

  • Urban Economics, Transportation Economics, Economics of Parking


Journal Articles

  • Keeping the Curb Vacant, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 164 (2024) (with Elif Bike Osun and Attila Tasnadi)
  • A Novel Mechanism for Private Parking Space Sharing: The Vickrey-Clarke-Groves Auction with Scale Control, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 150 (2023) (with Meng Cheng, Su Xiu Xu, and Yue Zhai)
  • A Choice Experiment on Preferences for Electric and Hybrid Cars in Istanbul, Transportation Research, Part D: Transport and Environment 107 (2022) (with Zeren Tatar Taspinar and Burc Ulengin)
  • Competition, Concentration and Percentage Rent in Retail Leasing, Real Estate Economics 50 (2022), 401-430 (earlier draft is available as CESifo Working Paper 6660) (with Gokhan Guven and Antonio Russo)
  • A Novel Methodology to Estimate Cruising for Parking and Related External Costs, Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 145 (2021), 247-269 (with Jos van Ommeren, Michael McIvor and Ismir Mulalic)
  • Spillover Parking, Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 125 (2019), 197-228 (with Murat Olus Inan and Robin Lindsey)
  • Unbundling Curbside Parking Costs from Housing Prices, Journal of Economic Geography 19 (2019), 89-119 (This paper won the Best Overall Paper Prize at the Annual Conference of the International Transportation Economics Association in 2016) (with Ozan Bakis and Rifat Ozan Senturk)
  • Parking Fees and Retail Prices, Journal of Transport Economics and Policy 52 (2018), 298-321 (with Robin Lindsey and Gokmen Oz)
  • The External Cruising Costs of Parking, Journal of Economic Geography 17 (2017), 1301–1323 (earlier draft is available as Tinbergen Institute Discussion Paper TI 2015-117/VIII) (with Jos van Ommeren and Martijn Kobus)
  • Parking as a Loss Leader at Shopping Malls, Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 91 (2016), 98-112 (with Fulya Yuksel Ersoy and Kevin Hasker)
  • Career Concerns and Bayesian Overconfidence of Managers, International Journal of Industrial Organization 46 (2016), 137-159 (with Sadettin Haluk Citci)
  • The Masquerade Ball of the CEOs and the Mask of Excessive Risk, Economic Modelling 58 (2016), 383-393 (with Sadettin Haluk Citci)
  • Garage and Curbside Parking Competition with Search Congestion, Regional Science and Urban Economics 54 (2015), 49-59 (with Robin Lindsey)
  • A Review of the Economics of Parking, Economics of Transportation 4 (2015), 50-63
  • Downtown Curbside Parking Capacity, Journal of Urban Economics 86 (2015), 83-97 (earlier draft is available as CESifo Working Paper 4085) (with Richard Arnott and John Rowse)
  • Free Parking for All in Shopping Malls, International Economic Review 55 (2014), 1281-1304 (This paper won the Best Overall Paper Prize at the Kuhmo-Nectar Conference on Transport Economics in 2010) (with Kevin Hasker)
  • Occupational Choice and the Quality of Entrepreneurs, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 92 (2013), 1-21 (earlier draft is available as Boston College Working Paper 666)
  • Financing Entrepreneurship and the Old-Boy Network, Journal of Economics & Management Strategy 22 (2013), 232-258 (earlier draft is available as IZA Discussion Paper 6288) (with Simon Parker)
  • The Old-Boy Network and the Quality of Entrepreneurs, Journal of Economics & Management Strategy 19 (2010), 889-918 (earlier draft is available as CESifo Working Paper 3071) (with Mehmet Bac)
  • The Stability of Downtown Parking and Traffic Congestion, Journal of Urban Economics 68 (2010), 260-276 (earlier draft is available as CESifo Working Paper 2525) (with Richard Arnott)
  • R&D Tax Incentives: A Reappraisal, International Tax and Public Finance 16 (2009), 797-821 (earlier draft is available as Boston College Working Paper 597)
  • An Integrated Model of Downtown Parking and Traffic Congestion, Journal of Urban Economics 60 (2006), 418-442 (earlier drafts are available as NBER Working Paper 11118 and Boston College Working Paper 608) (with Richard Arnott)

Conference Proceedings

  • Policies to Control Spillover Parking, Proceedings of the 52nd Annual Conference of the Canadian Transportation Research Forum, Winnipeg, Canada, May 2017, 226-233 (This paper won the Ron Rice Award for the Best Conference Paper at Canadian Transportation Research Forum in 2017) (with Murat Olus Inan and Robin Lindsey)
  • The Unbearable Lightness of Free Parking (Bedava Park Etmenin Dayanılmaz Hafifliği), Proceedings of the International Symposium on Parking Policies and Applications, Istanbul, Turkey, May 2011, 63-73

Popular Writings

  • Sarı Taksiler ve Gri Sulardaki Uber, İktisat ve Toplum, 90 (April 2018), 33-39
  • Who Pays for Free Parking, Milken Institute Review, 69 (First Quarter, 2016), 66-74


  • Editorial: Parking in the Connected and Automated Era: Operation, Planning, and Management, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 127, June 2021, 103115 (with Meng Xu, Feng Chu, and Erik Verhoef)
  • Introduction to the Special Issue on the Economics of Parking, Journal of Transport Economics and Policy 52 (2018), 181-183 (with Daniel Albalate)


  • The Long-run Environmental and Economic Impact of Land-use and Transport Policies in Istanbul: An Urban Computable General Equilibrium Analysis, OECD Working Party on Integrating Environmental and Economic Policies Discussion Paper, ENV/EPOC/WPIEEP(2019)2, (with Ioannis Tikoudis, Zeren Tatar Taspinar, Caglar Tozluoglu and Walid Oueslati)
  • Public Policy towards Entrepreneurship and Innovation, PhD Dissertation, Boston College (2007)
  • A Game Theoretical Model of Foreign Direct Investments, Graduation Thesis, Istanbul Technical University (2002)


  • Gri, Cati Pub. Co. (2013)
  • Turkish translation of The Color of Water, James McBride, Epsilon Pub. Co. Bestseller (2001)
  • ITU Management Faculty Undergraduate Catalogue, Literatur Pub. Co., (2000)