- Ph.D.: Mathematics, Sabancı University, İstanbul, Turkey, June 2012 (GPA: 4.0/4.0)
Advisor: Prof. Henning Stichtenoth
- M.Sc.: Mathematics, Sabancı University, İstanbul, Turkey, January 2009 (GPA: 4.0/4.0)
Advisor: Prof. Henning Stichtenoth
- B.S.: Mathematics, Middle East Technical University (METU), Ankara, Turkey, June 2007 (GPA: 3.86/4.0)
- September 2018- :
Faculty Member, Sabancı University, İstanbul, Turkey
- February 2018-August 2018:
Research Scientist, Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria
- May 2017-January 2018:
Research Scientist, RICAM, Linz, Austria
- October 2016-March 2017:
Post-doctoral Researcher, Otto-von-Guericke-Universitat Magdeburg, Germany
- November 2014-September 2016:
Post-doctoral Researcher, Technical University of Denmark (supported by H.C. Ørsted COFUND Post-doc Fellowship), Lyngby, Denmark
- March 2014-May 2014:
Post-doctoral Researcher, Max Planck Institute for Mathematics, Bonn, Germany
- July 2012-February 2014:
Post-doctoral Researcher, Sabancı University, İstanbul, Turkey
- September 2007-June 2012:
Teaching Assistant, Sabancı University, İstanbul, Turkey
- Sabancı University:
* Graduate Classes:
Math 511: Algebra I (Fall 2020)
Math 512: Algebra II (Spring 2021, Spring 2024)
Math 514: Finite Fields and Applications (Fall 2021, Fall 2023)
Math 542: Algebraic Curves (Fall 2019, Spring 2022)
Math 636: Algebraic Function Fields (Fall 2022)
Math 639: Algebraic Function Fields II (Fall 2020)
Math 58006: Special Topics in MATH: Introduction to Diophantine Equations and Function Fields (Spring 2020) (with Mohammad Sadek and Henning Stichtenoth)
* Undergraduate Classes:
Math 101: Calculus 1 (Spring 2019, Fall 2019, Spring 2022, Fall 2024)
Math 201: Linear Algebra (Fall 2018, Spring 2023)
Math 204: Discrete Mathematics (Spring 2020, Spring 2025)
Math 311: Introduction to Algebra (Spring 2025)
Math 317: Elementary Number Theory (Fall 2022)
- Johannes Kepler University:
Ergänzungsprüfung Mathematik
- Otto-von-Guericke-Universitat Magdeburg:
Algebraic Number Theory
Mathematical Foundations (Teaching Assistant)
- Technical University of Denmark:
01018 Discrete mathematics 2: Algebra (Teaching Assistant)
- Sabancı University:
Math 201: Linear Algebra
Math 204: Discrete Mathematics
Math 311: Introduction to Algebra
Math 481/ Math 581: Special Topics in Advanced Linear Algebra (Teaching Assistant)
- Sezel Alkan (Ph.D. Advisor, ongoing)
- Tekgül Kalaycı (Postdoc Advisor, ongoing)
- Yağmur Sak (M.Sc. Advisor, Finished in 2023)
Thesis: On the Walsh Spectrum of Almost Perfect Nonlinear Functions
- Nihal Yurdakul (M.Sc. Advisor, Finished in 2021)
Thesis: On Exceptional Almost Perfect Non-linear Functions
- Burçin Güneş (Ph.D. Co-advisor, Advisor: Cem Güneri, Finished in 2019)
Thesis: Contributions to the Theory of Function Fields in Positive Characteristic
Awards and Projects:
- TUBITAK (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey) 1001- The Scientific and Technological Research Project Funding Program, March 2024 (Director, 2 years)
Project Title: Bent functions and their use in combinatorics
- Young Scientist Award (BAGEP) by Turkish Science Academy, April 2021 (2 years)
Project Title: The Walsh spectrum of almost perfect nonlinear functions
- TUBITAK 1001- The Scientific and Technological Research Project Funding Program, March 2021 (Director, 3 years)
Project Title: Generalized bent functions and permutation polynomials
- Scientific Research Project by Sabancı University, February 2019 (1 year)
Project Title: Bent functions, generalizations and APN functions
- Co-applicant of Austrian Science Fund (FWF), April 2018 (Applicant: Wilfried Meidl, 3 years)
Project Title: Bent functions and generalizations, APN-functions, and their connections to finite geometry, combinatorics, cryptography and curves over finite fields
- Otto Mønsteds Fond Travel Grand for Conference Participation Abroad, May 2015
- HC Ørsted Post-doc Fellowship Award, co-funded by Marie Curie Actions, September 2014 (2 years):
Project Title: Algebraic curves with many rational points
- 2011-2012 Academic Year ‘Dr. Gürsel Sönmez Research Award’ by Sabancı University, June 2012
- International Research Fellowship by TUBITAK, September 2011-February 2012
Project Title: The genus of a curve with the prescribed number of points
- National Scholarship for Ph.D. Students by TUBITAK, September 2007-August 2011 and March 2012-June 2012
- Full tuition and board scholarship by Sabancı University (between 2007 and 2012)
- First Position Graduation Award by Department of Mathematics, Middle East Technical University (METU), June 2007
- Dean’s High Honour List by METU, Fall 2003–Spring 2007
Current and Previous Community/Organizational Roles:
- Organizing committee members for:
* Bent Functions: Recent Developments, 2025, Sabancı University, İstanbul, Turkey
* CIMPA School: SuSAAN Summer School of Applied Arithmetic at Nesin, 2022, İzmir, Turkey
* Workshop on Polynomials and Curves over Finite Fields, 2019, İstanbul, Turkey
* XX. Antalya Algebra Days, May 2018, İzmir, Turkey
* Workshop on Finite Fields, Function Fields and Their Applications, April 2018, İstanbul, Turkey
* XVI. Antalya Algebra Days May 2014, İzmir, Turkey
- Program committee member for:
* The 9th International Workshop on Boolean Functions and their Applications, 2024, Dubrovnik, Croatia
* International Workshop on the Arithmetic of Finite Fields, WAIFI 2020, Rennes, France
- Project leader in WIN-E2: Women in Numbers Europe 2, September 2016, Leiden, Holland
- Reviewer for:
* The Mathematical Reviews
* Zentralblatt MATH
- Referee for:
* Finite Fields and their Applications
* IEEE Transaction on Information Theory
* Designs, Codes and Cryptography
* Cryptography and Communications
* Journal of Number Theory
* Research in Number Theory (RNTB)
* Turkish Journal of Mathematics
* Information Processing Letters
* Discrete Mathematics
- Language skills: Turkish (Mother’s tongue), English (Advanced), German (Basic), Italian (Basic)
- IT Experience: Microsoft Office Applications (Word, Excel, PowerPoint), Latex, C Programming Language and Magma