Selmiye Alkan Gürsel
selmiye sabanciuniv.edu
Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences |
- Ph.D. in Chemistry, Middle East Technical University (METU), 2002
- M.Sc. in Chemistry, METU, 1997
- B.Sc. in Chemisry Education, METU, 1994
Work Experience
- Paul Scherrer Institut, Switzerland, 2003-2007
- University of Florida, USA, 2001-2002
Areas of Interest
- Synthesis & Characterization of Proton Exchange Membranes for Fuel Cells,
- Graphene based Electrodes & Catalyst Supports for Fuel Cells,
- Radiation Induced Grafting, Micro-Nanomaterials for Artificial Muscles,
- Electrodes for Lithium Ion Batteries, Electrochemical Synthesis & Characterization of Conducting Polymers
- Electrochemical Society (ECS)
- American Chemical Society (ACS)
- Polymer Group of Switzerland (PGS)
- Science Academy -Young Academics Prize Scholarships (BAGEP) 2013 – Sabancı University 2013
- ODTÜ Prof. Dr. Mustafa N. PARLAR Eğitim ve Araştırma Vakfı -Research Incentive Award 2012 – Sabancı University 2012
- TÜBA-L’oréal Turkey for Women in Science – Sabancı University 2010
- Prize of excellent personal performance – Paul Scherrer Institut 2005
- Prize of excellent personal performance – Paul Scherrer Institut 2004
- Prize of excellent personal performance – Paul Scherrer Institut 2003