Gender Equality Actions in Research Organizations to Transform Gender Roles (2019-2022)
Project Team: Ayşe Gül Altınay (co-PI), Zeynep Gülru Göker (co-PI), İlayda Ece Ova (Project Specialist)
EU H2020 GEARING Roles (Gender Equality Actions in Research Organizations to Transform Gender Roles) is a 4-year Coordination and Action Support Project (2019-2022). The project aims to design and implement Gender Equality Action Plans (GEPs) in 6 research institutions in Europe. Coordinated by University of Deusto, University of Ljubljana, University of Lisbon IGOT, Oxford Brookes University, University of Radboud, Estonian Research Council, Yellow Window, Trilateral Research and Sabancı University are partners of the project. The GEPs mainly aim to remove barriers to women’s recruitment and career progression in research institutions, to address gender imbalances in the representation, processes, and the promotion of women leadership in research institutions, to provide alternative references in traditionally men dominated areas (STEM) and in those where women are majority but kept under glass ceilings (Health& Care, Hum, Law, SSCC in general) by strengthening the gender dimension in research programs and methodologies, fostering gender knowledge and scientific production in relation to gender and feminist studies, and by reinforcing women researchers’ careers, to create sustainable long term networks amongst research institutions to foster gender equality. Sabancı University has created its own GEP through participatory workshops and activities participated by SU members across all university units and published the GEP on its website.
Sabancı University Gender Equality Action Plan
Nobel Run Board Game by GEARING Roles Cordis, European Commission
Yükseköğretim ve Araştırma Kurumlarında Toplumsal Cinsiyet ve Liderlik Konferansı (9-11 Kasım 2020, Sabancı Üniversitesi)
GEARING Roles AB Komisyonu tarafından Ayın Projesi Seçildi (Haziran 2021)
GEARING Roles Projesi Yarışmasında Birincilik Ödülü Beste İrem Köse’nin (Şubat 2022)