Article |
Kavaklı, Kerim Can and Chatagnier, J. Tyson and Hatipoğlu, Emre, (2020) “The power to hurt and the effectiveness of international sanctions”, Journal of Politics, Vol.82, No.3, 879-894 (SSCI) |
Hatipoğlu, Emre and Gökçe, Osman Zeki and Arın, İnanç and Saygın, Yücel, (2019) “Automated text analysis and international relations: the introduction and application of a novel technique for Twitter”, All Azimuth: A Journal of Foreign Policy and Peace, Vol.8, No.2, 183-204 (ESCI) |
Yalçınkaya, Haldun and Hatipoğlu, Emre and Açar, Dilaver Arıkan and Çelikpala, Mitat, (2018) “Turkish efforts in peacekeeping and the introduction of the TUBAKOV dataset: an exploratory analysis”, International Peacekeeping, Vol.25, No.4, 475-496 (SSCI) |
Hatipoğlu, Emre and Peksen, Dursun, (2018) “Economic sanctions and banking crises in target economies”, Defence and Peace Economics, Vol.29, No.2, 171-189 (SSCI) |
Hatipoğlu, Emre and Palmer, Glenn, (2016) “Contextualizing change in Turkish foreign policy: the promise of the ‘two-good’ theory”, Cambridge Review of International Affairs, Vol.29, No.1, 231-250 (SSCI) |
Hatipoğlu, Emre and Gökçe, Osman Zeki and Dinçer, Berkay and Saygın, Yücel, (2016) “Sosyal medya ve Türk dış politikası: Kobani tweetleri üzerinden Türk dış politikası algısı (Social media and Turkish foreign policy: Turkish foregin policy perceptions through Kobane tweets)”, Uluslararasi İlişkiler Dergisi, Vol.13, No.52, 175-197 (SSCI) |
Zenelaj, Reina and Beriker, Nimet and Hatipoğlu, Emre, (2015) “Determinants of mediation success in post-conflict Bosnia: a focused comparison”, Australian Journal of International Affairs, Vol.69, No.4, 414-437 (SSCI) |
Gökçe, Osman Zeki and Hatipoğlu, Emre and Göktürk, Gökhan and Luetgert, Brooke and Saygın, Yücel, (2014) “Twitter and politics: identifying Turkish opinion leaders in new social media”, Turkish Studies, Vol.15, No.4, 671-688 (SSCI) |
Hatipoğlu, Emre and Müftüler-Baç, Meltem and Murphy, Teri Lynne, (2014) “Simulation games in teaching international relations: insights from a multi-day, multi-stage, multi-issue simulation on Cyprus”, International Studies Perspectives, Vol.15, No.4, 394-406 (SSCI) |
Hatipoğlu, Emre, (2014) “A story of institutional misfit: Congress and U.S. economic sanctions”, Foreign Policy Analysis, Vol.10, No.4, 431-445 (SSCI) |
Hatipoğlu, Emre and Luetgert, Brooke, (2013) “Türk siyasi partileri, seçim bildirgeleri ve Ortadoğu”, Ortadoğu Analiz, Vol.5, No.50, 41-54 () |
Hatipoğlu, Emre and Palmer, Glenn, (2012) “Interstate conflict: recent findings and controversies”, Terrorism and Political Violence (SI), Vol.24, No.4, 601-618 (SSCI) |
Book |
Turkey and the EU: energy, transport and competition policies, Evin, Ahmet and Hatipoğlu, Emre and Balazs, Peter (eds.), Netherlands: Claeys & Casteels Publishing, June 2016 |
Book Section / Chapter |
Hatipoğlu, Emre, Turkish transport policy and the EU: areas of cooperation and conflict Turkey and the EU: Energy, Transport and Competition Policies, Evin, Ahmet and Hatipoğlu, Emre and Balazs, Peter (eds.), Netherlands: Claeys & Casteels Publishing, June 2016, 139-170 |
Hatipoğlu, Emre and Aslan, İlker and Luetgert, Brooke, Foreign policy and the EU in Turkish politics: exploring trends in electoral manifestos Turkey and the European Union: Strategic Partners and Competitors, Balazs, Peter and Evin, Ahmet (eds.), Budapest, Hungary: Central European University Press 2015, 17-36 |
Evin, Ahmet and Hatipoğlu, Emre, Convergence or divergence: EU and Turkish foreign policy over the last decade A European Union with 36 Members? Perspectives and Risks, Balazs, Peter (ed.), Budapest, Hungary: Center for EU Enlargement Studies 2014, 185-198 |
Hatipoğlu, Emre, Karşılaştırmalı siyasette yöntem Karşılaştırmalı Siyaset: Temel Konular ve Yaklaşımlar, Sayarı, Sabri and Dikici Bilgin, Hasret (eds.), İstanbul: İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları, September 2013, 25-44 |
Hatipoğlu, Emre, ABD dış politikasında Kongre’nin rolü (Congress’s role in US foreign policy) Yakın Dönem Amerikan Dış Politikası: Teori ve Pratik, Çakmak, Cenap and Dinç, Cengiz and Öztürk, Ahmet (eds.), Ankara: Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık 2012 |
Hatipoğlu, Emre, Otoriter rejimler Karşılaştırmalı Siyasal Sistemler, Kalaycıoğlu, Ersin and Kağnıcıoğlu, Deniz (eds.), Eskişehir, Türkiye: Anadolu Üniversitesi Yayınları 2012, 144-163 |
Monograph |
Bollino, Carlo Andrea and Efird, Brian and Hasanov, Fakhri and Hatipoğlu, Emre, “Iran sanctions: implications for the oil market”, Riyadh: KAPSARC (King Abdullah Petroleum Studies and Research Center), May 2019 |
Tülüş, Cana and Tongal, Çiğdem and Hatipoğlu, Emre, “Afghanistan in transition: institution and security nexus”, Istanbul: Istanbul Policy Center, August 2014 |
Working Paper / Technical Report |
Hatipoğlu, Emre, “Enerji güvenliği”, November 2019 |
Hatipoğlu, Emre and Müftüler-Baç, Meltem and Karakoç, Ekrem, “Explaining variation in public support to Turkey’s EU accession: Turco-scepticism in Europe”, July 2014 |
Hatipoğlu, Emre, “Savaşın ve barışın nedenleri: siyasi kurumlar, demokrasi ve ötesi”, October 2019 |
Aldayel, Abdullah and Al Quayid, Al Jawhara and Considine, Jennifer and Hatipoğlu, Emre, “The impact of global trade disruptions on world oil markets”, November 2019, Sabancı University ID:KS–2019–II14 |