#ifndef _DATE_H #define _DATE_H /******************************************************************** This code is freely distributable and modifiable providing you leave this notice in it. Copyright @ Owen Astrachan ********************************************************************/ #include #include using namespace std; // a class for manipulating dates // // Date class represents a date in the Gregorian calendar // works only for dates after October, 1752 // // attempts to construct invalid dates, e.g., 15 month, // or 38th day result in month == 1, day == 1. years aren't checked // for validity // // Date() --- construct default date (today) // Date(long days) --- construct date given absolute # of days from // 1 A.D., e.g., 710,347 = November 12, 1945 // // Date(int m,int d,int y) --- constructor requires three parameters: // month, day, year, e.g., // Date d(4,8,1956); initializes d to represent // the date April 8, 1956. Full year is required // // // int Month() --- return, respectively, month, day, and year // int Day() corresponding to date with 1 = january, // int Year() 2 = february, ... 12 = december // // // string DayName() --- return string corresponding to day of week // either "Monday", "Tuesday", ... "Sunday" // string MonthName() --- return string corresponding to month // either "January", "February",..."December" // // int DaysIn() --- return number of days in month // // // long Absolute() --- returns absolute # of date assuming // that Jan 1, 1 AD is day 1. Has property // that Absolute() % 7 = k, where k = 0 is sunday // k = 1 is monday, ... k = 6 is saturday // // string ToString() -- returns string version of date, e.g., // -- d.SetDate(11,23,1963); then d.ToString() // returns string "November 23 1963" // ************************************************* // arithmetic operators for dates // ************************************************* // // dates support some addition and subtraction operations // // Date d(1,1,1960); // 1960 is a leap year // d++; // d represents January 2, 1960 // d--; // d is back to January 1, 1960 // d += 31; // d is February 1, 1960 // d -= 32; // d is December 31, 1959 // Date d2 = d + 1; // d2 is January 1, 1960 // Date d3 = 365 + d2; // d3 is December 31, 1961 // Date d4 = d - 1; // d4 is December 30, 1959 // // ************************************************* class Date { public: // constructors Date(); // construct date with default value Date(long days); // construct date from absolute # Date(int m,int d,int y); // construct date with specified values // accessor functions int Month() const; // return month corresponding to date int Day() const; // return day corresponding to date int Year() const; // return year corresponding to date int DaysIn() const; // return # of days in month string DayName() const; // "monday", "tuesday", ... or "sunday" string MonthName() const; // "january","february",... or "december" long Absolute() const; // number of days since 1 A.D. for date string ToString() const; // returns string for date in ascii int RemainingDays() const; // return # of remaining days in month bool Equal(const Date & rhs) const; // for implementing <, >, etc bool Less(const Date & rhs) const; // mutator functions Date operator ++(int); // add one day, postfix operator Date operator --(int); // subtract one day, postfix operator Date& operator +=(long dx); // add dx, e.g., jan 1 + 31 = feb 1 Date& operator -=(long dx); // subtract dx, e.g., jan 1 - 1 = dec 31 void SetYear(int); private: int myDay; // day of week, 0-6 int myMonth; // month, 0-11 int myYear; // year in four digits, e.g., 1899 void CheckDate(int m, int d, int y); // make sure that date is valid }; Date operator + (const Date & d, long dx); // add dx to date d Date operator + (long dx, const Date & d); // add dx to date d Date operator - (const Date & d, long dx); // subtract dx from date d long operator - (const Date & lhs, const Date & rhs); ostream & operator << (ostream & os, const Date & d); bool operator == (const Date & lhs, const Date & rhs); bool operator != (const Date & lhs, const Date & rhs); bool operator < (const Date & lhs, const Date & rhs); bool operator > (const Date & lhs, const Date & rhs); bool operator <= (const Date & lhs, const Date & rhs); bool operator >= (const Date & lhs, const Date & rhs); #endif