in Peacebuilding (High-level Capacity Building for OAS and Forum of Federations delegates), 28-29 April 2022 (with Neophytos Loizides).


TRAINING EXPERIENCE (given to NGOs, private firms, communities, municipalities, political parties):

  • Introduction to Conflict Resolution
  • Conflict Resolution and Effective Communication
  • Conflict Resolution and Social Cohesion
  • Conflict Resolution and Interventions (Do No Harm)
  • Gender Sensitive Education
  • Gender and Conflict Resolution
  • Gender and Mediation
  • Mediation
  • Dialogue
  • Problem Solving Workshops
  • UNSCR 1325 and Women in Peacemaking and Peacebuilding



  • Expert member, FWO (Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek) Review College (2021- present)



  • Advisor, OSCE Platform for Women Leaders including Peacebuilders and Mediators (2021- present)
  • Member, Mediterranean Women Mediators Network (2019-present)
  • Leader & Founder, Turkey Antenna of the Mediterranean Women Mediators Network (2019-present) (focuses on mediation training, gender awareness, research, and advocacy)
  • Founder and member, Gender and Women’s Studies Center of Excellence, Sabancı University (2015)
  • Trainer, Gender Awareness, Purple Certificate Program, Sabancı University (2008-2018).
  • Member, Women’s Alliance for Security leadership (WASL), 2017-
  • Conflict Resolution Expert, Resilience on Global Governance (SKL’s project to strengthen the capacity of local government systems by increasing resilience in accordance with the principles of peacefulness and inclusiveness in Turkey and Lebanon, two countries seriously affected by the Syrian Crisis), 2020-
  • Member, Editorial Board, Nationalism & Ethnic Politics, 2020-
  • Member, European Science Foundation, Expert Reviewer, 2020-
  • Country Advisor, Prof. Juliette Schaafsma’s ECPR Consolidated Grant, “Political Apologies Across Cultures,” (Tilburg University), December 2016- 2020.
  • Consultant and Facilitator, Youtube project #senkimsin (to prevent discrimination and societal polarization in Turkey- part of Youtube ‘s universal Scout Project).
  • Member of the Referee Board, International Peace Research Association Foundation, 2015-2016.
  • Facilitator, Accepting Difference, KA-MER (a women’s civil society organization on preventing violence), 2012-2014.
  • Advisor, Meçhul Mezkur Mesele (Ekopolitik’s project), 2012-2014 (a dialogue project to transform Turkey’s Kurdish Issue under the leadership of a Turkish NGO led by Prof. Vamık Volkan)
  • University Representative, European Doctoral Enhancement Network on Peace and Conflict (including 13 European Universities), 2005-2013.
  • Consultant, CASES Project, Center for International Development and Conflict Management University of Maryland, U.S.A., 2005-2006.
  • Facilitator, Transforming Turkey’s Kurdish Issue, Workshop with Track-II leaders, Sofia, Bulgaria, October 2005 (with Edy Kaufman and Andrew Blum).
  • Facilitator, Designing Gender-aware activities with high-school teachers, several cities in Turkey (2005-present).


  • 2020-2023 Head, International Studies Program, Sabancı University.
  • 2018- 2022: Coordinator (Conflict Analysis and Resolution MA Program, European Studies MA Program, International Studies Undergraduate Program), Sabancı University.
  • 2016-2020: Member, University Board Member, Sabancı University.
  • 2010-2012, Coordinator, Purple Certificate Program (Gender Aware Teaching for High School Teachers), project funded by UN and Sabancı Foundation.
  • Member, Book Award Committee, ISA Ethnicity and Nationalism Section, 2012.
  • 2004-2007: Program Coordinator, MA Program in Conflict Analysis and Resolution, Sabancı University.

Responsibilities included: Curriculum development; developing plans for long term organizational development; capacity building; carrying out events publications and outreach programs; networking; representing the program internally at Sabancı University and externally to the interested parties; web coordination.

  • 2014- present: Founding Member, Sabancı University Excellence Center for Gender and Women’s Studies.
  • 2004- 2009: Program Representative, Faculty Executive Board, Sabancı University.


International Studies Association, International Peace Research Association, International Association for the Study of Forced Migration, European Consortium on Political Research, Cyprus Academic Dialogue, Öğretim Üyeleri Derneği.