Journal Publication:
- Mohammad Hossein Nemati, Reza kazemi, and Ibrahim Tekin, “Pattern Reconfigurable Patch Array for 2.4GHz WLAN systems,” International Journal of Antennas and Propagation – Special issue on Printed Planar Antennas for Ubiquitous Wireless Communication, under review.
- Efe Öztürk, Mohammad Hossein Nemati, Mehmet Kaynak and İbrahim Tekin,” SiGe Process Integrated Full-360 MEMS Based Active Phase Shifter Design for W-Band Automotive Radar,” IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, under review.
- E.B.Korani, E.Arbabi, M.H.Nemati, K.M.Aghdam, M.A.Boroujeni, “A Physical Optics Based Near-Field Analysis Method For Design of Dual Polarized Fan Beam Shaped Reflector Antennas,” IEEE Transaction on Antenna and Propagation, under review.
Conference Publication:
- Mehdi Seyyed-Esfahlan, Mohammad Hossein Nemati, and Ibrahim Tekin, “W-band Silicon Dielectric Measurement”, Submitted to IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, 2014.
- M.H.Nemati, and Ibrahim Tekin, “A 77GHz on-chip Microstrip patch antenna with suppressed surface wave using EBG substrate,” IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Orlando, July 2013.
- M.H. Nemati, M. Kaynak, and .brahim Tekin, “Antenna Measurement Setup for a 77GHz Patch Antenna With Supressed Surface Wave,” COST VISTA meeting, Thessaloniki, May 2013.
- E.Arbabi, M.Ahmadi-Boroujeni, E.Bagheri-Korani, M.H.Nemati, and K.Mohammadpour-Aghdam “Wideband omnidirectional dual-polarized antennas; a comparison of two approaches,” EuCAP Conference on Antenna & Propagation , Gothenburg, April 2013.
- E.Arbabi , M.Ahmadi-Boroujeni, E.Bagheri-Korani, M.H.Nemati and K.Mohammadpour-Aghdam,” A multiband feed-horn antenna with broadband probes for feeding the lower band,” EuCAP Conference on Antenna & Propagation , Gothenburg, April 2013.