

Pashmforoush, Farzad and Ebrahimi Araghizad, Arash and Budak, Erhan, (2024) “Physics-informed tool wear prediction in turning process: a thermo-mechanical wear-included force model integrated with machine learning”, Journal of Manufacturing Systems, Vol.77, 266-283 (SCI)
Bai, Lele and Zhang, Jun and Budak, Erhan and Tang, Yuyang and Zhao, Wanhua, (2024) “Vibration energy-based indicators for multi-target condition monitoring in milling operations”, Journal of Manufacturing Systems, Vol.77, 284-300 (SCI)
Jamshidi, Hamid and Bagherzadeh, Amin and Budak, Erhan and Ghadbeigi, Hassan, (2024) “A predictive wear model in grinding using single-layer electroplated cBN tools”, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, Vol.127, 251-258 (SCI)
Rahimzadeh Berenji, Kaveh and Tehranizadeh, Faraz and Budak, Erhan, (2024) “Chatter stability of orthogonal turn-milling process in frequency and discrete-time domains”, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol.146, No.9 (SCI)
Kuram, Emel and Bagherzadeh, Amin and Budak, Erhan, (2024) “Application of cutting fluids in micro-milling – A review”, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol.133, No.1-2, 25-58 (SCI)
Shinba, Yuta and Irino, Naruhiro and Imabeppu, Yasuhiro and Budak, Erhan and Suzuki, Norikazu and Kishimoto, Atsuo, (2024) “Improvement of surface quality in simultaneous machining of multiple workpieces on a single machine”, CIRP Annals, Vol.73, No.1, 305-308 (SCI)
Ebrahimi Araghizad, Arash and Tehranizadeh, Faraz and Pashmforoush, Farzad and Budak, Erhan, (2024) “Milling process monitoring based on intelligent real-time parameter identification for unmanned manufacturing”, CIRP Annals, Vol.73, No.1, 325-328 (SCI)
Ebrahimi Araghizad, Arash and Pashmforoush, Farzad and Tehranizadeh, Faraz and Kılıç, Kemal and Budak, Erhan, (2024) “Improving milling force predictions: a hybrid approach integrating physics-based simulation and machine learning for remarkable accuracy across diverse unseen materials and tool types”, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, Vol.114, 92-107 (SCI)
Jamshidi, Hamid and Budak, Erhan, (2024) “A digital twin-based framework for selection of grinding conditions towards improved productivity and part quality”, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, Vol.35, No.1, 161-173 (SCI)
Ebrahimi Araghizad, Arash and Tehranizadeh, Faraz and Kılıç, Kemal and Budak, Erhan, (2023) “Smart tool-related faults monitoring system using process simulation-based machine learning algorithms”, Journal of Machine Engineering, Vol.23, No.4, 18-32
Bagherzadeh, Amin and Budak, Erhan and Ozlu, Emre and Koç, Bahattin, (2023) “Machining behavior of Inconel 718 in hybrid additive and subtractive manufacturing”, CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, Vol.46, 178-190 (SCI)
Rahimzadeh Berenji, Kaveh and Budak, Erhan, (2023) “A general model for uncut chip geometry, process kinematics, and mechanics of orthogonal turn-milling process”, CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, Vol.43, 57-70 (SCI)
Weng, Jian and Saelzer, Jannis and Berger, Sebastian and Zhuang, Kejia and Bagherzadeh, Amin and Budak, Erhan and Biermann, Dirk, (2023) “Analytical and experimental investigations of rake face temperature considering temperature-dependent thermal properties”, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Vol.314 (SCI)
Schmitz, Tony and Betters, Emma and Budak, Erhan and Yüksel, Esra and Park, Simon and Altıntaş, Yusuf, (2023) “Review and status of tool tip frequency response function prediction using receptance coupling”, Precision Engineering, Vol.79, 60-77 (SCI)
Budak, Erhan and Matsubara, Atsushi and Donmez, Alkan and Munoa, Jokin, (2022) “Mechanical interfaces in machine tools”, CIRP Annals, Vol.71, No.2, 647-670 (SCI)
Tehranizadeh, Faraz and Rahimzadeh Berenji, Kaveh and Yıldız, Saltuk and Budak, Erhan, (2022) “Chatter stability of thin-walled part machining using special end mills”, CIRP Annals, Vol.71, No.1, 365-368 (SCI)
Bagherzadeh, Amin and Koç, Bahattin and Budak, Erhan and Işık, Murat, (2022) “High-speed machining of additively manufactured Inconel 718 using hybrid cryogenic cooling methods”, Virtual and Physical Prototyping, Vol.17, No.3, 419-436 (SCI)
Rahimzadeh Berenji, Kaveh and Budak, Erhan, (2022) “Improved machining performance through turn-milling”, Journal of Machine Engineering, Vol.22, No.2, 5-17
Iglesias, Alexander and Tunç, Lütfi Taner and Özsahin, Orkun and Franco, Oier and Munoa, Jokin and Budak, Erhan, (2022) “Alternative experimental methods for machine tool dynamics identification: a review”, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Vol.170 (SCI)
Bilgili, Deniz and Budak, Erhan and Altintas, Yusuf, (2022) “Multibody dynamic modeling of five-axis machine tools with improved efficiency”, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Vol.171 (SCI)
Tehranizadeh, Faraz and Rahimzadeh Berenji, Kaveh and Budak, Erhan, (2021) “Dynamics and chatter stability of crest-cut end mills”, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, Vol.171 (SCI)
Rezaei, Hamed and Sadeghi, Mohammad Hossein and Budak, Erhan, (2021) “Correction to: Determination of minimum uncut chip thickness under various machining conditions during micro-milling of Ti-6Al-4V (The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, (2018), 95, 5-8, (1617-1634), 10.1007/s00170-017-1329-3)”, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol.117, No.1-2, 689-690 (SCI)
Jamshidi, Hamid and Budak, Erhan, (2021) “A 3D analytical thermal model in grinding considering a periodic heat source under dry and wet conditions”, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Vol.295 (SCI)
Jamshidi, Hamid and Budak, Erhan, (2021) “On the prediction of surface burn and its thickness in grinding processes”, CIRP Annals, Vol.70, No.1, 285-288 (SCI)
Yüksel, Esra and Budak, Erhan and Özlü, Emre and Oral, Ahmet and İğrek, Fatih and Tosun, Fulya, (2021) “Prediction of thermal growth in a high-speed spindle by considering thermo-mechanical behavior”, MM Science Journal, Vol.2021, 4526-4533 (ESCI)
Bagherzadeh, Amin and Kuram, Emel and Budak, Erhan, (2021) “Experimental evaluation of eco-friendly hybrid cooling methods in slot milling of titanium alloy”, Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol.289 (SCI)
Altintas, Yusuf and Stepan, Gabor and Budak, Erhan and Schmitz, Tony and Kilic, Zekai Murat, (2020) “Chatter stability of machining operations”, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Transactions of the ASME, Vol.142, No.11 (SCI)
Jamshidi, Hamid and Budak, Erhan, (2020) “An analytical grinding force model based on individual grit interaction”, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Vol.283 (SCI)
Yüksel, Esra and Ertürk, Ahmet Semih and Budak, Erhan, (2020) “A hybrid contact implementation framework for finite element analysis and topology optimization of machine tools”, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol.142, No.8 (SCI)
Özlü, Emre and Ebrahimi Araghizad, Arash and Budak, Erhan, (2020) “Broaching tool design through force modelling and process simulation”, CIRP Annals – Manufacturing Technology, Vol.69, No.1, 53-56 (SCI)
Jamshidi, Hamid and Gürtan, Mert and Budak, Erhan, (2019) “Identification of active number of grits and its effects on mechanics and dynamics of abrasive processes”, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Vol.273 (SCI)
Tehranizadeh, Faraz and Koca, Recep and Budak, Erhan, (2019) “Investigating effects of serration geometry on milling forces and chatter stability for their optimal selection”, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, Vol.144 (SCI)
Rahimzadeh Berenji, Kaveh and Karagüzel, Umut and Özlü, Emre and Budak, Erhan, (2019) “Effects of turn-milling conditions on chip formation and surface finish”, CIRP Annals – Manufacturing Technology, Vol.68, No.1, 113-116 (SCI)
Karaguzel, Umut and Budak, Erhan, (2018) “Investigating effects of milling conditions on cutting temperatures through analytical and experimental methods”, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Vol.262, 532-540 (SCI)
Tunç, Lütfi Taner and Mohammadi, Yaser and Budak, Erhan, (2018) “Destabilizing effect of low frequency modes on process damped stability of multi-mode milling systems”, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Vol.111, 423-441 (SCI)
Mohammadi, Yaser and Azvar, Milad and Budak, Erhan, (2018) “Suppressing vibration modes of spindle-holder-tool assembly through FRF modification for enhanced chatter stability”, CIRP Annals – Manufacturing Technology, Vol.67, No.1, 397-400 (SCI)
Cakir, Esin and Özlü, Emre and Bakkal, Mustafa and Budak, Erhan, (2018) “Investigation of temperature distribution in orthogonal cutting through dual-zone contact model on the rake face”, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol.96, No.1-4, 81-89 (SCI)
Rezaei, Hamed and Sadeghi, Mohammad Hossein and Budak, Erhan, (2018) “Determination of minimum uncut chip thickness under various machining conditions during micro-milling of Ti-6Al-4V”, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol.95, No.5-8, 1617-1634 (SCI)
Bagherzadeh, Amin and Budak, Erhan, (2018) “Investigation of machinability in turning of difficult-to-cut materials using a
new cryogenic cooling approach”, Tribology International, Vol.119, 510-520 (SCI)
Azvar, Milad and Budak, Erhan, (2017) “Multi-dimensional chatter stability for enhanced productivity in different parallel turning strategies”, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, Vol.123, 116-128 (SCI)
Yiğit, Ufuk and Ciğeroğlu, Ender and Budak, Erhan, (2017) “Chatter reduction in boring process by using piezoelectric shunt damping with experimental verification”, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Vol.94, 312-321 (SCI)
Karagüzel, Umut and Bakkal, Mustafa and Budak, Erhan, (2017) “Modelling thermally induced deformations on tool during turn-milling (Frezeyle tornalamada takımda ortaya çıkan termal deformasyonların modellenmesi)”, Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University, Vol.32, No.3, 865-875 (SCI)
Özkırımlı, Ömer Mehmet and Tunç, Lütfi Taner and Budak, Erhan, (2016) “Generalized model for dynamics and stability of multi-axis milling with complex tool geometries”, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Vol.238, 446-458 (SCI)
Aksu, Burak and Çelebi, Ceren and Budak, Erhan, (2016) “An experimental investigation of oblique cutting mechanics”, Machining Science and Technology, Vol.20, No.3, 495-521 (SCI)
Munoa, J. and Beudaert, X. and Dombovari, Z. and Altıntaş, Y. and Budak, Erhan and Brecher, C. and Stepan, G., (2016) “Chatter suppression techniques in metal cutting”, CIRP Annals – Manufacturing Technology, Vol.65, No.2, 785-808 (SCI)
Tunç, Taner L. and Özkırımlı, Ömer Mehmet and Budak, Erhan, (2016) “Machining strategy development and parameter selection in 5-axis milling based on process simulations”, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol.85, No.5-8, 1483-1500 (SCI)
Tunç, Lütfi Taner and Budak, Erhan and Bilgen, Samet and Zatarain, Mikel, (2016) “Process simulation integrated tool axis selection for 5-axis tool path generation”, CIRP Annals – Manufacturing Technology, Vol.65, No.1, 381-384 (SCI)
Karagüzel, Umut and Uysal, Emre and Budak, Erhan and Bakkal, Mustafa, (2016) “Effects of tool axis offset in turn-milling process”, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Vol.231, 239-247 (SCI)
Budak, Erhan and Özlü, Emre and Bakioğlu, Hayri and Barzegar Osgouei, Zahra, (2016) “Thermo-mechanical modeling of the third deformation zone in machining for prediction of cutting forces”, CIRP Annals – Manufacturing Technology, Vol.65, No.1, 121-124 (SCI)
Öztürk, Erdem and Çomak, Alptunç and Budak, Erhan, (2016) “Tuning of tool dynamics for increased stability of parallel (simultaneous) turning processes”, Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol.360, 17-30 (SCI)
Özşahin, Orkun and Budak, Erhan and Özgüven, H. Nevzat, (2015) “Identification of bearing dynamics under operational conditions for chatter stability prediction in high speed machining operations”, Precision Engineering, Vol.42, 53-65 (SCI)
Aslan, Deniz and Budak, Erhan, (2015) “Surface roughness and thermo-mechanical force modeling for grinding operations with regular and circumferentially grooved wheels”, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Vol.223, 75-90 (SCI)
Karagüzel, Umut and Uysal, Emre and Budak, Erhan and Bakkal, Mustafa, (2015) “Analytical modeling of turn-milling process geometry, kinematics and mechanics”, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, Vol.91, 24-33 (SCI)
Karagüzel, Umut and Olgun, Utku and Uysal, Emre and Budak, Erhan and Bakkal, M., (2015) “Increasing tool life in machining of difficult-to-cut materials using nonconventional turning processes”, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol.77, No.9-12, 1993-2004 (SCI)
Tunç, Lütfi Taner and Özkırımlı, Ömer Mehmet and Budak, Erhan, (2015) “Generalized cutting force model in multi-axis milling using a new engagement boundary determination approach”, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol.77, No.1-4, 341-355 (SCI)
Özşahin, Orkun and Budak, Erhan and Özgüven, H. Nevzat, (2015) “In-process tool point FRF identification under operational conditions using inverse stability solution”, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, Vol.89, 64-73 (SCI)
Altıntaş, Y. and Kersting, P. and Biermann, D. and Budak, Erhan and Denkena, B. and Lazoğlu, I., (2014) “Virtual process systems for part machining operations”, CIRP Annals – Manufacturing Technology, Vol.63, No.2, 585-605 (SCI)
Tunç, Lütfi Taner and Budak, Erhan, (2013) “Identification and modeling of process damping in milling”, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol.135, No.2 (SCI)
Budak, Erhan and Çomak, Alptunç and Öztürk, Erdem, (2013) “Stability and high performance machining conditions in simultaneous milling”, CIRP Annals – Manufacturing Technology, Vol.62, No.1, 403-406 (SCI)
Tunç, Lütfi Taner and Budak, Erhan, (2012) “Effect of cutting conditions and tool geometry on process damping in machining”, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, Vol.57, 10-19 (SCI)
Budak, Erhan and Tunç, Lütfi Taner and Alan, Salih and Özgüven, H. Nevzat, (2012) “Prediction of workpiece dynamics and its effects on chatter stability in milling”, CIRP Annals – Manufacturing Technology, Vol.61, No.1, 339-342 (SCI)
Öztürk, Erdem and Tunç, Lütfi Taner and Budak, Erhan, (2011) “Analytical methods for increased productivity in five-axis ball-end milling”, International Journal of Mechatronics and Manufacturing Systems (IJMMS), Vol.4, No.3/4, 238-265
Özelkan, Ertunga C. and Öztürk, Özkan and Budak, Erhan, (2011) “Identifying parameters of a broaching design using non-linear optimisation”, International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control (IJMIC), Vol.12, No.3, 244-252
Özkırımlı, Ömer M. and Budak, Erhan, (2011) “Process simulation for five-axis machining for generalised milling tools”, International Journal of Design Engineering, Vol.3, No.3, 232-246
Budak, Erhan and Öztürk, E., (2011) “Dynamics and stability of parallel turning operations”, CIRP Annals – Manufacturing Technology, Vol.60, No.1, 383-386 (SCI)
Özlü, Emre and Molinari, Alain and Budak, Erhan, (2010) “Two-zone analytical contact model applied to orthogonal cutting”, Machining Science and Technology, Vol.14, No.3, 323-343 (SCI)
Özşahin, Orkun and Özgüven, H. Nevzat and Budak, Erhan, (2010) “Analysis and compensation of mass loading effect of accelerometers on tool point FRF measurements for chatter stability predictions”, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, Vol.50, No.6, 585-589 (SCI)
Alan, Salih and Budak, Erhan and Özgüven, H. Nevzat, (2010) “Analytical prediction of part dynamics for machining stability analysis”, International Journal of Automation Technology, Vol.4, No.3, 259-267
Öztürk, Erdem and Budak, Erhan, (2010) “Dynamics and stability of five-axis ball-end milling”, Transactions of the ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol.132, No.2 (SCI)
Budak, Erhan and Tunç, Lütfi Taner, (2010) “Identification and modeling of process damping in turning and milling using a new approach”, CIRP Annals – Manufacturing Technology, Vol.59, No.1, 403-408 (SCI)
Öztürk, Erdem and Tunç, Taner L. and Budak, Erhan, (2009) “Investigation of lead and tilt angle effects in 5-axis ball-end milling processes”, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, Vol.49, No.14, 1053-1062 (SCI)
Budak, Erhan and Tunç, Taner L., (2009) “A new method for identification and modeling of process damping in machining”, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering – Transactions of ASME, Vol.131, No.5 (SCI)
Özlü, Emre and Budak, Erhan and Molinari, A., (2009) “Analytical and experimental investigation of rake contact and friction behavior in metal cutting”, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, Vol.49, No.11, 865-875 (SCI)
Tunç, Taner L. and Budak, Erhan, (2009) “Extraction of 5-axis milling conditions from CAM data for process simulation”, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol.43, No.5-6, 538-550 (SCI)
Özşahin, Orkun and Ertürk, Alper and Özgüven, H. Nevzat and Budak, Erhan, (2009) “A closed-form approach for identification of dynamical contact parameters in spindle-holder-tool assemblies”, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, Vol.49, No.1, 25-35 (SCI)
Kayhan, Mehmet and Budak, Erhan, (2009) “An experimental investigation of chatter effects on tool life”, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part B; Journal of Engineering Manufacture, Vol.223, No.11, 1455-1463 (SCI)
Budak, Erhan and Öztürk, Erdem and Tunç, Taner L., (2009) “Modeling and simulation of 5-axis milling processes”, CIRP Annals – Manufacturing Technology, Vol.58, No.1, 347-350 (SCI)
Budak, Erhan and Özlü, Emre, (2008) “Development of a thermomechanical cutting process model for machining process simulations”, CIRP Annals – Manufacturing Technology, Vol.57, No.1, 97-100 (SCI)
Çimren, Emrah and Çatay, Bülent and Budak, Erhan, (2007) “Development of a machine tool selection system using AHP”, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol.35, No.3-4, 363-376 (SCI)
Özlü, Emre and Budak, Erhan, (2007) “Analytical modeling of chatter stability in turning and boring operations – part I: model development”, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol.129, No.4, 726-732 (SCI)
Özlü, Emre and Budak, Erhan, (2007) “Analytical modeling of chatter stability in turning and boring operations – Part II: Experimental verification”, Journal of manufacturing science and engineering, Vol.129, No.4, 733-739 (SCI)
Öztürk, Erdem and Budak, Erhan, (2007) “Modeling of 5-axis milling processes”, Machining science and technology, Vol.11, No.3, 287-311 (SCI)
Ertürk, Alper and Budak, Erhan and Özgüven, H. Nevzat, (2007) “Selection of design and operational parameters in spindle-holder-tool assemblies for maximum chatter stability by using a new analytical model”, International journal of machine tools & manufacture, Vol.47, No.9, 1401-1409 (SCI)
Ertürk, A. and Özgüven, H. N. and Budak, Erhan, (2007) “Effect analysis of bearing and interface dynamics on tool point FRF for chatter stability in machine tools by using a new analytical model for spindle-tool assemblies”, International journal of machine tools & manufacture, Vol.47, No.1, 23-32 (SCI)
Ertürk, A. and Özgüven, H. N. and Budak, Erhan, (2006) “Analytical modeling of spindle-tool dynamics on machine tools using Timoshenko beam model and receptance coupling for the prediction of tool point FRF”, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, Vol.46, No.15, 1901-1912 (SCI)
Budak, Erhan, (2006) “Analytical models for high performance milling. Part I: cutting forces, structural deformations and tolerance integrity”, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, Vol.46, No.12-13, 1478-1488 (SCI)
Budak, Erhan, (2006) “Analytical models for high performance milling. Part II: process dynamics and stability”, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, Vol.46, No.12-13, 1489-1499 (SCI)
Budak, Erhan and Ertürk, A. and Özgüven, H. N., (2006) “A Modeling approach for analysis and improvement of spindle-holder-tool assembly dynamics”, CIRP Annals – Manufacturing Technology, Vol.55, No.1, 369-372 (SCI)
Ertürk, Alper and Özgüven, H. Nevzat and Budak, Erhan, (2006) “İşleme merkezlerinin dinamik analizi ve süreçte kararlılık: yeni bir analitik modelin uygulamaları”, Makina Tasarım ve İmalat Dergisi, Vol.8, No.2, 55-66
Tekeli, Alper and Budak, Erhan, (2005) “Maximization of chatter-free material removal rate in end milling using analytical methods”, Machining science and technology, Vol.9, No.2, 147-167 (SCI)
Budak, Erhan and Lazoğlu, İsmail and Güzel, Birhan U., (2004) “Improving cycle time in sculptured surface machining through force modeling”, CIRP Annals – Manufacturing Technology, Vol.53, No.1, 103-106 (SCI)
Kıvanç, Evren Burcu and Budak, Erhan, (2004) “Structural modeling of end mills for form error and stability analysis”, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, Vol.44, No.11, 1151-1161 (SCI)
Arslan, M. Çağdaş and Çatay, Bülent and Budak, Erhan, (2004) “A decision support system for machine selection”, Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, Vol.15, No.1, 101-109
Budak, Erhan, (2003) “An analytical design method for milling cutters with nonconstant pitch to increase stability, part 1: Theory”, Journal of manufacturing science and engineering, Vol.125, No.1, 29-34 (SCI)
Budak, Erhan, (2003) “An analytical design method for milling cutters with nonconstant pitch to increase stability, part 2: Application”, Journal of manufacturing science and engineering, Vol.125, No.1, 35-38 (SCI)
Nemes, J. A. and Asamoah-Attiah, S. and Budak, Erhan, (2001) “Cutting load capacity of end mills with complex geometry”, CIRP Annals – Manufacturing Technology, Vol.50, No.1, 65-68 (SCI)
Wiercigroch, Marian and Budak, Erhan, (2001) “Sources of nonlinearities, chatter generation and suppression in metal cutting”, Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London series A – Mathematical physical and engineering sciences, Vol.359, No.1781, 663-693 (SCI)
Çomak, Alptunç and Budak, Erhan, () “Modeling dynamics and stability of variable pitch and helix milling tools for development of a design method to maximize chatter stability”, Precision Engineering (forthcoming) (SCI)


A closer look at milling machines and processes, Budak, Erhan (ed.), New York: Nova Science Publishers, April 2024

Book Section / Chapter

Wan, Min and Budak, Erhan and Zhang, Wei-Hong, Mechanics and dynamics of thin-wall milling process A Closer Look at Milling Machines and Processes, Budak, Erhan (ed.), New York: Nova Science Publishers, April 2024, 157-206
Tehranizadeh, Faraz and Barzegar, Zahra and Budak, Erhan, Special milling tools for improving productivity A Closer Look at Milling Machines and Processes, Budak, Erhan (ed.), New York: Nova Science Publishers, April 2024, 207-241
Budak, Erhan, Machining process improvement through process twins Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on the Industry 4.0 Model for Advanced Manufacturing, Ni, Jun and Majstorovic, Vidosav D. and Djurdjanovic, Dragan (eds.), Switzerland: Springer, May 2018, 164-179
Budak, Erhan, CIRP Encyclopedia of Production Engineering (Chapter on machines) CIRP Encyclopedia of Production Engineering, Laperrière, Luc and Reinhart, Gunther (eds.), NY: Springer, July 2014
Budak, Erhan, Dynamic analysis and control Machining Dynamics: Fundamentals, Applications and Practices, Cheng, Kai (ed.), London, England: Springer, January 2009, 21-84
Budak, Erhan, Machining Dynamics Machining Dynamics, Cheng, Kai (ed.), -: Springer (forthcoming)

Papers in Conference Proceedings

Ebrahimi Araghizad, Arash and Tehranizadeh, Faraz and Pashmforoush, Farzad and Budak, Erhan, ” Advanced techniques in milling process monitoring “, Saklakoğlu, İ. Etem (ed.), 12th UTIS International Congress on Machining, UTIS, November 2024, 186-195
Mousavi, Vahid and Behrouz Baraghi, Seyedehsuzan and Budak, Erhan, ” Cutting-edge CBN grinding wheels: exploiting texturing for enhanced performance via attenuating heat generation “, Saklakoğlu, İ. Etem (ed.), 12th UTIS International Congress on Machining, UTIS, November 2024, 447-447
Pashmforoush, Farzad and Balçık, Gamze and Ebrahimi Araghizad, Arash and Budak, Erhan, ” Machine learning-based optimization for chatter-free milling with maximum productivity “, Saklakoğlu, İ. Etem (ed.), 12th UTIS International Congress on Machining, UTIS, November 2024, 434-443
Bagherzadeh, Amin and Sarghassabi, Mahzad and Budak, Erhan, ” New assesment to enhance efficiency of cryogenic turn-milling “, Saklakoğlu, İ. Etem (ed.), 12th UTIS International Congress on Machining, UTIS, November 2024, 534-534
Afridi, Saif Ahmad and Yüksel, Esra and Rivera, Gilbert and Hong, Seong-Wook and Budak, Erhan, ” Sensitvity analysis of rotating auxiliary components of a high-speed spindle shaft assembly “, Saklakoğlu, İ. Etem (ed.), 12th UTIS International Congress on Machining, UTIS, November 2024, 446-446
Mousavi, Vahid and Behrouz Baraghi, Seyedehsuzan and Budak, Erhan, ” Experimentally backed simulation of textured CBN grinding wheels for enhanced performance “, 20th International Conference on Precision Engineering (ICPE2024), Japan: Japan Society of Precision Engineering, October 2024
Ebrahimi Araghizad, Arash and Tehranizadeh, Faraz and Kılıç, Kemal and Budak, Erhan, ” Smart tool-related faults monitoring system using process simulation-based
machine learning algorithms
“, Jedrzejewski, Jerzy (ed.), XXXIV CIRP Sponsored Conference, Poland: Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, June 2023
Tehranizadeh, Faraz and Budak, Erhan, ” Special milling tools to suppress self-excited chatter vibrations in milling “, Conte, G. and Molnar, T. (eds.), 17th IFAC Workshop on Time Delay Systems, TDS 2022, Elsevier, December 2022, 115-120
Hatipoğlu, Ersen and Bakkal, Mustafa and Budak, Erhan, ” On the finite element modeling best practices for the metal cutting simulations “, Kılıç, Engin (ed.), 19th International Conference on Machine Design and Production (UMTIK), Atilim University, August 2022
Tehranizadeh, Faraz and Rahimzadeh Berenji, Kaveh and Budak, Erhan, ” Dalgalı talaş yüzeyli takımların kararlılık analizi ve takım optimizasyonu [Stability analysis of crest-cut end mills and the optimization of tool geometry] “, Özlü, Emre (ed.), 11th International Congress on Machining (UTIS), UTIS, December 2021
Yıldız, Saltuk and Tehranizadeh, Faraz and Rahimzadeh Berenji, Kaveh and Yavaş, Çağlar and Kurt, Seçil and Budak, Erhan, ” Evaluation of carbide end mills with different cutting geometries in machining of a titanium alloy “, Özlü, Emre (ed.), 11th International Congress on Machining (UTIS), UTIS, December 2021
Yüksel, Esra and Özlü, Emre and Oral, Ahmet and Tosun, Fulya and İğrek, Osman Fatih and Budak, Erhan, ” Gantry optimization of a 5-axis cnc machine tool considering dynamic modes “, Özlü, Emre (ed.), 11th International Congress on Machining (UTIS), UTIS, December 2021
Rahimzadeh Berenji, Kaveh and Ozsahin, Orkun and Budak, Erhan, ” Effect of spindle design on spindle dynamics and chatter stability “, International Symposium on Precision Engineering and Sustainable Manufacturing PRESM2021, The Korean Society for Precision Engineering, July 2021
Karataş, Gamze and Özsahin, Orkun and Ozguven, Nevzat and Budak, Erhan, “Design optimization of tool holder extension for enhanced chatter stability
by using component mode tuning method
“, 9th CIRP Conference on High Performance Cutting, Elsevier, May 2021, 294-297
Yüksel, Esra and Özlü, Emre and Oral, Ahmet and Tosun, Fulya and İğrek, Osman Fatih and Budak, Erhan, “Design and analysis of a 5-axis gantry CNC machine tool“, Mansour, G. and Tzetzis, D. and Kyratsis, P. (eds.), 7th International Conference of Materials and Manufacturing Engineering (ICMMEN 2020), EDP Sciences, August 2020
Özşahin, Orkun and Ritou, Mathieu and Budak, Erhan and Rabréau, Clément and Le Loch, Sebastien, ” Identification of spindle dynamics by receptance coupling for non-contact excitation system “, Mcleay, T. and Öztürk, Erdem and Msaoubi, R. (eds.), 17th CIRP Conference on Modelling of Machining Operations, Sheffield, UK: Elsevier, June 2019, 273-278
Yüksel, Esra and Budak, Erhan and Ertürk, Ahmet, ” Machine tool design optimization considering thermo-mechanical behaviour in the structure and at the interfaces “, 8th International Conference on Virtual Machining Process Technology (VMPT 2019), UBC, April 2019
Rahimzadeh Berenji, Kaveh and Özlü, Emre and Budak, Erhan, ” An experimental study on surface errors in orthogonal turn-milling process “, 9th International Congress on Machining (UTIS 2018), UTIS, November 2018
Barzegar Osgouei, Zahra and Özlü, Emre and Altan, Erhan and Budak, Erhan, ” Heat modeling for third deformation zone “, 9th International Congress on Machining (UTIS 2018), UTIS, November 2018
Jamshidi, Hamid and Budak, Erhan, ” Grinding temperature modeling based on a time dependent heat source “, Stephan, Gabor (ed.), 8th CIRP Conference on High Performance Cutting (HPC 2018), Elsevier, June 2018, 299-302
Rahimzadeh Berenji, Kaveh and Kara, Mehmet Emre and Budak, Erhan, ” Investigating high productivity conditions for turn-milling in comparison to conventional turning “, Stepan, Gabor (ed.), 8th CIRP Conference on High Performance Cutting (HPC 2018), Elsevier, June 2018, 259-262
Rahimzadeh Berenji, Kaveh and Karagüzel, Umut and Özlü, Emre and Budak, Erhan, ” Development of turn-milling machine tool program parameters based on basic cutting geometry “, 8th International Symposium on Machining, UTIS, November 2017
Barzegar Osgouei, Zahra and Budak, Erhan and Özlü, Emre, ” Modeling of tool temperature in orthogonal cutting “, 8th International Symposium on Machining, UTIS, November 2017
Karagüzel, Umut and Bakkal, Mustafa and Budak, Erhan, “Mechanical and thermal modeling of orthogonal turn-milling operation“, Outerio, Jose and Poulachon, Gerard (eds.), 16th CIRP Conference on Modelling of Machining Operations (16TH CIRP CMMO), Elsevier, July 2017, 287-292
Tehranizadeh, Faraz and Budak, Erhan, “Design of serrated end mills for improved productivity“, Outerio, Jose and Poulachon, Gerard (eds.), 16th CIRP Conference on Modelling of Machining Operations (16TH CIRP CMMO), Elsevier, June 2017, 493-498
Mohammadi, Yaser and Tunç, Taner L. and Budak, Erhan, “Investigation of process damping effect for multi-mode milling systems“, Outeiro, J. and Poulachon, G. (eds.), 16th CIRP Conference on Modelling of Machining Operations (16TH CIRP CMMO), Elsevier, June 2017, 198-203
Yüksel, Esra and Budak, Erhan and Ertürk, Ahmet S., “The effect of linear guide representation for topology optimization of a five-axis milling machine“, Outeiro, J. and Poulachon, G. (eds.), 16th CIRP Conference on Modelling of Machining Operations (16th CIRP CMMO), Elsevier, June 2017, 487-492
Yaqoob, Muhammad Hassan and Budak, Erhan, ” An alternative methodology for machine tool error determination through workpiece measurement “, 6th International Conference on Virtual Machining Process Technology (VMPT), Elsevier, May 2017
Jamshidi, Hamid and Yastıkcı, Batuhan and Gürtan, Mert and Budak, Erhan, ” Grinding force model for Inconel 718 with CBN and conventional wheels “, 6th International Conference on Virtual Machining Process Technology (VMPT), Elsevier, May 2017
Karagüzel, Umut and Bakkal, Mustafa and Budak, Erhan, ” Frezeyle tornalamada takımda ortaya çıkan termal deformasyonların modellenmesi “, Kaynak, Yusuf (ed.), 7. Uluslararası Talaşlı İmalat Sempozyumu (UTİS 2016), Marmara University, November 2016
Yastıkcı, Batuhan and Jamshidi, Hamid and Budak, Erhan, ” Experimental investigation of wear mechanisms with electroplated CBN wheel “, 19th International Symposium on Advances in Abrasive Technology, ISAAT, October 2016
Budak, Erhan, “Improving productivity in machining processes through modeling“, Bleicher, Friedrich (ed.), 3. Wiener Produktionstechnik Kongress 2016 Adaptive & Smart Manufacturing, TU Vienna, September 2016
Azvar, Milad and Budak, Erhan, “Multi-dimensional modelling of chatter stability in parallel turning operation“, 17th International Conference on Machine Design and Production, Atilim University, July 2016
Karagüzel, Umut and Bakkal, Mustafa and Budak, Erhan, ” Modeling and measurement of cutting temperatures in milling “, 7th CIRP Conference on High Performance Cutting (HPC 2016), Elsevier, June 2016, 173-176
Yılmaz, E. E. and Budak, Erhan and Özgüven, H. Nevzat, ” Modeling and measurement of micro end mill dynamics using inverse stability approach “, 7th CIRP Conference on High Performance Cutting (HPC 2016), Elsevier, June 2016, 242-245
Bakioğlu, Hayri and Özlü, Emre and Budak, Erhan, ” Dik kesme modelinde üçüncü deformasyon bölgesi kuvvetlerinin termomekanik modellenmesi “, Budak, Erhan (ed.), 6. Ulusal Talaşlı İmalat Sempozyumu, İstanbul: Sabanci University, November 2015
Özşahin, Orkun and Budak, Erhan and Özgüven, Nevzat H., ” Frezeleme esnasındaki tezgâh dinamiğinin belirlenmesi ve modellenmesi “, Budak, Erhan (ed.), 6. Ulusal Talaşlı İmalat Sempozyumu, İstanbul: Sabanci University, November 2015
Hatipoğlu, Ersen and Budak, Erhan and Bakkal, Mustafa, ” Mikro frezeleme işleminde yüzey oluşumunun modellenmesi “, Budak, Erhan (ed.), 6. Ulusal Talaşlı İmalat Sempozyumu, İstanbul: Sabanci University, November 2015
Yalçın, Turgut Köksal and Erberdi, Muharrem and Özlü, Emre and Budak, Erhan, ” Yüksek hızlı iş millerinin termal modellemesi “, Budak, Erhan (ed.), 6. Ulusal Talaşlı İmalat Sempozyumu, İstanbul: Sabanci University, November 2015
Putz, M. and Ihlenfeldt, S. and Karagüzel, U. and Semmler, U. and Budak, Erhan and Bakkal, Mustafa and Wertheim, R., ” Improving performance of turn-milling by controlling forces and thermally induced tool-center point (TCP) displacement “, Holger, Kohl and Seliger, Gunter and Mallon, Jurgen (eds.), 13th Global Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing: Decoupling Growth from Resource Use, Amsterdam: Elsevier, September 2015
Bilgen, Samet and Özlü, Emre and Erberdi, Muharrem S. and Budak, Erhan, ” An experimental study of CNC machine tool feed drive limits and cycle time prediction for a 3-axis milling operation “, Kaftanoğlu, Bilgin and Budak, Erhan (eds.), 8th International Conference and Exhibition on Design and Production of Machines and DIES/MOLDS, Ankara: Atilim University, June 2015
Hatipoğlu, Ersen and Budak, Erhan and Bakkal, Mustafa, ” Experimental investigation of tool wear in micro milling “, Kaftanoğlu, Bilgin and Budak, Erhan (eds.), 8th International Conference and Exhibition on Design and Production of Machines and DIES/MOLDS, Ankara: Atilim University, June 2015
Albayrak, Mehmet and Yalçın, Turgut Köksal and Erberdi, Muharrem and Özlü, Emre and Budak, Erhan, ” Static and dynamic analysis of different machine tool spindles “, Kaftanoğlu, Bilgin and Budak, Erhan (eds.), 8th International Conference and Exhibition on Design and Production of Machines and DIES/MOLDS, Ankara: Atilim University, June 2015
Karagüzel, Umut and Budak, Erhan and Bakkal, Mustafa, ” Cutting temperature and tool wear in turn-milling “, Altıntaş, Yusuf (ed.), 4th International Conference on Virtual Machining Process Technology, Canada, Vancouver, BC: UBC (University of British Columbia), May 2015
Çelebi, Ceren and Özlü, Emre and Budak, Erhan, ” Experimental and analytical investigation of third deformation zone in orthogonal cutting “, Altıntaş, Yusuf (ed.), 4th International Conference on Virtual Machining Process Technology, Canada, Vancouver, BC: UBC (University of British Columbia), May 2015
Bakioğlu, Hayri and Özlü, Emre and Budak, Erhan, ” Thermo-mechanical modeling of cutting forces in micro endmilling operations “, Altıntaş, Yusuf (ed.), 4th International Conference on Virtual Machining Process Technology, Canada, Vancouver, BC: UBC (University of British Columbia), May 2015
Aslan, Deniz and Kocaefe, Mert and Budak, Erhan, ” Çevresel kanallı taşlar ile satıh taşlama operasyonunun modellenmesi (Modeling of surface grinding operation with circumferentially grooved wheels) “, 5. Ulusal Talaşlı İmalat Sempozyumu (UTİS 2014), Bursa, Türkiye: Uludağ Universitesi, November 2014
Uysal, Emre and Karagüzel, Umut and Budak, Erhan and Bakkal, Mustafa, ” Dik frezeyle tornalama işleminde eksenler arası ofsetin etkisi ve takım ömrü (Tool life and the effect of axis offset in orthogonal turn-milling) “, 5. Ulusal Talaşlı İmalat Sempozyumu (UTİS 2014), Bursa, Türkiye: Uludağ Universitesi, October 2014
Hatipoğlu, Ersen and Budak, Erhan, ” Mikro frezeleme işleminde kesme parametrelerinin yüzey ve talaş oluşumuna etkisinin deneysel olarak incelenmesi (Experimental investigation of cutting parameters effect on surface generation and burr formation in micro milling) “, 5. Ulusal Talaşlı İmalat Sempozyumu (UTİS 2014), Bursa, Türkiye: Uludağ Universitesi, October 2014
Baytok, Esma and Özlü, Emre and Budak, Erhan, ” Titanyum ve alaşımlarının yüksek performanslı işlenmesi (High performance machining of titanium and its alloys) “, 5. Ulusal Talaşlı İmalat Sempozyumu (UTİS 2014), Bursa, Türkiye: Uludağ Üniversitesi, October 2014
Uysal, Emre and Karagüzel, Umut and Budak, Erhan and Bakkal, Mustafa, ” Investigating eccentricity effects in turn-milling operations “, 6th CIRP International Conference on High Performance Cutting (HPC2014), Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier, June 2014, 176-181
Aslan, Deniz and Budak, Erhan, ” Semi-analytical force model for grinding operations “, 6th CIRP International Conference on High Performance Cutting (HPC2014), Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier, June 2014, 7-12
Yiğit, Ufuk and Ciğeroğlu, Ender and Budak, Erhan, ” Chatter reduction in turning by using piezoelectric shunt circuits “, Allemang, Randall and De Clerck, James and Niezrecki, Christopher and Wicks, Alfred (eds.), IMAC-XXXI Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics, New York: Springer 2014, 415-420
Karagüzel, Umut and Olgun, Utku and Uysal, Emre and Budak, Erhan and Bakkal, Mustafa, ” High performance turning of high temperature alloys on multi-tasking machine tools “, Denkena, Berend (ed.), 4th Machining Innovations Conference, Switzerland: Springer 2014, 1-9
Yasa, E. and Orhangül, A. and Songüler, S. C. and Platin, S. and Baytok, E. and Özlü, E. and Tunç, T. and Budak, Erhan, ” Assessment of machinability performance in 5-axis milling of inconel 718 alloy with different carbide grades “, 7th International Conference and Exhibition on Design and Production of Machines and Dies/Molds, -: Machines and Dies / Molds 2013
Çakır, Esin and Karagüzel, Umut and Olgun, Utku and Özlü, Emre and Bakkal, Mustafa and Budak, Erhan, ” Dik kesme durumunda kesme sıcaklığının analitik modellenmesi ve deneysel olarak doğrulanması (Modeling of temperature distribution in orthogonal cutting and experimental verfication) “, 4. Ulusal Talaşlı İmalat Sempozyumu (UTİS 2013), Izmir, Turkey: Ege University 2013, 129-138
Baytok, Esma and Tuna, Başak and Toprak, Ayhan and Özlü, Emre and Budak, Erhan, ” Freze ve delik delme işlemlerinde kullanılan karbür takımların sistematik olarak performans karşılaştırması (Performance comparison of milling and drilling carbide tools) “, 4. Ulusal Talaşlı İmalat Sempozyumu (UTİS 2013), Izmir, Turkey: Ege University 2013, 185-201
Olgun, Utku and Budak, Erhan, ” Machining of difficult-to-cut-alloys using rotary turning tools “, 14th CIRP Conference on Modeling of Machining Operations (CIRP CMMO), Philadelphia, PA, USA: Elsevier 2013, 81-87
Çelebi, Ceren and Özlü, E. and Budak, Erhan, ” Modeling and experimental investigation of edge hone and flank contact effects in metal cutting “, 14th CIRP Conference on Modeling of Machining Operations (CIRP CMMO), Philadelphia, PA, USA: Elsevier 2013, 194-199
Çomak, A. and Koca, R. and Özkırımlı, Ö. M. and Budak, Erhan, ” Modeling and simulation based design of variable pitch and variable helix milling tools for increased chatter stability “, 7th International Conference and Exhibition on Design and Production of Machines and Dies/Molds, -: Machines and Dies / Molds 2013
Koca, Recep and Budak, Erhan, ” Optimization of serrated end mills for reduced cutting energy and higher stability “, 14th CIRP Conference on Modeling of Machining Operations (CIRP CMMO), Philadelphia, PA, USA: Elsevier 2013, 570-575
Nizamoğulları, A. and Çomak, Alptunç and Budak, Erhan, ” Paralel tornalama işlevini gerçekleştiren CNC torna tezgahının tasarımı, kesici uç ömrü ve kesme kararlılığı incelemeleri (Cutting tool life, cutting stability and process time review on designed and manufactured CNC turning machine which performs the parallel turning function) “, 4. Ulusal Talaşlı İmalat Sempozyumu (UTİS 2013), Izmir, Turkey: Ege University 2013, 339-357
Aslan, Deniz and Budak, Erhan, ” Satıh taşlama operasyonunda kuvvet ve sıcaklık modellemesi (Force and temperature modeling for surface grinding operation) “, 4. Ulusal Talaşlı İmalat Sempozyumu (UTİS 2013), Izmir, Turkey: Ege University 2013, 359-373
Çomak, Alptunç and Koca, Recep and Özlü, Emre and Özşahin, Orkun and Öztürk, Erdem and Tunç, Taner and Uysal, Emre and Budak, Erhan and Özgüven, H. Nevzat, ” Talaşlı imalat süreçlerinin kararlılığı ve takım tezgah dinamiği (Machining process stability and machine tool dynamics) “, Şakar, Gürkan (ed.), 16. Ulusal Makina Teorisi Sempozyumu (UMTS 2013), Erzurum, Turkey: Ataturk University 2013, 114-124
Karagüzel, Umut and Bakkal, Mustafa and Budak, Erhan, ” Process modeling of turn-milling using analytical approach “, Shamato, Eiji (ed.), 3rd CIRP Conference on Process Machine Interactions (PMI), Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier, November 2012, 131-139
Çomak, Alptunç and Budak, Erhan, ” Eşzamanlı frezeleme operasyonlarının dinamiği ve kararlılığı “, Şeker, Ulvi (ed.), 3. Ulusal Talaşlı İmalat Sempozyumu (UTIS 2012), Ankara, Türkiye: Gazi Üniversitesi, October 2012
Budak, Erhan, ” Suppression of chatter vibrations in simultaneous machining operations “, 15th International Machine Tool Engineers’ Conference (IMEC), Tokyo, Japan: Japan Machine Tool Builders’ Association, October 2012
Budak, Erhan, ” Improving 5-axis milling operations using process models “, Kolar, Petr (ed.), 9th International Conference on Machine Tools, Automation, Technology and Robotics (MATAR 2012), Prag, Czech Republic: MM Science Journal, September 2012
Özşahin, Orkun and Budak, Erhan and Özgüven, H. Nevzat, ” Analytical modeling of the machine tool spindle dynamics under operational conditions “, Hinduja, Srichand and Li, Lin (eds.), 37th International MATADOR Conference, Germany: Springer, July 2012, 117-122
Çomak, Alptunç and Budak, Erhan, ” Chatter stability of parallel milling operations “, 15. Uluslararası Makina Tasarım ve İmalat Kongresi (UMTİK 2012), Ankara, Turkey: METU (Middle East Technical University), June 2012
Özlü, Emre and Tunç, Lütfi Taner and Güven, İpek and Budak, Erhan, ” Industrial applications of science integrated machining approach “, Kılıç, Engin (ed.), 15. Uluslararası Makina Tasarım ve İmalat Kongresi (UMTİK 2012), Ankara, Turkey: METU (Middle East Technical University), June 2012
Çakır, Esin and Özlü, Emre and Bakkal, Mustafa and Budak, Erhan, ” Modeling of temperature distribution in orthogonal cutting with dual-zone contact at rake face “, 1st International Conference on Virtual Machining Process Technology (VMPT), Montreal, Canada: Ecole Polytechnic, May 2012
Tunç, Lütfi Taner and Budak, Erhan, ” Effect of cutting conditions and tool geometry on process damping in machining “, Bouzakis, K. (ed.), 4th International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering (ICMEN2011), Thessaloniki, Greece: Aristoteles University of Thessaloniki, October 2011
Özkırımlı, Ömer M. and Tunç, Taner L. and Budak, Erhan, ” Simulation of multi-axis machining processes using z-mapping technique “, Kaftanoğlu, Bilgin and Budak, Erhan (eds.), 6th International Conference and Exhibition on Design and Production of Machines and Dies/Molds, Ankara, Turkey: Atılım University, June 2011
Özşahin, Orkun and Budak, Erhan and Özgüven, Nevzat H., ” Investigating dynamics of machine tool spindles under operational conditions “, Outeiro, J. C. (ed.), 13th CIRP Modeling of Machining Operations, Switzerland: Trans Tech Publications, May 2011, 610-621
Aran, Volkan and Budak, Erhan, ” An experimental study on dynamics and stability of miniature end mills “, Outeiro, J. C. (ed.), 13th CIRP Conference on Modelling of Machining Operations, Zurich, Switzerland: Trans Tech Publications 2011, 869-878
Akçay, Recep and Memiş, Emre K. and Özlü, Emre and Budak, Erhan, ” Havacılık sanayinde süreç optimizasyonu için kararlılık diyagramlarının kullanımı “, 2. Ulusal Talaşlı İmalat Sempozyumu (UTIS 2010), Konya, Türkiye: Selçuk Üniversitesi, October 2010
Tunç, Taner L. and Özkırımlı, Ömer Mehmet and Öztürk, Erdem and Murtezaoğlu, Yavuz and Budak, Erhan, ” Machining strategy development in 5-axis milling operations using process models “, 4th CIRP International Conference on High Performance Cutting (HPC 2010), Paris, France: CIRP, October 2010
Öztürk, Erdem and Budak, Erhan, ” Modeling dynamics of parallel turning operations “, 4th CIRP International Conference on High Performance Cutting (HPC 2010), Paris, France: CIRP, October 2010
Özkırımlı, Ömer Mehmet and Budak, Erhan, ” Process simulation for 5-axis machining using generalized milling tool geometries “, 14. Uluslararası Makina Tasarım ve İmalat Kongresi (UMTİK 2010), Ankara, Türkiye: Ortadoğu Teknik Üniversitesi, July 2010
Öztürk, Erdem and Budak, Erhan, ” Tool orientation effects on the geometry of 5-axis ball-end milling “, Hinduja, Srichand and Li, Lin (eds.), 36th International Matador Conference, Berlin, Germany: Springer, July 2010, 243-246
Akçay, Recep and Memiş, Emre K. and Özlü, Emre and Budak, Erhan, ” Increasing productivity in high speed milling of airframe components using chatter stability diagrams “, Altıntaş, Yusuf (ed.), 2nd International CIRP Conference on Process Machine Interactions (PMI 2010), Paris, France: CIRP, June 2010
Öztürk, Erdem and Budak, Erhan, ” Modeling dynamics of parallel milling processes in time-domain “, Altıntaş, Yusuf (ed.), 2nd International CIRP Conference on Process Machine Interactions (PMI 2010), Paris, France: CIRP, June 2010
Özlü, Emre and Engin, Şerafettin and Cook, Cristina and El-Wardany, Tahany and Budak, Erhan, ” Simulation of broaching operations for tool design optimization “, 2nd International CIRP Conference on Process Machine Interactions (PMI 2010), Paris, France: CIRP, June 2010
Öztürk, Erdem and Özkırımlı, Ömer Mehmet and Süren, Gökhan and Budak, Erhan and Aksu, B., ” Increasing productivity in die machining through process modelling “, 5th International Conference and Exhibition on Design And Production of Machines And Dies/Molds, Kuşadası, Aydın, Türkiye: CIRP (International Academy for Production Engineering), June 2009
Özşahin, Orkun and Özgüven, H. Nevzat and Budak, Erhan, ” Mass loading effect of accelerometers on tool point FRF and stability diagrams “, 12th CIRP Conference on Modeling and Machining Operations, San Sebastion, Spain: CIRP (International Academy for Production Engineering) 2009
Özlü, Emre and Budak, Erhan, ” Process modeling of orthogonal cutting with hone radiused tools “, 12th CIRP Conference on Modeling and Machining Operations, San Sebastian, Spain: CIRP (International Academy for Production Engineering) 2009
Budak, Erhan and Tunç, Taner L., ” A new method for identification and modeling of process damping in
“, First International Conference on Process Machine Interactions, Hannover, Germany: Leibniz Universität, September 2008
Aksu, Burak and Özlü, Emre and Budak, Erhan, ” Analysis and modeling of edge forces in orthogonal cutting “, International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering, Greece:, September 2008
Budak, Erhan and Çatay, Bülent and Tekin, İbrahim and Yenigün, Hüsnü and Abbak, Mehmet and Drannikov, Sergey and Şimşek, Oya, ” Design of an RFID-based manufacturing monitoring and analysis system “, RFID Eurasia, Istanbul: Istanbul Technical University, September 2007, 259-264
Budak, Erhan and Çatay, Bülent and Tekin, İbrahim and Yenigün, Hüsnü and Abbak, Mehmet and Drannikov, Sergey, ” Microstrip patch antenna for RFID applications “, RFID Eurasia, Istanbul, Turkey: Istanbul Technical University, September 2007, 265-267
Budak, Erhan, ” Machining stability and machine tool dynamics “, Ekinovic, S. (ed.), 11th International Research/Expert Conference ” Trends in the Development of the Machinery and Associated Technology”, Bosnia: Univ. of Zenica, August 2007
Öztürk, Erdem and Özlü, Emre and Budak, Erhan, ” Modeling dynamics and stability of 5-axis milling processes “, Micari, Fabrizio and Filice, Luigino (eds.), 10th CIRP INternational Workshop on Modeling of Machining OPerations, Calabria, Italy: University of Calabria, August 2007
Tunc, Taner and Budak, Erhan, ” Optimization of 5-Axis milling processes based on the process models with application to airfoil machining “, Micari, Fabrizio and Filice, Luigino (eds.), 10th CIRP International Workshop on Modeling of Machining OPerations, Calabria, Italy: University of Calabria, August 2007
Özlü, Emre and Budak, Erhan and Molinari, Alain, ” Thermomechanical modeling of orthogonal cutting including the effect of stick-slide regions on the rake face “, Micari, Fabrizio and Filice, Luigino (eds.), 10th CIRP INternational Workshop on Modeling of Machining OPerations, Calabria, Italy: University of Calabria, August 2007
Özlü, Emre and Budak, Erhan, ” Experimental analysis and modeling of orthogonal cutting using material and friction models “, Kaftanoglu, Bilgin and Budak, Erhan and Akkok, Metin and Fırat, Mehmet (eds.), 4th International Conference and Exhibition on Machines and Design and Production of Dies and Molds, Ankara, Turkey: METU, June 2007
Özelkan, Ertunga and Öztürk, Özkan and Budak, Erhan, ” Optimization of broaching design “, Bayraksan, G. and Lin, W. and Son, Y. and Wysk, R. (eds.), 2007 Industrial Engineering Research Conference, USA: – 2007
Özlü, Emre and Budak, Erhan, ” Analytical stability models for turning and boring operations “, 2nd International Conference on High Speed Cutting,, June 2006
Özlü, Emre and Budak, Erhan, ” Analytical prediction of stability limit in turning operations “, CIRP International Workshop on Modeling of Machining Operations,, May 2006, 99-106
Tunç, L. Taner and Budak, Erhan and Öztürk, Erdinç, ” Optimization of 5-axis milling processes using process models “, 9th CIRP International Workshop on Modeling of Machining Operations,, May 2006, 179-186
Tunç, L. Taner and Budak, Erhan, ” 5 eksen frezeleme süreçlerinin modelleme yoluyla benzetimi ve eniyilenmesi “, TIMAK Conference, Balıkesir: Balıkesir Üniversitesi, April 2006
Öztürk, Erdem and Budak, Erhan, ” 5 eksen frezelemede kuvvet ve şekil hatalarının modellenmesi “, TIMAK Conference, Balıkesir: Balıkesir Üniversitesi, April 2006
Özlü, Emre and Budak, Erhan, ” Tornalama işlemlerinde süreç kararlılığının analitik olarak modellenmesi “, TİMAK Kongresi,, April 2006
Budak, Erhan and Tekeli, Erkin, ” Maximizing chatter free material removal rate in milling through optimal selection of axial and radial depth of cut pairs “, 55th General Assembly of CIRP, Bern, Switzerland: CIRP, July 2005, 353-356
Öztürk, Erdem and Budak, Erhan, ” Modeling of 5-axis forces “, Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Modeling of Machining Operations, Chemnitz, Germany: -, May 2005, 319-326
Budak, Erhan, ” High performance milling “, Aerotrends 2004 Conference,, July 2004
Kayhan, Mehmet and Budak, Erhan, ” Investigating effects of chatter vibrations on tool wear in turning “, 4th CIRP International Seminar on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering,, July 2004, 679-684
Köktürk, Utku and Budak, Erhan, ” Optimization of broaching tool geometry “, International Seminar on Intelligent Computation i, CIRP, July 2004, 393-398
Çimren, Emrah and Çatay, Bülent and Budak, Erhan, ” Development of a machine tool selection system using analytic hierarchy process “, 4th CIRP International Seminar on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering (CIRP ICME ’04), Paris, France: CIRP, May 2004, 193-198

Volumes Edited / Special Issues

Urbikain, Gorka and Olvera-Trejo, Daniel and Budak, Erhan and Wan, Min, Special issue on machining systems and signal processing: advancing machining processes through algorithms, sensors and devices, Elsevier, January 2023
Budak, Erhan, Special issue: chatter stability of machining processes, Springer, September 2018
Budak, Erhan, Production methods for difficult-to-manufacture materials, Springer (forthcoming)

Working Paper / Technical Report

Ulusoy, Gündüz and Kılıç, Kemal and Özlü, Emre and Altekin, Fatma Tevhide and Çatay, Bülent and Budak, Erhan and Pasin, Merih and Karaata, Enver Selçuk and Varandi, Siamak, “Sanayide Dijitalleşme Stratejileri Çalıştayı – Taslak rapor”, September 2017