
 Articles published in international peer-reviewed journals (SCI, SSCI)

  1. ÖÇ YUSUF, TOKER AYŞEGÜL (2022). An Acceptance Model for Sports Technologies: The Effects of Sports Motivation, Sports Type, and Context-Aware Characteristics. International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship (SSCI), 23 (4), 785-803.
  2. AYDINLIYURT ELİF TUĞBA, TAŞKIN NAZIM, SCAHILL SHANE, TOKER AYŞEGÜL (2021). Continuance Intention in Gamified Mobile Applications: A Study of Behavioral Inhibition and Activation Systems. International Journal of Information Management (SSCI), 61, 102414.
  3. TOKER AYŞEGÜL, SERAJ MİNA, KUŞÇU ASLI, YAVUZ RAMAZAN, KOCH STEFAN, BISSON CHRISTOPHE (2016). Social Media Adoption: A Process-Based Approach. Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce (SCI), 26 (4), 344-363.
  4. VARNALI KAAN, TOKER AYŞEGÜL (2015). Self-Disclosure on Social Networking Sites. Social Behavior and Personality (SSCI), 43 (1), 1-14.
  5. ATA ÜLFET ZEYNEP, TOKER AYŞEGÜL (2012). The Effect of Customer Relationship Management Adoption in Business-to-Business Markets. Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing (SSCI), 27 (6), 497-507.
  6. VARNALI KAAN, YILMAZ CENGİZ, TOKER AYŞEGÜL (2012). Predictors of Attitudinal and Behavioral Outcomes in Mobile Advertising: A Field Experiment. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications (SSCI), 11 (6), 570-581.
  7. KOCH STEFAN, TOKER AYŞEGÜL, PHILIP BRULEZ (2011). Extending the Technology Acceptance Model with Perceived Community Characteristics. Information Research (SSCI), 16(2), paper 478. [Available at].
  8. VARNALI KAAN, TOKER AYŞEGÜL (2010). Mobile Marketing Research: The State of the Art. International Journal of Information Management (SSCI), 30(2), 144-151.
  9. ALESKEROV FUAD, SAY ARZU, TOKER AYŞEGÜL, AKIN LEVENT, ALTAY GÜLAY (2005). A Cluster-Based Decision Support System for Estimating Earthquake Damage and Casualties. Disasters (SSCI), 29(3), 255-276.
  10. CHENG TCE, LIN BMT, TOKER AYŞEGÜL (2000). Makespan Minimization in the Two-Machine Flowshop Batch Scheduling Problem. Naval Research Logistics (SCI), 47, 128-144.
  11. TOKER AYŞEGÜL, KONDAKCI SUNA, ERKİP NESİM (1994). Jobshop Scheduling Under a Nonrenewable Resource Constraint. Journal of Operational Research Society (SSCI), 8(45), 942-947.
  12. TOKER AYŞEGÜL, KONDAKCI SUNA, ERKİP NESİM (1991). Scheduling Under Nonrenewable Resource Constraint. Journal of Operational Research Society (SSCI), 42(9), 811-814.

Articles published in other international peer-reviewed journals

  1. AÇAR MURAT, TOKER AYŞEGÜL (2019). Predicting Consumer Personality Traits in the Sharing Economy: The Case of Airbnb. Applied Marketing Analytics, 5(1) 83-96.
  2. YAVUZ RAMAZAN, TOKER AYŞEGÜL (2014). Location Sharing on Social Networks: Implications for Marketing. Marketing Intelligence and Planning, 32(5), 552-566.
  3. TOKER AYŞEGÜL, VARNALI KAAN, YILMAZ CENGİZ (2011). Mobile Marketing at Turkcell Turkey’s Leading Mobile Operator. Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies, 1(1), 1-9.
  4. TOKER AYŞEGÜL, VARNALI KAAN (2009). A Framework for E-potential Assessment in Online Markets. Journal of Internet Business, 6, 81-110.
  5. SAY ARZU, TOKER AYŞEGÜL, KANTUR DENİZ (2008). Do Popular Management Techniques Improve Performance? Evidence from Large Businesses in Turkey. Journal of Management Development, 27(7), 660-677.
  6. ÖZ ÖZLEM, TOKER AYŞEGÜL (2008). Crafting Strategy in Not-For-Profit Organizations: The Experience of an Alumni Organization, BÜMED. International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing, 13, 167-175.
  7. CEYHAN ÖZGÜR, MEEK GE, TOKER AYŞEGÜL (2002). The Impact of ISO Certification on the Levels of Awareness and Usage of Quality Tools and Concepts: A Survey in Turkish Manufacturing Companies. Quality Management Journal, 9 (2), 57-69.

Papers presented at international scientific meetings and published in proceedings

  1. CANATAN ÇİĞDEM, TOKER AYŞEGÜL, ÇOŞKUN ALİ (2023). Understanding Finfluencer Engagement: A Conceptual Framework of Attitude Development and Continued Usage in Video Consumption. 15th Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems (MCIS) and the 6th Middle East and North Africa Conference on Digital Information Systems (MENACIS), Madrid, Spain.
  2. CANATAN ÇİĞDEM, TOKER AYŞEGÜL, ÇOŞKUN ALİ (2023). Adoption Attitude and Continuance Intention to Online Finfluencer Video Usage: The Role of Trust. 16th International Conference on ICT, Society and Human Beings 2023 (ICT 2023), Porto, Portugal.
  3. SİNAĞ CEYDA, HAYRAN CEREN, TOKER AYŞEGÜL (2022). Changing Dynamics of Consumer-Influencer Relationship in the Post-Pandemic Era. Association for Consumer Research Conference (ACR), Denver, USA.
  4. AÇAR MURAT, TOKER AYŞEGÜL (2020). Leveraging Big Data and Artificial Intelligence for Service Innovation in Marketing. 2020 Global Marketing Conference, Seoul, South Korea.
  5. YAVUZ RAMAZAN, TOKER AYŞEGÜL (2020). Homeyness Scale: Development of a Measure. European Marketing Association
  6. ÖÇ YUSUF, TOKER AYŞEGÜL (2019). Diffusion of Context-Aware Innovations: An Empirical Study of Sports Technologies. AMA Winter Conference, Austin, USA.
  7. AÇAR MURAT, TOKER AYŞEGÜL (2019). Personality Analysis of Sharing Economy Consumers: An Application of Text Mining. European Marketing Association Conference (EMAC), Hamburg, Germany.
  8. ŞENCEYLA EDA, TOKER AYŞEGÜL (2019). Motivations Behind Social Media Use by Elderly People. European Marketing Association Conference (EMAC), Hamburg, Germany.
  9. ÖÇ YUSUF, TOKER AYŞEGÜL (2019). The Effect of Context-Awareness on New Product Diffusions. European Marketing Association Conference (EMAC), Hamburg, Germany.
  10. ACAR MURAT, TOKER AYŞEGÜL (2018). A Perceived Service Quality Model in Sharing Economy: The Case of Airbnb. 2018 Global Marketing Conference, Tokyo, Japan.
  11. YAVUZ RAMAZAN, TOKER AYŞEGÜL (2017). Place Engagement in Service Settings. Frontiers in Service Conference, New York, USA.
  12. YAVUZ RAMAZAN, TOKER AYŞEGÜL (2017). Broadening Place Attachment in Service Settings: Place Engagement. European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC), Groningen, The Netherlands.
  13. YAVUZ RAMAZAN, TOKER AYŞEGÜL (2016). From Place Attachment to Place Engagement. 1st Consumer Research Summit: Place and Marketing in a Dynamic World, London, UK.
  14. SERAJ MİNA, KOZINETS RV, TOKER AYŞEGÜL (2015). Sharing Turns to Scaring: Explaining Apple versus Android Brand Community Conflict. Association for Consumer Research Conference (ACR), New Orleans, USA.
  15. TOKER AYŞEGÜL, SERAJ MİNA, KUŞÇU ASLI, YAVUZ RAMAZAN, KOCH STEFAN, BISSON CHRISTOPHE (2015). Social Media Maturity and Social Media Usage Intention. Emerging Markets Conference, Dubai, UAE.
  16. TOKER AYŞEGÜL, SERAJ MİNA (2013). Social Media Marketing Trends in Turkey: A Profile Analysis of Turkish Corporations. Marketing Science Conference, İstanbul, Türkiye.
  17. YAVUZ RAMAZAN, TOKER AYŞEGÜL (2012). Public Display of Location. Marcon International Marketing Conference, Calcutta, India.
  18. TOKER AYŞEGÜL, SERAJ MİNA (2012). Social Media Adoption in Turkey: The Changing Role of Consumers. ISMD 12th Biennial Conference, Casablanca, Morocco.
  19. ATA ZEYNEP, TOKER AYŞEGÜL (2009). The Effect of Customer Relationship Management Adoption on Organizational Performance in Business-to-Business Markets. International Conference of Relationship Marketing, Berlin, Germany.
  20. VARNALI KAAN, TOKER AYŞEGÜL, YILMAZ CENGİZ (2009). A Conceptual Model for Successful Mobile Marketing. International Conference of ASBSS, London, UK.
  21. ATA ZEYNEP, TOKER AYŞEGÜL (2008). A Framework to Assess the Impact of CRM on Organizational Performance in a Business-to-Business Setting. International Conference on Business Market Management, St. Gallen, Switzerland.
  22. TOKER AYŞEGÜL, KANKOTAN EKİM (2008). Membership Relationship Management in Nonprofit Organizations: The Case of an Alumni Organization. International Marketing Trends Congress, Venice, Italy.
  23. ÖZ ÖZLEM, TOKER AYŞEGÜL (2007). Linking Quality and Strategy in Not-For-Profit Organizations: The Case of BUMED. Oxford Business and Economics Conference, Oxford, UK.

Written international books or chapters in books

  1. Mobile Marketing Fundamentals and Strategy (2010), VARNALI KAAN, TOKER AYŞEGÜL, YILMAZ CENGİZ, McGraw Hill, English (Scientific Book).
  2. Handbook of Research on Business Social Networking: Organizational, Managerial, and Technological Dimensions, Chapter Title: (Social Network Citizenship) (2012). SERAJ MİNA, TOKER AYŞEGÜL, IGI Global, Editor: M.M. Cruz-Cunha, G.D. Putnik, N. Lopes, P. Gonçalves, and E. Miranda, English (Scientific Book Chapter).
  3. Cases on Information Technology Entrepreneurship, Chapter Title: ( (2007). TOKER AYŞEGÜL, SAY ARZU, ÇOLAK EROL NİHAN, IGI Publishing, Editor: J.A. Medina-Garrido, S. Martinez-Fierro, J. Ruiz-Navarro, English (Scientific Book Chapter).

 Articles published in national peer-reviewed journals

  1. ÇALIŞKAN SEMRA, TOKER AYŞEGÜL, NASIR VESİLE ASLIHAN (2018). Determinants of Consumers’ Personal Health Technology Usage Intentions. Marketing and Marketing Research Journal.
  2. MEEK GE, CEYHAN ÖZGÜR, TOKER AYŞEGÜL, TEONG LK (2003). Awareness and Usage of Quality Tools Concepts in Emerging Economies Malaysia and Turkey. Boğaziçi Journal, 17(2), 95-107.

Papers presented at national scientific conferences and published in conference proceedings

  1. SİNAG CEYDA, HAYRAN CEREN, TOKER AYŞEGÜL (2022). Changing Dynamics of Consumer-Follower Relationships and Implications for Influencer Marketing. MMRA Marketing Congress, Kırşehir, Turkey.
  2. ÖÇ YUSUF, TOKER AYŞEGÜL (2019). The Effect of Context-Awareness on New Product Adoption. MMRA Marketing Congress, Aydın, Turkey.
  3. ÇALIŞKAN SEMRA, TOKER AYŞEGÜL, NASIR VESİLE ASLIHAN (2017). Determinants of Consumers’ Personal Health Technology Usage Intentions. MMRA Marketing Congress, Trabzon, Turkey.
  4. YAVUZ RAMAZAN, TOKER AYŞEGÜL (2017). Investigating the Role of Optimum Stimulation Level and Innovativeness on Customer Engagement and Word of Mouth: A Mediation Analysis. MMRA Marketing Congress, Trabzon, Turkey.
  5. SERAJ MİNA, TOKER AYŞEGÜL (2017). Brand Warriors and Brand Communities Conflict. MMRA Marketing Congress, Trabzon, Turkey.
  6. YAVUZ RAMAZAN, TOKER AYŞEGÜL (2016). Impact of Social Media Tools on Brand Awareness and Attitude: An Exploratory Study. MMRA Marketing Congress, Kütahya, Turkey.
  7. TOKER AYŞEGÜL, ÖZER ALEV, AYRAL ECMEL (2015). Main Principles of Strategic Talent Management in Turkey. Management and Organization Conference, Muğla, Turkey.
  8. KANTUR DENİZ, TOKER AYŞEGÜL, SAY ARZU (2006). Management Techniques Adoption and Its Effects on Organizational Performance. Management and Organization Conference, Erzurum, Turkey.

 International citations

According to Web of Science: 443 citations (January 2024)
According to Scopus: 590 citations (January 2024)