

Dogerlioglu-Demir, Kivilcim and Ng, Andy H. and Koçaş, Cenk, (2023) “Gracefully yours: would snap judgments of one’s subtle graceful movements lead to inferences about their emotional intelligence?”, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Vol.75 (SSCI)
Döğerlioğlu Demir, Kıvılcım and Koçaş, Cenk and Cavdar Aksoy, Nilsah, (2023) “The role of presentation order in consumer choice: the abrupt disparity effect”, Marketing Letters, Vol.34, No.2, 251-268 (SSCI)
Döğerlioğlu-Demir, Kıvılcım and Ng, Andy H. and Koçaş, Cenk, (2023) “Fashionably late: differentially costly signaling of sociometric status through a subtle act of being late”, Journal of Business Research, Vol.155 (SSCI)
Döğerlioğlu Demir, Kıvılcım and Akpınar, Ezgi and Gurhan-Canli, Zeynep and Koçaş, Cenk, (2022) “Are 1-endings the new 9-endings? An alternative for generating price discount perceptions”, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Vol.66 (SSCI)
Koçaş, Cenk and Döğerlioğlu Demir, Kıvılcım, (2020) “The 1 in 1,000,000: context effects of how numbers cue different kinds of incidental environmental anchoring in marketing communications”, Journal of Business Research, Vol.109, 536-544 (SSCI)
Tuna, Mine and Bozkaya, Burçin and Döğerlioğlu Demir, Kıvılcım and Koçaş, Cenk, (2018) “Büyük veri bazlı pazar bölümleme: müşterilerin alışveriş merkezi seçim çeşitlilik ve kategori seçim çeşitlilik davranışlarının kredi kartı harcamaları yönünden incelenmesi (Market segmentation based on big data: examining consumer shopping mall diversity and product category diversity behaviors through credit card transactions)”, Pazarlama İçgörüsü Üzerine Çalışmalar, Vol.2, No.2, 57-68
Koçaş, Cenk and Pauwels, Koen and Bohlmann, Jonathan D., (2018) “Pricing best sellers and traffic generators: the role of asymmetric cross-selling”, Journal of Interactive Marketing, Vol.41, 28-43 (SSCI)
Koçaş, Cenk and Akkan, Can, (2016) “A system for pricing the sales distribution from blockbusters to the long tail”, Decision Support Systems, Vol.89, 56-65 (SCI)
Koçaş, Cenk and Akkan, Can, (2016) “How trending status and online ratings affect prices of homogeneous products”, International Journal of Electronic Commerce, Vol.20, No.3, 384-407 (SCI)
Akkan, Can and Külünk, Erdem Muhammed and Koçaş, Cenk, (2016) “Finding robust timetables for project presentations of student teams”, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol.249, No.2, 560-576 (SCI)
Döğerlioğlu Demir, Kıvılcım and Koçaş, Cenk, (2015) “Seemingly incidental anchoring: the effect of incidental environmental anchors on consumers’ willingness to pay”, Marketing Letters, Vol.26, No.4, 607-618 (SSCI)
Koçaş, Cenk, (2015) “An extension of Osuna’s model to observable queues”, Journal of Mathematical Psychology, Vol.66, 53-58 (SSCI)
Yaprak, Attila and Taşoluk, Burcu and Koçaş, Cenk, (2015) “Market orientation, managerial perceptions, and corporate culture in an emerging market: evidence from Turkey”, International Business Review, Vol.24, No.3, 443-456 (SSCI)
Koçaş, Cenk and Döğerlioğlu Demir, Kıvılcım, (2013) “An empirical investigation of consumers’ willingness-to-pay and the demand function: the cumulative effect of individual differences in anchored willingness-to-pay responses”, Marketing Letters (SSCI)
Bayazıt, Mahmut and Koçaş, Cenk, (2012) “Örgütsel kültür ve pazar odaklılık performansı: “kültür tipi” ve “güçlü kültür” önermelerinin Türkiye’de testi”, Yönetim Araştırmaları Dergisi
Koçaş, Cenk and Irmak, Melek and Duran, Yasin, (2008) “Pazarlama kararlarına pazarın verdiği tepkiler nasıl ölçülür?”, Pazarlama ve İlrtişim Kültürü Dergisi
Koçaş, Cenk and Bohlmann, Jonathan, (2008) “Segmented switchers and retailer pricing strategies”, Journal of Marketing, Vol.72, No.3, 124-142 (SSCI)
Koçaş, Cenk and Kıyak, Tunga, (2006) “Theory and evidence on pricing by asymmetric oligopolies”, International Journal of Industrial Organization, Vol.24, No.1, 83-105 (SSCI)
Koçaş, Cenk, (2005) “A model of Internet pricing under price-comparison shopping”, International Journal of Electronic Commerce, Vol.10, No.1, 111-134 (SCI, SSCI)
Koçaş, Cenk, (2004) “Price-comparison in electronic markets and implications for homogenous goods retailers”, Bogazici Journal: Review of Social, Economic and Administrative Studies, Vol.17, No.1, 53-73


Koçaş, Cenk, “Ekonometrik rekabet modelleme, pazar tepki analizi ve talep tahmini, (Prepared by: Aykaç, Selcen and Irmak, Melek and Duran, Yasin), ITO Yayınları: İstanbul Ticaret Odası 2007

Papers in Conference Proceedings

Döğerlioğlu Demir, Kıvılcım and Koçaş, Cenk, “A context-dependent view of anchoring: the effect of consumer adaptation of incidental environmental anchors on willingness to pay“, North America_ ACR, Baltimore, MD, USA: Association for Consumer Research (forthcoming)