Academic Experience
- Sabanci University, Istanbul, Turkey
- Teaching Assistant in Math 203, Spring 2012-2013, G. Rudolf
- Teaching Assistant in Math 102, Fall 2012-2013, K. Kursungoz
- Teaching Assistant in Math 101, Spring 2011-2012, M. Ravichandran
- Teaching Assistant in Math 102, Fall 2011-2012, M. Ravichandran
- Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
- Teaching Assistant in Fluid Mechanics II, Spring 2009-2010, B. Lessani
- Teaching Assistant in Thermodynamics I, Fall 2008-2009 and Spring 2008-2009, B. Lessani
- Preliminary Report on Effects of Different Gas Delivery Channel Geometries in PEM Fuel Cells, Part of Design and Fabrication of 5W PEMFC, Summer 2008, M.J. Kermani
- Teaching Assistant of Projects in Fuel Cells Graduate Course, Fall 2007-2008, M.J. Kermani
- Others
- Partly Presenting Workshop on Fundamentals of PEMFC Design, 17th Annual (International) Conference on Mechanical Engineering (ISME 2009), Tehran, Iran, M.J. Kermani