Dogerlioglu-Demir, Kivilcim and Ng, Andy H. and Koçaş, Cenk, (2023) “Gracefully yours: would snap judgments of one’s subtle graceful movements lead to inferences about their emotional intelligence?”, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Vol.75 (SSCI) |
Döğerlioğlu Demir, Kıvılcım and Koçaş, Cenk and Cavdar Aksoy, Nilsah, (2023) “The role of presentation order in consumer choice: the abrupt disparity effect”, Marketing Letters, Vol.34, No.2, 251-268 (SSCI) |
Döğerlioğlu-Demir, Kıvılcım and Ng, Andy H. and Koçaş, Cenk, (2023) “Fashionably late: differentially costly signaling of sociometric status through a subtle act of being late”, Journal of Business Research, Vol.155 (SSCI) |
Döğerlioğlu Demir, Kıvılcım and Akpınar, Ezgi and Gurhan-Canli, Zeynep and Koçaş, Cenk, (2022) “Are 1-endings the new 9-endings? An alternative for generating price discount perceptions”, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Vol.66 (SSCI) |
Koçaş, Cenk and Döğerlioğlu Demir, Kıvılcım, (2020) “The 1 in 1,000,000: context effects of how numbers cue different kinds of incidental environmental anchoring in marketing communications”, Journal of Business Research, Vol.109, 536-544 (SSCI) |
Tuna, Mine and Bozkaya, Burçin and Döğerlioğlu Demir, Kıvılcım and Koçaş, Cenk, (2018) “Büyük veri bazlı pazar bölümleme: müşterilerin alışveriş merkezi seçim çeşitlilik ve kategori seçim çeşitlilik davranışlarının kredi kartı harcamaları yönünden incelenmesi (Market segmentation based on big data: examining consumer shopping mall diversity and product category diversity behaviors through credit card transactions)”, Pazarlama İçgörüsü Üzerine Çalışmalar, Vol.2, No.2, 57-68 |
Koçaş, Cenk and Pauwels, Koen and Bohlmann, Jonathan D., (2018) “Pricing best sellers and traffic generators: the role of asymmetric cross-selling”, Journal of Interactive Marketing, Vol.41, 28-43 (SSCI) |
Koçaş, Cenk and Akkan, Can, (2016) “A system for pricing the sales distribution from blockbusters to the long tail”, Decision Support Systems, Vol.89, 56-65 (SCI) |
Koçaş, Cenk and Akkan, Can, (2016) “How trending status and online ratings affect prices of homogeneous products”, International Journal of Electronic Commerce, Vol.20, No.3, 384-407 (SCI) |
Akkan, Can and Külünk, Erdem Muhammed and Koçaş, Cenk, (2016) “Finding robust timetables for project presentations of student teams”, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol.249, No.2, 560-576 (SCI) |
Döğerlioğlu Demir, Kıvılcım and Koçaş, Cenk, (2015) “Seemingly incidental anchoring: the effect of incidental environmental anchors on consumers’ willingness to pay”, Marketing Letters, Vol.26, No.4, 607-618 (SSCI) |
Koçaş, Cenk, (2015) “An extension of Osuna’s model to observable queues”, Journal of Mathematical Psychology, Vol.66, 53-58 (SSCI) |
Yaprak, Attila and Taşoluk, Burcu and Koçaş, Cenk, (2015) “Market orientation, managerial perceptions, and corporate culture in an emerging market: evidence from Turkey”, International Business Review, Vol.24, No.3, 443-456 (SSCI) |
Koçaş, Cenk and Döğerlioğlu Demir, Kıvılcım, (2013) “An empirical investigation of consumers’ willingness-to-pay and the demand function: the cumulative effect of individual differences in anchored willingness-to-pay responses”, Marketing Letters (SSCI) |
Bayazıt, Mahmut and Koçaş, Cenk, (2012) “Örgütsel kültür ve pazar odaklılık performansı: “kültür tipi” ve “güçlü kültür” önermelerinin Türkiye’de testi”, Yönetim Araştırmaları Dergisi |
Koçaş, Cenk and Irmak, Melek and Duran, Yasin, (2008) “Pazarlama kararlarına pazarın verdiği tepkiler nasıl ölçülür?”, Pazarlama ve İlrtişim Kültürü Dergisi |
Koçaş, Cenk and Bohlmann, Jonathan, (2008) “Segmented switchers and retailer pricing strategies”, Journal of Marketing, Vol.72, No.3, 124-142 (SSCI) |
Koçaş, Cenk and Kıyak, Tunga, (2006) “Theory and evidence on pricing by asymmetric oligopolies”, International Journal of Industrial Organization, Vol.24, No.1, 83-105 (SSCI) |
Koçaş, Cenk, (2005) “A model of Internet pricing under price-comparison shopping”, International Journal of Electronic Commerce, Vol.10, No.1, 111-134 (SCI, SSCI) |
Koçaş, Cenk, (2004) “Price-comparison in electronic markets and implications for homogenous goods retailers”, Bogazici Journal: Review of Social, Economic and Administrative Studies, Vol.17, No.1, 53-73 |
Koçaş, Cenk, “Ekonometrik rekabet modelleme, pazar tepki analizi ve talep tahmini, (Prepared by: Aykaç, Selcen and Irmak, Melek and Duran, Yasin), ITO Yayınları: İstanbul Ticaret Odası 2007 |
Papers in Conference Proceedings
Döğerlioğlu Demir, Kıvılcım and Koçaş, Cenk, “A context-dependent view of anchoring: the effect of consumer adaptation of incidental environmental anchors on willingness to pay“, North America_ ACR, Baltimore, MD, USA: Association for Consumer Research (forthcoming) |