// see sortall.h // *************************** // // some of the sort functions here are implemented twice to // better illustrate how the Comparer template parameter is used. // In "production" versions, there would only be one sort, which would // use the Comparer template parameter and which would be called by // a one line version of a sort function without the Comparer // parameter --- see the SelectionSort function for how this is done // both InsertionSort and MergeSort use duplicated code // // *************************** const int CUTOFF = 30; // used in quick/merge sorts template void Swap(vector & v,int j, int k) // precondition: v[j] references value A, v[k] references value B // postcondition: v[k] references value B, v[k] references value A { Type temp = v[j]; v[j] = v[k]; v[k] = temp; } template void Insert(vector & a ,int left,int right, const Comparer & comp) // precondition: left <= right // postcondition: a[left] <= ... <= a[right] // // standard insertion sort between left/right // for use in small quick/merge cases as well { int k,loc; for(k=left+1;k<=right;k++) { // shift elements to make room for a[k] Type hold = a[k]; // insert this element loc = k; // location for insertion while (left < loc && comp.compare(hold,a[loc-1]) < 0) { a[loc] = a[loc-1]; loc--; } a[loc] = hold; } } template void InsertSort(vector & a, int size, const Comparer & comp) // precondition: size = # of elements of a // postcondition: a is sorted // // uses insertion sort { Insert(a,0,size-1,comp); } template void Insert(vector & a ,int left,int right) // precondition: left <= right // postcondition: a[left] <= ... <= a[right] // // standard insertion sort between left/right // for use in small quick/merge cases as well { int k,loc; for(k=left+1;k<=right;k++) { // shift elements to make room for a[k] Type hold = a[k]; // insert this element loc = k; // location for insertion while (left < loc && hold < a[loc-1]) { a[loc] = a[loc-1]; loc--; } a[loc] = hold; } } template void InsertSort(vector & a, int size) // precondition: size = # of elements of a // postcondition: a is sorted // // uses insertion sort { Insert(a,0,size-1); } template void SelectSort(vector & a, int size, const Comparer & comp) // precondition: size = # of elements of a // postcondition: a is sorted // // standard selection sort { int j,k,min; for(j=0; j< size-1;j++) { min = j; for(k=j+1; k void SelectSort(vector & a, int size) // precondition: size = # of elements of a // postcondition: a is sorted // // standard selection sort { int j,k,min; for(j=0; j< size-1;j++) { min = j; for(k=j+1; k void BubbleSort(vector & a, int n) // precondition: n = # of elements in a // postcondition: a is sorted // note: this is a dog of a sort { int j,k; for(j=n-1; j > 0; j--) { // find largest element in 0..k, move to a[j] for(k=0; k < j; k++) { if (a[k+1] < a[k]) { Swap(a,k,k+1); } } } } template void ShellSort(vector & a, int n) // precondition: n = # elements in a // postcondition: a is sorted // // shell sort using Hibbard increments, see Weiss "Algorithms, Data Structures and // Problem Solving with C++" { int h,j,k,loc,increment; for(h=1; h <= n/2; h *= 2 ) { // found power of 2 closest to n/2 } h--; // went past n/2 in loop guard while (h > 0) { // insertion sort using jumps of 'size' h, see InsertSort above for(k=h; k < n; k++) { Type hold = a[k]; loc = k; while (h <= loc && hold < a[loc-h]) { a[loc] = a[loc-h]; loc -= h; } a[loc] = hold; } h /= 2; } } template void Merge(vector & a, vector & b, int left,int mid,int right) // precondition: a sorted from a[left] ... a[mid] and from // a[mid+1] to a[right] // extra storage passed in as vector b // postcondition: a sorted from a[left] ... a[right] { int lk=left; // a's left index int rk = mid+1; // a's right index int bk = left; // b's index while (lk <= mid && rk <= right) // both parts non-empty? { if (a[lk] <= a[rk]) { b[bk] = a[lk]; lk++; } else { b[bk] = a[rk]; rk++; } bk++; } // finish any leftovers in a (only one of loops below executes) while (lk <= mid) { b[bk] = a[lk]; bk++; lk++; } while(rk <= right) { b[bk] = a[rk]; bk++; rk++; } // copy b back to a for(lk=left; lk <= right; lk++) { a[lk] = b[lk]; } } template void Merge(vector & a, vector & b, int left,int mid,int right, const Comparer & comp) // precondition: a sorted from a[left] ... a[mid] and from // a[mid+1] to a[right] // extra storage passed in as vector b // postcondition: a sorted from a[left] ... a[right] { int lk=left; // a's left index int rk = mid+1; // a's right index int bk = left; // b's index while (lk <= mid && rk <= right) // both parts non-empty? { if (comp.compare(a[lk],a[rk]) <= 0) { b[bk] = a[lk]; lk++; } else { b[bk] = a[rk]; rk++; } bk++; } // finish any leftovers in a (only one of loops below executes) while (lk <= mid) { b[bk] = a[lk]; bk++; lk++; } while(rk <= right) { b[bk] = a[rk]; bk++; rk++; } // copy b back to a for(lk=left; lk <= right; lk++) { a[lk] = b[lk]; } } template void DoMerge(vector & a, vector & temp, int left,int right, const Comparer & comp) // postcondition: a[left] <= ... <= a[right], // temp.length() == a.length(), temp is temp array for merging { int mid = (left+right)/2; if (right - left > CUTOFF) { DoMerge(a, temp, left,mid,comp); DoMerge(a, temp, mid+1,right,comp); Merge(a, temp, left,mid,right,comp); } else { Insert(a,left,right,comp); } } template void MergeSort(vector & a,int n) { MergeSort(a, n, Comparer()); } template void MergeSort(vector & a, int n, const Comparer & comp) { vector temp(a.length()); DoMerge(a,temp,0,n-1,comp); } template int Median(vector & a,int first,int last, const Comparer& comp) // postcondition: returns index of median element of // a[first],a[last],a[mid], mid = (first+last)/2 { int mid=(first+last)/2; if (comp.compare(a[first],a[mid]) < 0) { if (comp.compare(a[mid],a[last]) < 0) return mid; else if (comp.compare(a[first],a[last]) < 0) return last; else return first; } else { if (comp.compare(a[first],a[last]) < 0) return first; else if (comp.compare(a[last],a[mid]) < 0) return mid; else return last; } } template int Pivot(vector & a,int first,int last,const Compare& comp) // postcondition: returns piv such that // first <= k <= piv, a[k] <= a[piv] // piv < k <= last, a[piv] < a[k] // standard Bently/ola pivot routine { int k,p=first; Swap(a,first,Median(a,first,last,comp)); Type piv = a[first]; for(k=first+1;k<=last;k++) { if (comp.compare(a[k],piv) <= 0) { p++; Swap(a,k,p); } } Swap(a,p,first); return p; } template void Quick(vector & a,int first,int last,const Compare& comp) // postcondition: a[first] <= ... <= a[list] { int piv; if (last - first > CUTOFF) { piv = Pivot(a,first,last,comp); Quick(a,first,piv-1,comp); Quick(a,piv+1,last,comp); } else { Insert(a,first,last,comp); } } template void QuickSort(vector & a, int size,const Compare& comp) // precondition: size = # of elements of a // postcondition: a is sorted { Quick(a,0,size - 1,comp); } template void QuickSort(vector & a, int size) // precondition: size = # of elements of a // postcondition: a is sorted { Quick(a,0,size - 1,Comparer()); } template void Heapify(vector & a, int vroot, int size) // precondition: subheaps of vroot are heaps: shape and property // postcondition: heap rooted at vroot is a heap { Type rootval = a[vroot]; int child; int k = vroot; while (2*k+1 < size) { child = 2*k+1; // if there's a right child, and it's bigger, move the larger if (child+1 < size && a[child] < a[child+1]) { child++; } if (a[child] < rootval) break; a[k] = a[child]; k = child; } a[k] = rootval; } template void HeapSort(vector& a, int size) { int k; for(k=(size-2)/2; k >= 0; k--) { Heapify(a,k,size); } for(k=size-1; k >= 1; k--) { Swap(a,0,k); Heapify(a,0,k); } } template int search(const vector& list, const Type& key) // precondition: list.size() == # elements in list // postcondition: returns index of key in list, -1 if key not found { int k; for(k=0; k < list.size(); k++) { if (list[k] == key) { return k; } } return -1; // reach here only when key not found } template int search(const vector& list, const Type& key, const Comparer& c) // precondition: list.size() == # elements in list // postcondition: returns index of key in list, -1 if key not found // uses c.compare for equality condition { int k; for(k=0; k < list.size(); k++) { if (c.compare(list[k],key)==0) { return k; } } return -1; // reach here only when key not found } template int bsearch(const vector& list, const Type& key) // precondition: list.size() == # elements in list, list sorted // postcondition: returns index of key in list, -1 if key not found { int low = 0; // leftmost possible entry int high = list.size()-1; // rightmost possible entry int mid; // middle of current range while (low <= high) { mid = (low + high)/2; if (list[mid] == key) // found key, exit search { return mid; } else if (list[mid] < key) // key in upper half { low = mid + 1; } else // key in lower half { high = mid - 1; } } return -1; // not in list } template int bsearch(const vector& list, const Type& key, const Comparer& c) // precondition: list.size() == # elements in list, list sorted // postcondition: returns index of key in list, -1 if key not found { int low = 0; // leftmost possible entry int high = list.size()-1; // rightmost possible entry int mid; // middle of current range while (low <= high) { mid = (low + high)/2; int compVal = c.compare(list[mid],key); if (compVal == 0) // found key, exit search { return mid; } else if (compVal < 0) // key in upper half { low = mid + 1; } else // key in lower half { high = mid - 1; } } return -1; // not in list }