About me

I am currently a PhD student in Political Science at Sabancı University.

I have a master degree on  Conflict Analysis and Resolution(IR) Master Program at Sabancı University and

I was  a student of Computational Social Sciences Master Program() at Koç University. My bachelor degree is from Middle East Technical University(Department of History(English)) and Anadolu University(Department of International Relations(English)).

In my Master years in both Koç and Sabancı University, I was able to take important graduate level theoretical and methodological courses such as Quantitative Methodology and Advanced Data Analysis courses. I learned how to employ computational methods in social science research through Python and R programming languages. I worked as a project assistant at Tübitak 1001 project led by Professor Akın Unver.


Full CV: Mehmet Sezgin_CV1

Türkçe CV: Mehmet Sezgin_CV2