October 8, 2018 – L2TOR is hosting Symposium on Robots for Language Learning at Koç University in Istanbul Turkey on December 12-13, 2018. Learn more about the symposium at: https://sites.google.com/view/l2torsymposium/
Category Archives: Research
Presentation at BUCLD
November 3, 2018 – We have a poster presentation at the 43rd Annual Boston University Conference on language Development (BUCLD). My collaborator Ece Demir-Lira (University of Iowa) will be giving the presentation. Find out more about BUCLD at: https://www.bu.edu/bucld/
Demir-Lira, Ö. E., Kanero, J., Oranç, O., Koşkulu, S., Franko, I., Adıgüzel, Z., Uluşahin, O., Göksun, T., & Küntay, A. C. (November, 2018). Using gestures in L2 vocabulary teaching: Human or robot tutors? The 43rd Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development (BUCLD), Boston, MA.
Presentation at the ICDL-EpiRob
September 20, 20118 – Oral presentation at the 8th Joint IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning (ICDL) and the International Conference on Epigenetic Robotics (EpiRob) in Tokyo. Find out more about the ICDL-EpiRob at: http://icdl-epirob2018.ogata-lab.jp/
Kanero, J., Franko, I., Oranç, C., Uluşahin, O., Koşkulu, S., Adıgüzel, Z., Küntay, A. C., & Göksun, T. (2018, September). Who can benefit from robots? Effects of individual differences in robot-assisted language learning. The 8th Joint IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning and on Epigenetic Robotics 2018, Tokyo, Japan.
Paper in the Journal of Social Robotics
January 25, 2018 – A new paper from the L2TOR project is available in the Journal of Social Robotics. The paper is open access: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12369-018-0467-6
Paper in Child Development Perspectives
January 8, 2018 – Our review article about the use of social robots for early language learning is published in Child Development Perspectives. The paper is open access: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/cdep.12277