
Journal Publication:

  1. Mohammad Hossein Nemati, Reza kazemi, and Ibrahim Tekin, “Pattern Reconfigurable Patch Array for 2.4GHz WLAN systems,” International Journal of Antennas and Propagation – Special issue on Printed Planar Antennas for Ubiquitous Wireless Communication, under review.
  2. Efe Öztürk, Mohammad Hossein Nemati, Mehmet Kaynak and İbrahim Tekin,” SiGe Process Integrated Full-360  MEMS Based Active Phase Shifter Design for W-Band Automotive Radar,” IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, under review.
  3. E.B.Korani, E.Arbabi, M.H.Nemati, K.M.Aghdam, M.A.Boroujeni, “A Physical Optics Based Near-Field Analysis Method For Design of Dual Polarized Fan Beam Shaped Reflector Antennas,”  IEEE Transaction on Antenna and Propagation, under review.

Conference Publication:

  1. Mehdi Seyyed-Esfahlan, Mohammad Hossein Nemati, and Ibrahim Tekin, “W-band Silicon Dielectric Measurement”, Submitted to IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, 2014.
  2. M.H.Nemati, and Ibrahim Tekin, “A 77GHz on-chip Microstrip patch antenna with suppressed surface wave using EBG substrate,” IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Orlando, July 2013.
  3. M.H. Nemati, M. Kaynak, and .brahim Tekin, “Antenna Measurement Setup for a 77GHz Patch Antenna With Supressed Surface Wave,” COST VISTA meeting, Thessaloniki, May 2013.
  4. E.Arbabi, M.Ahmadi-Boroujeni, E.Bagheri-Korani, M.H.Nemati, and K.Mohammadpour-Aghdam “Wideband omnidirectional dual-polarized antennas; a comparison of two approaches,” EuCAP Conference on Antenna & Propagation , Gothenburg, April 2013.
  5.  E.Arbabi , M.Ahmadi-Boroujeni, E.Bagheri-Korani, M.H.Nemati and K.Mohammadpour-Aghdam,” A multiband feed-horn antenna with broadband probes for feeding the lower band,” EuCAP Conference on Antenna & Propagation , Gothenburg, April 2013.