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Artan, Tülay, (2021) “The first, hesitant steps of Ottoman protocol and diplomacy into modernity (1676–1725)”, Court Historian, Vol.26, No.1, 29-43
Artan, Tülay, (2020) “Horse racing at the Ottoman Court, 1524-1728”, International Journal of the History of Sport (SI), Vol.37, No.3-4, 246-271 (SSCI, AHCI)
Artan, Tülay, (2019) “İstanbul’da kitap piyasası ve Şehid Ali Paşa kitap koleksiyonunun inşası, 1709-1715”, XVIII. Yüzyıl Osmanlı Kitap Koleksiyonerleri, Bilgi Üretimi ve Dağılımı (forthcoming) ()
Artan, Tülay, (2016) “El yazmaları ışığında bir çevre ve çehre eskizi: kadızâdeliler, müceddidîler ve Damad İbrahim Paşa (1730)”, Müteferrika, Vol.50, No.1, 1-94
Artan, Tülay, (2011) “XVII. yüzyılın ikinci yarısında Edirne başkent miydi?”, edirnesarayi
Artan, Tülay, (2011) “18th century Ottoman princesses as collectors: Chinese and European porcelains in the Topkapı Palace Museum”, Ars Orientalis (Globalizing Cultures: Art and Mobility in the Eighteenth Century), Vol.39, 113-146
Artan, Tülay, (2011) “Ahmed I’s hunting parties: feasting in adversity, enhancing the ordinary”, Princeton Papers: Interdisciplinary Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, Vol.16, 93-138
Artan, Tülay, (2011) “The making of the Sublime porte near the Alay Köşkü and a tour of a grand Vizierial Palace at Süleymaniye”, Turcica, Vol.43, 145-206 ()
Artan, Tülay, (2008) “A book of kings produced and presented as a treatise on hunting”, Muqarnas: An Annual on the Visual Culture of the Islamic World, Vol.25, 299-330 (AHCI)
Artan, Tülay, (2006) “Osmanlı elitinin yemek tüketiminin bazı yönleri (Değişken bir yüzyılda temel gıdalar, lüks tatlar ve tadımlıkların izinde I)”, Yemek ve Kültür, Vol.6, 36-62
Artan, Tülay, (2006) “Osmanlı elitinin yemek tüketiminin bazı yönleri (Değişken bir yüzyılda temel gıdalar, lüks tatlar ve tadımlıkların izinde II)”, Yemek ve Kültür, Vol.7, 48-95
Artan, Tülay, (2005) “Benim tanıdığım Stefanos Yerasimos: bir İstanbul tarihçisi”, Toplumsal Tarih, Vol.Aralık, No.144, 64-73
Artan, Tülay, (1999) “18. yüzyıl başlarında yönetici elitin saltanatın meşruiyet arayışına katılımı”, Toplum ve Bilim, Vol.83, 292-322
Artan, Tülay, () “1730’da müsadere edilen el yazması kitaplar bireyler, yeni bilgi, gösteriş eşikleri”, Müteferrika, Vol.50, No.2 (forthcoming)
Artan, Tülay, () “Cosmopolitanism in the early 18th century Ottoman capital: the impostor, the alchemist, the merchant and the personal dimension”, Turcica: Revue d’études turques – Peuples, langues, cultures, États, Vol.54 (forthcoming) ()
Artan, Tülay, () “Early-18th century depictions of women in distress: in the light of Nev’î-zâde Atâyî’s Hamse and Üskübî Pîr Mehmed Efendi’s moral code”, Muqarnas: An Annual on the Visual Culture of the Islamic World, Vol.37 (forthcoming) (AHCI)
Artan, Tülay, () “Painter, patrons, women in distress: the changing fortunes of Nev’izade Atayi and Üskübi Pir Mehmed Efendi in the early eighteenth-century Istanbul”, Muqarnas: An Annual on the Visual Culture of the Islamic World, Vol.39 (forthcoming) (AHCI)
Artan, Tülay, () “Teşvikiye Mahallesi’nde bir konak: Tunuslu Hayreddin Paşa ve maddi dünyası”, On Dokuzuncu Yüzyıl İstanbul’unun Yeni Mahallesi: Teşvikiye (forthcoming) ()


Osmanlı kitap koleksiyonerleri ve koleksiyonları: itibar ve ihtiras, (Prepared by: Artan, Tülay and Aynur, Hatice), İstanbul: Dergâh Yayınları, December 2022
Ottoman manuscript collections and collectors, Artan, Tülay and Aynur, Hatice (eds.), Leiden and Boston: Brill (forthcoming)
Royal courts in dynastic states and empires: a global perspective, Duindam, Jeroen and Artan, Tülay and Kunt, Metin (eds.), Boston: Brill, July 2011
Osmanlı kitap koleksiyonerleri, Artan, Tülay and Aynur, Hatice (eds.), İstanbul: Dergâh Yayınları (forthcoming)
XV-XVIII. yüzyıl Osmanlı kitap koleksiyonerleri, bilgi üretimi ve dağılımı, Artan, Tülay and Aynur, Hatice (eds.), İstanbul: Koç Üniversitesi Yayınları (forthcoming)

Book Review

Artan, Tülay, Yakında sarmayı ve kapamayı hatırlayan ve pişiren kalmayacak, by Yerasimos, Marianna, Yemek ve Kültür, No.56, September 2019
Artan, Tülay, Ottoman costumes: from textile to identity, Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient, Vol.52, No.part 3 2009, 583-591
Artan, Tülay, The illuminated table, the prosperous house: food and shelter in Ottoman material culture, Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient, Vol.52, No.part 3 2009, 583-591

Book Section / Chapter

Artan, Tülay, The paradoxes of Hagia Sophia’s ablution fountain: the Qasida al-Burda in cosmopolitan Istanbul, 1740 Hagia Sophia in the Long Nineteenth Century, Neumeier, Emily and Anderson, Benjamin (eds.), Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, February 2024, 66-97
Artan, Tülay, Şehid Ali Paşa’nın Sûk-ı Sultânî’de satılan kitapları, sahaflar ve koleksiyonerler (1719): İslâmi ilimler alanında yazma kitap piyasası ve on sekizinci yüzyıl İstanbul koleksiyonlarının inşası Osmanlı Kitap Koleksiyonerleri ve Koleksiyonları: İtibar ve İhtiras, Aynur, Hatice and Artan, Tülay (eds.), İstanbul: Dergâh Yayınları, December 2022, 281-407
Artan, Tülay, The paradoxes of Hagia Sophia’s ablution fountain Hagia Sophia in the Long Nineteenth Century, Anderson, Benjamin and Neumeier, Emily (eds.), Edinburg: Edinburg University Press (forthcoming)
Artan, Tülay, I. Mahmûd saltanatında Boğaziçi eğlenceleri: temâşâ, tefekkür, tevakkuf ve “Şehr-i Sefa” Gölgelenen Sultan, Unutulan Yıllar: I. Mahmûd ve Dönemi (1730-1754), Aynur, Hatice (ed.), İstanbul: Dergâh Yayınları, December 2020, 92-159
Artan, Tülay, Contemplation or amusement? The light shed by Ruznames on an Ottoman spectacle of 1740-1750 Entertainment Among the Ottomans, Boyar, Ebru and Fleet, Kate (eds.), Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill, May 2019, 22-42
Artan, Tülay, İfade biçimleri ve mecraları: İstanbul ve ötesi (1600-1800) Osmanlı Dünyası, Woodhead, Christine (ed.), İstanbul: Alfa Yayınları, March 2018
Artan, Tülay, Bir hazine defteri, 1680 Filiz Çağman’a Armağan, Erdoğdu, Ayşe and Atbaş, Zeynep and Çötelioğlu, Aysel (eds.), İstanbul: Lale Yayıncılık 2018
Artan, Tülay, Objects of consumption: Mediterranean interconnections of the Ottomans and Mamluks A Companion to Islamic Art and Architecture, Flood, Finbarr Barry and Necipoğlu, Gülru (eds.), New York: John Wiley & Sons, September 2017, 903-930
Artan, Tülay, Ayverdi’nin 19. asırda İstanbul haritası: Ağa Kapusu ve civarı, 1650-1750 Ekrem Hakkı Ayverdi’nin Hatırasına: Osmanlı Mimarlık Kültürü, Aynur, Hatice and Uğurlu, Hilal A. (eds.), İstanbul: Kubbealtı Yayınları, October 2016, 117-154
Artan, Tülay, I. Ahmed’in av safaları: sıradanlığa çeşni katmak; zahmetin sofrasını donatmak Haydi Sofraya! Mutfak Penceresinden Osmanlı Tarihi, Singer, Amy and Tünaydın, Pelin and Kiper, Füsun (eds.), İstanbul: Kitap Yayınevi, May 2015, 99-139
Artan, Tülay, Die institutionelle trennung der haushalte von großwesir und sultan: der neue gesellschaftsvertrag des 18. jahrhunderts in historischer perspektive Die Anatomie Frühneuzeitlicher Imperien Herrschaftsmanagement Jenseits von Staat und Nation, Wendehorst, Stephan (ed.), Berlin: Walter de Gruyter 2015, 121-142
Artan, Tülay, The politics of Ottoman imperial palaces: waqfs and architecture from the 16th to the 18th centuries The Emperor’s House: Palaces from Augustus to the Age of Absolutism, Featherstone, Michael and Spieser, Jean-Michel and Tanman, Gülru and Wulf-Rheidt, Ulrike (eds.), Berlin: Walter de Gruyter 2015, 365-408
Artan, Tülay, Osmanlı ordusunun sefere çıkış alayı (1672): Osmanlı kadimciliği mi, püritenlik gösterisi mi? Uzak Komşu Yakın Anılar: Türkiye Polonya İlişkilerinin 600 Yılı, Anadol, Ayşen (ed.), İstanbul: Sabancı Üniversitesi Sakıp Sabancı Müzesi Yayınları, March 2014, 60-77
Artan, Tülay, The departure procession of 1672: Ottoman antiquarianism or a puritan statement? Distant Neighbour, Close Memories: 600 Years Of Turkish-Polish Relations, Anadol, Ayşen (ed.), İstanbul: Sabancı Üniversitesi Sakıp Sabancı Müzesi Yayınları, March 2014, 60-77
Artan, Tülay, “A composite universe: arts and society in Istanbul at the end of the eighteenth century” Ottoman Empire and European theatre, Hüttler, Michael and Weidinger, Hans Ernst (eds.), Vienna: Don Juan Archiv Wien Forschungsverlag 2013, 751-794
Artan, Tülay and Schick, İrvin Cemil, Ottomanizing pornotopia: changing visual codes in eighteenth-century Ottoman erotic miniatures Eros and Sexuality in Islamic Art, Leoni, Francesca and Natif, Mika (eds.), Surrey, England: Routledge 2013, 157-207
Artan, Tülay, “Alay Köşkü yakınlarında Bâbıâli’nin oluşumu ve Süleymaniye’de bir sadrazam sarayı” Bir Allame-i Cihan, Stefanos Yerasimos: 1942-2005, Eldem, Edhem and Pekin, Ersu and Tibet, Aksel (eds.), İstanbul: Kitap Yayınevi, June 2012, 73-140
Artan, Tülay, “Forms and forums of expression: Istanbul and beyond, 1600-1800” The Ottoman World, Woodhead, Christine (ed.), London: Routledge, December 2011, 378-405
Artan, Tülay, “Ahmed I’s hunting parties: feasting in adversity, enhancing the ordinary” Starting with Food: Culinary Approaches to Ottoman History, Singer, Amy (ed.), Princeton: Markus Wiener Publishers 2011, 93-138
Artan, Tülay, “Royal weddings and the Grand Vezirate: institutional and symbolic change in the early eighteenth century” Royal Courts in Dynastic States and Empires: A Global Perspective, Duindam, Jeroen and Artan, Tülay and Kunt, Metin (eds.), Boston: Brill 2011, 339-399
Artan, Tülay, 18. yüzyılda İstanbul: uzlaşma ve yeniden yapılanma dönemi Bizantion’dan İstanbul’a: Bir Başkentin 8000 Yılı: 5 Haziran – 4 Eylül 2010, Sabancı Universitesi Sakıp Sabancı Müzesi, Kuban, Doğan (ed.), İstanbul: Sabancı Üniversitesi Sakıp Sabancı Müzesi 2010, 300-313
Artan, Tülay, “Ahmed I and “tuhfetü’l-mülûk ve’s-selâtin”: a period manuscript on horses, horsemanship and hunting” Animals and People in the Ottoman Empire, Faroqhi, Suraiya (ed.), İstanbul: Eren Yayıncılık 2010, 235-269
Artan, Tülay, “Istanbul in the 18th century: days of reconciliation and consolidation” From Byzantion to Istanbul: 8000 Years of a Capital: June 5-September 4, 2010, Sabanci University: Sakip Sabanci Museum, Istanbul, Durak, Koray (ed.), İstanbul: Sabancı Üniversitesi Sakıp Sabancı Müzesi 2010, 300-313
Artan, Tülay, Declin et renouveau de la capitale, XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles De Byzance à Istanbul: Un Port Pour Deux Continents, Eldem, Ethem (ed.), Paris: Éditions de la Réunion des Musées Nationaux 2009, 247-264
Artan, Tülay, “Venedik’ten İstanbul’a şehir tasvirleri: tasavvur ve tahayyüller = Descrizioni di citta, da Venezia a Istanbul immaginario e fantasie” Osmanlı Döneminde Venedik ve İstanbul: 18 Kasım 2009 – 28 Şubat 2010: İstanbul, Sabancı Üniversitesi, Sakıp Sabancı Müzesi = Venezia E Istanbul In Epoca Ottomana: 18 Novembre 2009-28 Febbraio 2010, Istanbul, Università Sabancı, Museo Sakıp Sabancı, Bellingeri, Giampiero and Ölçer, Nazan Raibe (eds.), Milano: Electa 2009, 66-78
Artan, Tülay, “Arts and architecture” The Cambridge History of Turkey: The Later Ottoman Empire, 1603-1839, Faroqhi, Suraiya N. (ed.), New York: Cambridge University Press, October 2006, 408-480
Artan, Tülay, “Questions of Ottoman identity and architectural history” Rethinking Architectural Historiography, Arnold, Dana and Altan Ergut, Elvan and Turan Özkaya, Belgin (eds.), London: Routledge, October 2006, 85-109
Artan, Tülay, “The Anatolian Seljuks and the Ottoman Empire” Mothers, Goddesses and Sultanas: Women in Turkey From Prehistory to the End of the Ottoman Empire, Brussels: Bozar Books 2005, 140-227
Artan, Tülay, “L’age Turquoise en Anatolie: Les Seljukides de Konya et L’Empire Ottoman” Meres, Deesses et Sultanes: Les Femmes en Turquie de la Prehistoire a la fin de L’Empire Ottoman, Dujardin, Paul (ed.), Brussels: Bozar Books 2004, 136-223
Artan, Tülay, Accessing Ottoman history Palace of Gold & Light: Treasures from the Topkapı, Istanbul, Washington, D.C.: Palace Arts Foundation 2000, 16-19
Artan, Tülay, “Aspects of the Ottoman Elite’s food consumption: looking for “Staples,” “Luxuries,” and “Delicacies” in a changing century” Consumption Studies and the History of the Ottoman Empire, 1550-1922: An Introduction, Quataert, Donald (ed.), Albany, NY: State University of New York Press 2000, 107-200
Artan, Tülay, Periods, functions, messages Palace of Gold & Light: Treasures from the Topkapı, Istanbul, Washington, D.C.: Palace Arts Foundation 2000, 30-49
Artan, Tülay, Cosmopolitan Istanbul, 1650–1750: strangers in the company of manuscripts, paintings and coffee Twelve Cities- One Sea. Early Modern Mediterranean Port Cities and Their Inhabitants, Tarantino, Giovanni and von Wyss-Giacosa, Paola (eds.), Napoli, Italy: Quaderni della Rivista Storica Italiana (forthcoming)
Artan, Tülay, Cosmopolitanism in the early 18th-century Ottoman capital: the impostor, the alchemist, the merchant and the personal dimension The Balkan Provinces of the Ottoman Empire: the Personal Dimension. I. The Agents of Faith, Gradeva, Rossitsa (ed.), Sofia: AUP (forthcoming)
Artan, Tülay, Culture and belief: material surroundings of Hungarians/Transylvanians in exile The Balkan Provinces of the Ottoman Empire: the Personal Dimension. I. The Agents of Faith, Sofia: AUB Press (forthcoming)
Artan, Tülay, Dazzling objects and Ottoman enthusiasts: travelling luxuries across the Mediterranean and beyond Travelling Matters: Rereading, Reshaping, Reusing Objects Across the Mediterranean, Falcucci, Beatrice and Giusti, Emanuele and Trentacoste, Davide (eds.), Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols (forthcoming)
Artan, Tülay, How far and how fresh? Can flowers travel? Cultural Encounters and Interactions: Ottoman, Mughal, Vijayngar Empires and Beyond, Haider, Najaf and Farouqhi, Suraiya (eds.), India: Jawaharlal Nehru University Press (forthcoming)
Artan, Tülay, Imaginary voyages, imagined Ottomans: a gentleman impostor, the Köprülüs, and 17th century French oriental romances Essays in Honor of Metin Kunt, Kenan, Seyfi and Somel, Selçuk Akşin (eds.), London: IB Tauris (forthcoming)
Artan, Tülay, İstanbul’da kitap piyasası ve Şehid Ali Paşa kitap koleksiyonunun inşası, 1709-1715 Osmanlı Kitap Koleksiyonerleri, Artan, Tülay and Aynur, Hatice (eds.), İstanbul: Dergâh Yayınları (forthcoming)
Artan, Tülay, Şehid Ali Paşa’nın Ağustos 1719’da Suk-ı Sultanî’de satışa çıkarılacak kitapları XVIII. Yüzyıl Osmanlı Kitap Koleksiyonerleri, Bilgi Üretimi ve Dağılımı, Artan, Tülay and Aynur, Hatice (eds.), İstanbul: Koç Üniversitesi Yayınları (forthcoming)
Artan, Tülay, The paradoxes of Hagia Sophia’s ablution fountain: a message from the heart of cosmopolitan İstanbul, 1740 Hagia Sophia in the Long Nineteenth Century, Anderson, Benjamin and Neumeier, Emily (eds.), Edinburg: Edinburg University Press (forthcoming)

Papers in Conference Proceedings

Artan, Tülay, ” Two artists, one vantage point: Pera/İstanbul in the 1740s “, 14th International Congress of Turkish Art, Paris, France: College De France 2011, 105-116
Artan, Tülay, “Journeys and landscapes in the Datça Peninsula : Ali Agaki of Crete and the Tuhfezâde Dynasty“, Anastasopoulos, Antonis (ed.), Halcyon Days in Crete VI, Rethymno: Crete University Press 2009, 339-411
Artan, Tülay and Berktay, Halil, “Selimian times: a reforming grand admiral, anxieties of re-possession, changing rites of power“, Zachariadou, Elizabeth (ed.), Halcyon Days in Crete IV, The Kapudan Pasha: His Office and His Domain, Rethymnon: Crete University Press, April 2003, 7-45
Artan, Tülay, ” Problems relating to the social history context of the acquisition and possession of books as part of collections of objets d’art in the 18th century “, Xth International Congress of Turkish Art, 1999: Fondation Max van Berchem 1999, 89-92

Volumes Edited / Special Issues

Artan, Tülay, On dokuzuncu yüzyıl İstanbul’unun yeni mahallesi: Teşvikiye, İstanbul: Vakıfbank (forthcoming)
Artan, Tülay and Aynur, Hatice, Osmanlı kitap koleksiyonları ve koleksiyonerleri, İstanbul: Dergâh Yayınları (forthcoming)