[1] N. Tofighi and M. Yildiz, Numerical simulation of single droplet dynamics in three-phase flows using ISPH, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 2013, Accepted for Publication.
[2] A. Zainali, N. Tofighi, M.S. Shadloo and M. Yildiz, Numerical Investigation of Newtonian and non-Newtonian Multiphase Flows Using ISPH Method, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 254 (2013) 99-113.
[3] N. Tofighi and M. Yildiz, ISPH Simulation of Droplet Spreading at Different Eotvos Numbers, ICNAAM 2013, Rhodes, Greece.
[4] A. Rahmat, M.S. Shadloo, N. Tofighi, and M. Yildiz, The Simulation of the Rayleigh Taylor Instability for High Density Ratios and Infinity Bond Number with SPH Method, PARTICLES 2013, Stuttgart, Germany.
[5] N. Tofighi, A. Rahmat and M. Yildiz, Numerical Simulation of Buoyancy Driven Droplet Rising Under Influence of an Electrical Field Using ISPH, PARTICLES 2013, Stuttgart, Germany.
[6] N. Tofighi and M. Yildiz, Incompressible Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Simulation of Three Phase Flows, CFDSC 2013, Sherbrooke, Canada.
[7] N. Tofighi, A. Zainali and M. Yildiz, Modeling of Bubble Rising by Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Method, ICNAAM 2012, Kos, Greece.
[8] A. Zainali, N. Tofighi and M. Yildiz, Numerical Investigation of Three-Phase Flows Using Incompressible Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics, PARTICLES 2011, Barcelona, Spain: ECCOMAS 2011.
[9] N. Tofighi and M.J. Kermani, On the Investigation of Gas Delivery Channel Geometries in Bipolar Plates on the Performance of PEM Fuel Cells, 1st National Conference on Hydrogen and Fuel Cells, January 21-22, 2009, Iran Science and technology University, Tehran, Iran (In Persian), Article ID: 04126.
[10] N. Tofighi and M.J. Kermani, Geometric Study on the Influence of Bipolar Plates on the Performance of PEM Fuel Cells, 16th Annual Conference of the CFD Society of Canada, June 9-11, 2008, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada.