Our recent work published in Social Psychological and Personality Science examined minimal social interactions (interactions with acquaintances and strangers) in a large nationally representative sample in Turkey and a very large convenience sample from the UK. We show that greeting, thanking, and conversing with acquaintances and strangers was associated with greater happiness (read about it on PsyPost). Our earlier work (featured on SPSP’s Blog, Character & Context) also provides evidence for this association using both cross-sectional and experimental studies.
In a hot-off-the-press paper published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, we show that you feeling bad when your romantic partner had a stresful day is associated with your partner feeling happier in the relationship… but only if you two are a new couple! This association is explained by your partner perceiving you as more more caring and understanding.
In a new paper published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, we demonstrate that engaging in positive experiences with romantic partners contributes to declines in romantic attachment avoidance (but not anxiety). Read about it on PsyPost.
RA applications
Please email me if you’re interested in volunteering as a Research Assistant. We’ll get in touch with you if positions become available in our lab.