Research Interests
- EEG signal processing
- Human head models
- Brain-Computer Interface
- Machine Learning
- 09/2013 – Now: Université de Lorraine (CRAN UMR CNRS 7039) – Nancy – France
PhD in Electrical Engineering
Thesis “In-vivo human head conductivity estimation by SEEG and EEG recorded in simultaneous with Intracerebral Electrical Stimulation”
- 09/2010 – 07/2013: Sabanci University – Istanbul – Turkey
MSc in Electronics Engineering
Thesis: “Error Detection and New Stimulus Mechanisms in Brain-Computer Interfaces”
- 09/2005 – 07/2013: Palestine Polytechnic University – Hebron – Palestine
BSc in Telecommunication Engineering. Mention 91.5 (Distinction)
Graduation Project: “Design a single channel EEG system and processing the corresponding signals using HMM”
- 09/2011: 06/2013: Sabanci University – Istanbul – Turkey
Teaching assistant : Led discussion sessions in engineering courses (probability and statistics, calculus, …)
Supervised undergraduate students in performing experiments related to EEG
Workshops and Training Courses
- Fieldtrip Toolbox Workshop – Coimbra – Portugal (06-08/06/2016)
- Freesufer Course – Tours – France (26-27/05/2016)
- Brainstorm Training Workshop (16/12/2014)
- Matlab (+ Fieldtrip, Brainstorm)
- Presentation Software – Neurobehavioral Systems
- Python
- C language
- Latex
- Microsoft office (Word, Excel, and PowerPoint)
- Arabic (Maternal language)
- English (Advanced)
- Turkish (Intermediate)
- French (Intermediate)