My program of research broadly focuses on interpersonal relationships. In my research, I address questions ranging from relationship formation to relationship maintenance to the well-being functions of relationships, such as:
- How do engaging in minimal social interactions—such as greeting, thanking, and expressing good wishes to strangers or acquaintances—contribute to well-being?
- What are the processes that contribute to formation of affectional bonds in romantic relationships?
- What are the processes that affect maintenance of romantic relationships?
- How do romantic relationships contribute to emotion regulation and well-being?
Minimal interactions as an alternate social resource to close relationships, The Science and Technology Institute of Turkey (TUBITAK), 1001 Scientific and Technological Research Projects Funding Program, Principal Investigator, 01.03.2024-28.02.2027.
A cross-cultural investigation of minimal social interactions, Sabanci University President’s Research Grant, Co-principal investigator, 01.09.2022-31.08.2025.
Toward enhancing the applied potential of relationship science via basic research: Examining interpersonal variability in support processes and its consequences for relational well-being, The Science and Technology Institute of Turkey (TUBITAK) 3501 Career Development Program, Investigator, 15.01.2021-15.01.2024.
Examining Emotional and Evaluative processes in Interpersonal Relationships, Sabanci University Integration Projects Support, Principal Investigator, 26.03.2020-25.03.2023.
The Role of Responsiveness Variability and Average Responsiveness in Relational Outcomes, The Science and Technology Institute of Turkey (TUBITAK) 1001 Scientific and Technological Research Projects Funding Program, Principal Investigator, 01.11.2018-01.11.2021.
The Role of Idiosyncratic Experiences in Mental Representations of Relationship Partners, Turkish Academy of Sciences Outstanding Young Scientist Award Program (TÜBA-GEBIP), Principal Investigator, 01.05.2016-01.05.2019.
Adult Attachment Formation: Development of Vocal and Physiological Synchrony, The Science and Technology Institute of Turkey (TUBITAK) 3501 Career Development Program, Investigator, 01.03.2017-01.03.2020.
Formation and Development of Attachment Mental Representations in Adulthood, The Science and Technology Institute of Turkey (TUBITAK) 3501 Career Development Program, Principal Investigator, 01.05.2015-01.04.2018.
Developing a Game Engine for Mobile Devices to Facilitate Social Interaction, The Science and Technology Institute of Turkey (TUBITAK) 1507 Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Research and Development Program, Consultant, 01.05.2015-31.10.2016.
Anthony D. Ong, Cornell University, USA
Cindy Hazan, Cornell University, USA
Emre Selcuk, Sabanci University, Turkey
Gillian Sandstrom, University of Sussex, UK
Mehmet Harma, University of Akureyri, Iceland
Rich Slatcher, University of Georgia, USA
Ayse Uskul, University of Sussex, UK
Vivian Zayas, Cornell University, USA