Discussion Sections: IR 201

Discussion Section Objectives

Please refer to Prof. Kibris’ IR 201 Syllabus for major course objectives, policies, grade breakdown, exam dates…etc. Please remember to read it at least three times. Chances are the answers to all of your questions are on the syllabus. Discussion sections provide an opportunity for continued discussion and application of material raised in lectures and/or closely relate to the required readings. They allow each of you, in tandem with participation in class, interact with major ideas and concepts, ask clarifying questions, and apply the learned IR theories to original analysis of world affairs. We will be using different formats in class, including mini-presentations, small group collaborations, videos…etc.

Basic Rules

Attendance is key to your success in IR 201, so make sure you do not miss too many classes -(you may take a look at the syllabus for YOK’s policy on absences)- and remember this policy is enforced! It is expected from you to thoughtfully and respectfully participate and contribute to the discussions. Keep in mind that we are aiming to make sense and analyze global events from an IR perspective therefore; staying on track with your readings is essential for purposive contributions!

Emails to me will be answered within 24 hours. Please write your emails in English; make them brief, to the point, and put “IR 201” in the subject line! Keep in mind that it is my job to help you find and explore information only, not to give you straight answers. If you wish to speak with me, feel free to make an appointment- and please stick to the time slot that we agree on. If you fail to come to an appointment without letting me know in advance you will lose your office hour privileges with me. Remember, I am also a student and have a heavy workload!

I hope each and everyone of you will enjoy this class as much as much as I enjoy being your TA!