
Research Papers 

Blazhenkova, O., Kanero, J., Duman, I., & Umitli, O. (2023). Read and Imagine: Visual Imagery Experience Evoked by First versus Second Language. Psychological Reports, 00332941231158059.

Blazhenkova, O., & Kanero, J., & Duman, I., & Umitli, O. (2022). Read and Imagine: Visual Imagery Experience Evoked by Native vs. Foreign Language, PsyArXiv preprint.

Blazhenkova, O., & Dogerlioglu-Demir, K. & Booth, R. W. (2022). Masked emotions: Do face mask patterns and colors affect the recognition of emotions?Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications, 7(1), 1-21.

Blazhenkova, O., & Dogerlioglu-Demir, K. (2020). The shape of the pill: Perceived effects, evoked bodily sensations and emotions. PLOS One, 15(9), e0238378.

Blazhenkova, O., & Kozhevnikov, M. (2020). Creative processes during a collaborative drawing task in teams of different specializations. Creative Education, 11(09), 1751.

Blazhenkova, O., & Booth, R. W. (2020). Individual differences in visualization and childhood play preferences. Heliyon, 6(6), e03953.

Bagci S.C. & Blazhenkova O. (2020): Unjudge Someone: Human Library as a Tool to Reduce Prejudice toward Stigmatized Group Members, Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 42(6), 413-431.

Blazhenkova, O., & Pechenkova, E. (2019). The Two Eyes of the Blind Mind: Object vs. Spatial Aphantasia?. The Russian Journal of Cognitive Science, 6(4), 50-64.

Blazhenkova, O., & Kumar, M. M. (2018). Angular Versus Curved Shapes: Correspondences and Emotional Processing. Perception, 47(1), 67-89.

Blazhenkova, O. (2017). Boundary extension in face processing. i-Perception, 8(5), 2041669517724808.

Blazhenkova, O. (2016). Vividness of Object and Spatial Imagery. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 122(2), 490-508.

Blazhenkova, O., & Kozhevnikov, M. (2016). Types of Creativity and Visualization in Teams of Different Educational Specialization. Creativity Research Journal, 28(2), 123-135.

Kozhevnikov, M., Kozhevnikov, M., Yu, C.J., Blazhenkova, O. (2013). Creativity, visualization abilities, and visual cognitive style. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 83 (2), 196-209.

Kozhevnikov, M., Schloerb, D.W., Blazhenkova, O., Koo, S., Karimbux, N., Donoff, R. B., & Salcedo, J. (2013). Egocentric versus Allocentric Spatial Ability in Dentistry and Haptic Virtual Reality Training. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 27, 373–383.

Blazhenkova, O., Kozhevnikov, M., & Becker, M. (2011). Object-Spatial Imagery and Verbal cognitive styles in children and adolescences. Learning and Individual Differences, 21 (3), 281-287.

Blazhenkova, O. & Kozhevnikov, M.  (2010). Visual-object ability: A new dimension of non-verbal intelligence. Cognition, 117 (3), 276-301.

Kozhevnikov, M., Blazhenkova, O., & Becker, M. (2010). Trade-off in Object versus Spatial Visualization Abilities: Restriction in the Development of Visual Processing Resources. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 17, 29-35.

Blazhenkova, O. & Kozhevnikov, M. (2009). The new object-spatial-verbal cognitive style model: Theory and measurement. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 23 (5), 638-663.

Blajenkova, O., Kozhevnikov, M., & Motes, M. A. (2006). Object-spatial imagery: A new self-report imagery questionnaire. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 20, 239-263.

Kozhevnikov, M., Motes, M., Rasch, B., & Blajenkova, O. (2006). Perspective-taking vs. mental rotation transformations and how they predict spatial navigation performance. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 20, 397?417.

Blajenkova, O., Motes, M., & Kozhevnikov, M. (2005). Individual differences in the representations of novel environmentsJournal of Environmental Psychology, 25, 97-109.


Kozhevnikov, M., & Blazhenkova, O. (2013). Individual Differences in Object Versus Spatial Imagery: From Neural Correlates to Real-World Applications. In S. Lacey & R. Lawson (Eds.), Multisensory Imagery (pp. 299?318). New York: Springer Publishing Company.

Blazhenkova, O., & Kozhevnikov, M. (2011). Intellectual Styles in Members of Different Professions. In Li-Fang Zhang, Robert J. Sternberg, & Stephen Rayner (Eds.), Handbook of Intellectual Styles: Preferences in Cognition, Learning, and Thinking (pp. 353?372). New York: Springer Publishing Company.

Kozhevnikov, M., Royan, J., Blazhenkova, O., & Gorbunov, A. (2008). The Role of Immersivity in Three-Dimensional Mental Rotation. In J. Gero & A. Goel (Eds.), Design Computing and Cognition 2008 (pp. 143?157). Springer Netherlands

 Materials and Tools 

Blazhenkova, O. (2020, July 9). Vividness of Object and Spatial Imagery (VOSI) Questionnaire. Retrieved from

Read and Imagine Task can be found at:
Blazhenkova, O., Kanero, J., Duman, I., and Umitli, O., (2022, April 19). Supplemental materials for “Read and Imagine: Visual Imagery Experience Evoked by Native vs. Foreign Language”. Retrieved from

Blazhenkova, O., Booth, W. R., Gaser B., Erkol E., Deryalar, B., Kural Z. S. (2022, May 6). Turkish Face Database (SUrFACE). Retrieved from

Blazhenkova, O. (2017, September 5). Curved vs. angular shapes set: unframed, square-framed, round-framed. Retrieved from

Blazhenkova, O., Duman, I., Umitli, O., and Kanero, J. (2021, October 30). AOCH Pareidolia Images database. Retrieved from

Blazhenkova, O., Umitli, O., Duman, I., and Kanero, J. (2022, January 11). Animal Tails Task. Retrieved from