Irzık, Gürol and Kurtulmuş, Faik, (2024) “Distributive epistemic justice in science”, British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, Vol.75, No.2, 325-345 (SCI, SSCI, AHCI) |
Irzık, Gürol and Nola, Robert, (2023) “Revisiting the foundations of the family resemblance approach to nature of science: some new ideas”, Science and Education, Vol.32, No.5, 1227-1245 (SCI, SSCI, AHCI) |
Carrier, Martin and Irzık, Gürol, (2021) “Responsible research and innovation: coming to grips with an ambitious concept”, Synthese (SI), Vol.198, 4627-4633 (SCI, SSCI, AHCI) |
Irzık, Gürol and Kurtulmuş, Faik, (2021) “Well-ordered science and public trust in science”, Synthese (SI), Vol.198, 4731-4748 (SCI, SSCI, AHCI) |
Irzık, Gürol and Kurtulmuş, Faik, (2019) “What is epistemic public trust in science?”, British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, Vol.70, No.4, 1145-1166 (SCI, SSCI, AHCI) |
Kurtulmuş, Faik and Irzık, Gürol, (2017) “Justice in the distribution of knowledge”, Episteme, Vol.14, No.2, 129-146 (AHCI) |
Irzık, Gürol, (2013) “Introduction: commercialization of academic science and a new agenda for science education”, Science and Education, Vol.22, No.10, 2375-2384 (SSCI) |
Irzık, Gürol and Kurtulmuş, Faik, (2013) “Votes and lab coats: democratizing scientific research and science policy”, Metascience, Vol.22, No.1, 45-61 () |
Eden, Alp and Irzık, Gürol, (2012) “German mathematicians in exile in Turkey: Richard von Mises, William Prager, Hilda Geiringer, and their impact on Turkish mathematics”, Historia Mathematica, Vol.39, No.4, 432-459 (SSCI) |
Irzık, Gürol and Nola, Robert, (2011) “A family resemblance approach to the nature of science for science education”, Science and Education (Sp. Iss. SI), Vol.20, No.7-8, 591-607 (SSCI) |
Book Review
Irzık, Gürol, History and philosophy of science-based approach to science teaching at its best, by Matthews, Michael R., Science & Education, Vol.24, No.7-8, October 2015, 1001-1008 |
Book Section / Chapter
Irzik, Emrah and Irzık, Gürol, Where Polanyi is more relevant than ever: social justice and technical productivity in scientific knowledge production The Routledge Handbook on Karl Polanyi, Cangiani, Michele and Thomasberger, Claus (eds.), London: Routledge, February 2024, 313-324 |
Irzık, Gürol, Kuhn, Carnap, and logical empiricism The Handbook of Logical Empiricism, Uebel, Thomas (ed.), NewYork and London: Routledge (forthcoming) |
Irzık, Gürol, The internal-external distinction sheds light on the history of the twentieth-century philosophy of science Relocating the History of Science: Essays in Honor of Kostas Gavroglu, Arabatsiz, Theodore and Renn, Jurgen and Simoes, Ana (eds.), Dordrecht: Springer 2015, 211-223 |
Irzık, Gürol, Toplumsal sorunlara duyarlı bir bilim felsefesine doğru Çağın Olayları Arasında (Among The Events of The Era), Çotuksöken, Betül and Uygur, Gülriz and Şimga, Hülya (eds.), İstanbul: Tarihçi Kitapevi, January 2014, 307-316 |
Irzık, Gürol and Nola, Robert, “New directions for nature of science research” International Handbook of Research in History, Philosophy and Science Teaching, Matthews, Michael R. (ed.), Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer 2014, 999-1021 |
Irzık, Gürol, Karl Raimund Popper Siyaset Felsefesi Tarihi, Tunçel, Ahu and Gülenç, Kurtul (eds.), Ankara: Doğu Batı Yayınları, October 2013, 624-637 |
Irzık, Gürol, “Critical rationalism” The Routledge Companion Philosophy of Science, Psillos, Stathis and Curd, Martin (eds.), London: Routledge (forthcoming) |
Irzık, Gürol, Carnap’ın içsel ve dışsal sorular ayrımının kapsamı Tutarsızlığın İz Sürücüsü, Kutlusoy, Zekiye (ed.), Ankara: İmge Kitabevi Yayınları, March 2013, 253-270 |
Irzık, Gürol, Kuhn and logical positivism: gaps, silences, and tactics of SSR Kuhn’s The Structure of Scientific Revolutions Revisited, Kindi, Vasso and Arabatzis, Theodore (eds.), United Kingdom: Routledge, November 2012, 15-40 |
Irzık, Gürol, Why should philosophers of science pay attention to the commercialization of academic science? EPSA Epistemology and Methodology of Science: Launch of the European Philosophy of Science Association, Suarez, Mauricio and Dorato, Mauro and Redei, Miklos (eds.), Dordrecht: Springer 2010, 129-138 |
Papers in Conference Proceedings
Irzık, Gürol, ” Bilimin etosu, işlevi ve karşısındaki tehlikeler “, 3. Bilim ve Mühendislik Paneli: Hangi Etikle Bilim Etiği, Ankara: TMMOB Elektrik Mühendisleri Odası Yayınları, May 2011 |
Irzık, Gürol, ” 20. yüzyıl bilim felsefesi tarihini yeniden yazmak “, Kibar, Sibel and Bayram, Selma Aydın and Sol, Ayhan (eds.), Anlam Kongresi (ODTÜ Felsefe Günleri), İstanbul: Legal Yayıncılık, October 2010, 33-46 |
Volumes Edited / Special Issues
Irzık, Gürol, Commercialisation and commodification of science: educational responses (thematic issue), Springer, October 2013 |