
A mini workshop on evolution will take place at Sabancı University this Spring. The workshop is supported by Institute of Complex and Adaptive Matter (ICAM).

Location: Sabancı University, Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Room: G035

Contact: Defne Üçer, ducer@sabanciuniv.edu


13:00-13:20 Tosun Terzioğlu -Introduction
13:20-14:05 Andrew Berry?Darwin in DNA: Detecting adaptation in molecular level?
14:05-14:50 Ayşe Erzan ?Non-adaptive Emergence of Complexity: Self replicating linear codes and gene regulatory networks?
14:50-15:10 Break
15:15-15:55 Vidyanand Nanjundiah?Social behavior and the unit of natural selection?
15:55-16:30 Q & A Period
16:30-16:45 Ali Alpar – Concluding remarks