1998-2007, The City University of New York-The Graduate Center, Ph. D. in Cultural Anthropology

Dissertation Title: Experiencing and Explaining Cancer: A Critical Study of Turkish Modernity

through the Cancer Patients’ Illness Narratives

Dissertation Committee: Shirley Lindenbaum, Michael Blim, Talal Asad, Khaled Fahmy

1995-1998, Boğaziçi University, M.A. in Sociology

M.A. Thesis Title: Turkish Medical Doctors: Historical Experience and Self-Narratives

1991-1995, Boğaziçi University, B.A. in Sociology



2018, 2017-2018 Academic Year Teaching Awards: Graduating Class Award, Sabancı University

2014, The Celebration of Learning And Teaching Award of Koç University with the Ph.D. Course: “Theoretical Debates on Human Body” (HSGH 635)

2010, Reproductive Health Working Group, Research Fellowship, “Quality of Life among Turkish Breast Cancer Patients”

2008, SASBİL (Sağlık İçin Sosyal Bilimler Derneği /The Association of Social Sciences in Health)- Thesis Award

2001-2003, CUNY-Graduate Center, Writing Fellowship

1998, Fulbright scholarship for Ph.D. studies in the United States



Fall, 2017, Sabancı University, Cultural Studies Program, Gender Studies Program, Assistant Professor

Spring, 2017, Sabancı University, Cultural Studies Program, Visiting Professor: “Myths of Gender”, “Turkish Culture: Critical Perspectives”

Fall, 2016-Fall, 2009, Galatasaray University, Department of Sociology, Visiting Professor: “Globalization and Health”

Fall, 2010-Spring, 2016, Koç University, Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences. Assistant Professor

Spring, 2009, Koç University, Department of Sociology.  Adjunct Professor: “Introductory Sociology”

Fall 2006-Fall, 2009,    Koç University, Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences. Adjunct Professor:  Anthropology of Health and Illness

Fall, 2004,  Fordham University, Department of Anthropology. Adjunct Professor:  “The Anthropology of Everyday Life in the Middle East”

Spring, 2001- Spring, 2003, Long Island University, Department of Anthropology. Adjunct Professor: “Introduction to Anthropology”



Anthropology of Health and Illness, Illness Narratives, Health Inequalities, Gender, Anthropology of the Body, Anthropology of the Middle East, Qualitative Research Methods,




Dicle’nin Çalışmalarıyla Bu Kitaptaki Yazılar Arasında Akademik Köprüler Kurmak, (Building Bridges between Dicle’s Works and the Articles in this Book), Türkiye’de Cinsiyet Kültürleri: Dicle Koğacıoğlu Kitabı (Gendered Cultures in Turkey: A Book for Dicle Koğacıoğlu), Cenk Özbay, Ayşecan Terzioğlu (eds), İletişim Yayınları, 2019, pg: 15-22

Sağlık, Biyolojik Süreçler, Teknoloji Konularına Antropolojik Yaklasımlar,  (Anthropological Perspectives on Health, Biological Processes and Technology), Maral Erol, Ayşecan Terzioğlu “Kültür Denen Şey: Türkiye’de Antropolojik Yaklaşımlar”, (Anthropological Perspectives on Culture in Turkey) Ayfer Bartu Candan& Cenk Özbay (eds), Metis Yayınları, 2018, pg: 305-317

Rauchumschleierte Berge: Die Debatte den Tschernobyl-Effekt in der Türkei (Smoke Wrapped around the Mountains: The Debate on Chernobyl Effect in Turkey), Politik und Gesellschaft nach Tschernobyl: Ost-Europäische Perspektiven (The Politics and Society After Chernobyl: (East) European Perspectives), Melanie Arnt (ed), Ch. Links, 2016, pg: 104-129

Health Care for All? : Rethinking Medical Tourism and Asylum- Seekers’ Health in Turkey, The Making Neoliberal Turkey, Cenk Özbay, Maral Erol, Aysecan Terzioğlu, Umut Türem (eds), Routledge, Spring, 2016, pg:  149-167

Küreselleşme, Kanser ve Hastalık Anlatıları: Bilinçli/Bilinçsiz Hastadan Biyolojik Vatandaşlığa Geçiş Süreci (Globalization, Cancer and Illness Narratives: from Conscientious/Unconscientious Patients to Biological Citizens), Neoliberalizm ve Mahremiyet:Türkiye’de Beden, Sağlık ve Cinsellik, (Neoliberalism and Intimacy: Health, Body and Sexuality in Turkey), Cenk Özbay, Ayşecan Terzioğlu, Yeşim Yasin (eds), Metis Yayınevi, 2011. pg: 111-132



“Hastalıkta ve Sağlıkta Mülteci Olmak: Türkiye’deki Suriyelilerin Sağlık Erişiminde Yaşadığı Sorunlar” (Being a Refugee in Sickness and Health: The Problems that the Syrian Refugees in Turkey Experience in Health Care Access),, 07-2019, pg: 39-45

“Sağlığın Kültürel Boyutları ve Toplumsal Cinsiyet Normları: Türkiye’de Tütün Kontrolü ve Kadınların Sigara İçmesine Atfedilen Anlamlar” (Cultural Aspects of Health and Gender Norms: Tobacco Control and Meanings Attributed to the Women’s Smoking in Turkey), Toplum ve Hekim, 33: 6, 2018, pg: 455-464

“The Banality of Evil and the Normalization of Discriminatory Discourses against Syrians in Turkey”, Anthropology of Contemporary Middle East and Central Eurasia (ACME), 4(2), Special issue, July, 2018, pg: 34-47

“Vatandaşlığı Biyoiktidar ve Sağlık Eşitsizlikleri ile Tartışmak”, Bugünün Distopyası, (Today’s Dystopia), Cogito, 90, Spring 2018, pg: 231-240

“Coping with Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment: A Comparative Study on Women with Breast Cancer in Turkey and Occupied Palestinian Territory”, with Weeam Hammoudeh, Reproductive Health Matters, 2017, 25 (S1), pg: 35-46

“Hep bu Suriyelilerin Yüzünden!”:  Istanbul’daki Sağlık Çalışanlarının Gözünden Suriyeli Çocukların Sağlığı (This is All because of Syrians: Syrian Children’s Health from the Perspective of Health Care Workers in Istanbul), Toplum ve Bilim,  Sayı 134, November, 2015, pg: 102-118

“Le Tourisme Médical en Turquie: Repenser la Santé dans un Contexte Globalisé” (Medical Tourism in Turkey: Rethinking Health in a Globalized Context) in Ethnologie Française, Numero Spéciale sur La Turquie, Vol. 44, Avril, 2014, pg: 257-266

“Conceptions of Quality of Life, Body and Gender among Turkish Breast Cancer Patients” in Antropologia Portuguesa,  Vol 29, Spring 2012, pg: 11-24

“The Conception of Anatolia by the Medical Doctors who Are Raised in Istanbul”,  Istanbul, Winter 2004, pg: 93-97



Book Review of Michael Kimmel’s “Healing from Hate: How Young Men Get into-and Get out of Violent Extremism”, Masculinities Journal, Autumn 2019, 12, pg: 155-160

Sağlık: Modern Tıp İdeolojisinden Yurttaş Örgütlenmelerine, (Health: From the Ideology of Modern Medicine to Grassroots Citizens’ Organizations), Ayşecan Terzioğlu, Ayşe Çavdar, Saha, İnsani Güvenlik Penceresinden 2000’ler Türkiyesi, (Saha: The Human Security Issues in Turkey in the 2000s),  Helsinki Yurttaşlar Derneği (Helsinki Human Rights Assemblee), September, 2015:1, pg: 39-46

Book Review of “Meaning, Madness and Political Subjectivity:A Study of Scizophrenia and Culture in Turkey”  Sadeq Rahimi, Somatosphere, December, 2015

Book Review of Nitsan Chorev’s The World Health Organization Between North and South, Contemporary  Sociology, Vol 43 (5), September, 2014

Book Review of Aslıhan Sanal’s “New Organs within Us: Transplants and the Moral Economy”, New Perspectives on Turkey, Vol: 48. , Spring 2013

An Ethnographic Review of the Aslıhan Sanal’s “New Organs within Us: Transplants and the Moral Economy”, American Anthropologist, Vol. 151, September 2013

‘Health in the Middle East, 1850-present’’ in Cultural Sociology of the Middle East, Asia, and Africa; Orlando Patterson, J. Geoffrey Golson (eds),‏ Sage Reference Books, 2012

“Kadın Bedeni Üzerine Tıbbi Çeşitlemeler: Kanserli Kadınlar Rahim ve Meme Kaybı Süreçlerini Nasıl Anlatıyor?” (Medical Interpretations of Women’s Body: How do Women with Cancer Talk about their Loss of Breast or Womb?), II.Kadın Hekimlik ve Kadın Saglığı Kongresi/The Second Congress of Women Physicians and Women’s Health. Kongre Kitabı/Congress Book: Başak Maatbacılık, 2010

The articles, “Bird Flu”, “Lung Cancer”, “Coping with Cancer”, Yale Encyclopedia of Global Health, edited by Prof. Yawei Zhang, Sage Reference Books, 2008

Book Review of D Paula Holmes-Eber’s “Daughters of Tunis: Women, Family and Networks in a Muslim City”, American Feminist Anthropology, February, 2003

Teaching Anthropology”, in Notebook, Teaching Narratives, Writing Across the Curriculum Program, Brooklyn College Publications, Spring 2002



Book Review of Michael Kimmel’s “Healing from Hate: How Young Men Get into-and Get out of Violent Extremism”, Masculinities Journal, Autumn 2019, 12, pg: 155-160

“Salt in the Water: Racialization, Hierarchy, and Arab-Jewish Romantic Relationships in Israel”, Janine Rich, Master’s Thesis, Cultural Studies Program, Sabancı University, July 2019

“The Waste Pickers of Istanbul: A Case Study”, Ebru Ayşegül Gügüş, Master’s Thesis, Cultural Studies Program, Sabancı University, September 2019



January 2019 onwards, Book Review Editor, Onwards, Journal of Ottoman and Turkish Studies Association (JOTSA), University of Indiana Press.

December, 2018, Editor of İnterseks Aile Rehberi (Intersex Family Guide), LGBTİQ+ Aile ve Yakınları Destek Grubu (LGBTİQ+ Family and Friends Support Group)

November, 2018, Scientific Committee Member of “Les Corps Ordonnés: Biologiser Les Faits Sociaux”,  Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS) de Lyon, Lyon, France.

February, 2018, Referee for FE (Feminist Eleştiri- Feminist Critique) Journal

December, 2017, Referee for Journal of the Middle East Women’s Studies

December, 2017, 2016, Jury Member for “Dicle Koğacıoğlu Article Awards”, Gender Forum, Sabanci University

September, 2016, Consultant for KONDA’s Research on Health Inequalities and Conceptualizations in Turkey (Ekim Barometresi).

Fall, 2012, Translator and Editor, Mummy’s Lump, Gillian Forrest, Sarah Garson, Ashley Charitable Trust, Breast Cancer Care, “Annedeki Kitle”, Kanserle Dans Derneği.

Spring, 2011 Referee for Toplum ve Bilim (Society and Science), İletişim Yayınları.

Summer, Fall 2010, Reproductive Health Working Group, Researcher, “Quality of Life among Turkish Breast Cancer Patients”

Spring, 2009, Referee: “International Journal of Sociology and Anthropology”

Summer, Fall 2008, Roche, Istanbul. Consultant: Design and supervision of the qualitative research, “The Socio-Cultural Elements of the Pharmaceutical Industry in Turkey”

Fall 2003, Tarih Vakfı. Editor: “Istanbul’un Sağlığı,” (Istanbul’s Health), Istanbul, vol. 48, January, 2004

Fall 2001-Fall 2003, CUNY, Graduate Center, New York. Writing Fellow in the Writing Across the Curriculum Program at the Brooklyn College. Collaboration with the faculty of the social science departments to implement writing across the curriculum. Construction and revision of the syllabi and creating assignments to enhance the students’ writing skills.



“Dicle Koğacıoğlu’nun Çalışmalarıyla Yeni Kuşak Akademisyenler Arasında Köprüler Kurmak” (Building Bridges between the Works of Dicle Koğacıoğlu and the New Generation of Academics), Dicle Koğacıoğlu Kitabı: Türkiye’de Cinsiyet Kültürleri” (Cenk Özbay, Ayşecan Terzioğlu), Panel ve Kitap Tanıtımı (Book Launch and Panel), December, 12, 2019, Middle East Technical University (METU), Ankara 

“Kadınlar ve Sigara: Bağımlılığın Toplumsal ve Kültürel Boyutları” (Women and Cigarette: Social and Cultural Aspects of the Addiction), “Sigara ve Sağlık Ulusal Komitesi Sempozyumu: Tütün Kontrolünde Sorunlar ve Çözüm Önerileri”(Smoking and Health National Committee Symposium: The Problems and Suggestions for Solutions in Tobacco Control), November, 30-December, 01, 2019, Istanbul

“Günümüz Türkiye’sinde Tütün Bağımlılığının Medikalizasyonu ve Toplumsal Arkaplanı”, (The Medicalization and Social Context of Tobacco Addiction in Today’s Turkey),  4. Ulusal Antropoloji Kongresi (4th National Anthropology Congress), İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi. October, 17-19, 2019, Istanbul

Discussant and Moderator: “Biopolitics”, 2nd International Symposium on Men and Masculinities: Challenges and Possibilities in Troubling Times, September 12-14 2019, Istanbul

“Syrians in Turkey: Dominant and Alternative Approaches to the Issue of Refugee Health”,  14th European Sociological Association (ESA) Conference, August 20-23, 2019, Manchester, England.

“Social Science Studies on International Migration to Turkey”, Reproductive Health Working Group (RHWG), June 26-28, 2019, Istanbul, Turkey,

“The Case of Syrians in Turkey: Dominant and Alternative Approaches to the Issue of Refugee Health”, The Asian Conference on Cultural Studies (ACCS), May 24-26, 2019, Tokio, Japan.

“Syrians in Turkey: Dominant and Alternative Approaches to the Issue of Refugee Health”, International Conference on Medical Humanities, March 16, 2019, Birkbeck College, University of London, England.

Discussant: Rethinking State and Civil Society Relations in Turkey: An Analysis on Migrant Health, Master’s thesis by Oğuz Can Ok (Bilkent University),  Asulis Sosyal Bilimler Lisansüstü Öğrenci Çalıştayı, (Asulis Social Sciences Graduate Students Workshop), Hrant Dink Vakfı (Hrant Dink Foundation), December 19, 2019, Istanbul.

“A Conflictual Encounter: Turkish Conceptions of Syrians’ Body, Health and Gender”, The 10th ISA (International Sociological Association) World Congress of Sociology, July 15-21, 2018, Toronto, Canada

Suffering, Trauma and Body in the Refugee Narratives in the Middle East”, The Annual Meeting of the American Comparative Literature Association (ACLA),  March 29-April 1, 2018, The University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), US

Moderator and Discussant of the Panel: Beden Olumlama Hareketleri, Moda ve Cinsellik (Body Positivity Movement, Fashion and Sexuality, March, 7, 2018, Sabancı University 

“Developing a Research Agenda and Policy Suggestions For Sexual Conduct in Higher Education in Turkey”, with Cenk Özbay, INSEP 18, Managing, Researching, and Enabling Respectful Sexual Conduct in Higher Education, February, 19-20, 2018, Ghent University, Belgium

“Önce Can, Sonra Canan: Vatandaşlığı Biopolitika ve Sağlık Eşitsizlikleri Üzerinden Tanımlamak ve Tartışmak” (First Things First: Defining and Discussing Citizenship through Biopolitics and Health Inequalities), KİSS (Küresel İncelemeler ve Sınıfsal Stratejiler Araştırma Grubu- Global Studies and Class Strategies Research Group), Türkiye’de Vatandaşlık Rejimi: Beden Siyaseti ve Cinsellikler (The Policies on Citizenship in Turkey: Body Politics and Sexualities), November 25, 2017, Salt Galata, Istanbul

“An Ongoing Battle of Different Perspectives: Dominant and Alternative Discourses on the Syrian Refugees’ Health Conditions in Turkey”, Contested Authorities over the Body: The State, the Secular, and the Religious: International Workshop, October 16-17, 2017, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany

“Smoking Cigarettes as a Political Act: Challenging Gender Norms and Reconsidering Health Issues”, Reproductive Health Working Group, Annual Meeting, July 11-13, 2017, Amman, Jordan

“Women and Smoking in Turkey”, ENSP International Conference on Tobacco Control, 24-26, 2017, May, Athens, Greece

“Türkiye’deki Nüfus Politikalarında Tıbbileşme ve Kadın Bedeni” (Medicalization and Woman’s Body in the Policies on Population in Turkey), March 8, 2017, Toplumsal Cinsiyet Açısından Sağlık, Beden ve Cinsellik (Health, Body and Sexuality through the Gender Perspective), SU Gender, Sabancı University

“Exploring the Medical Discourses on the Syrian Refugees’ Body and Health: Problems and Opportunities”,  November 24-25, 2016, Transcultural Dialogues in Medical Humanities Conference, Özyeğin University

“Helping the Syrian Immigrants: Opportunities and Obstacles”, Reproductive Health Working Group, Annual Meeting, July 13-15, 2016, Broummama, Lebanon

“Marginalizaton-Medicalization-Healing” Workshop, June 8-10, 2016, University of Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany

“A Very Long-lasting Panic and Fear: Chernobyl Effect in Turkey”, After Chernobyl: Echoes and Impacts, EHESS, March 19, 2016, Paris, France

“Türkiye’deki Sağlık Alanındaki Cinsiyetçilik ve Ayrımcılık: Farkındalık ve Mücadele Yolları”, (Sexism and Discrimination in the Turkish Health Sector: How to Create an Awareness and Fight against Them?), Tıp Öğrencileri Klubü Atölye çalışması yürütücüsü, (Medical Students’ Club, Workshop moderator) March 8, 2016, Koç University, İstanbul

Bahar Seminerleri, SPOD LGBTI Akademi Grubu (Sosyal Politikalar Cinsiyet Kimliği ve Cinsel Yönelim Çalışmaları Derneği), (Spring Seminars, SPOD-Social Policies on Discrimination Based on Gender Identity of  LGBTI) October 25-26, 2015, Mimar Sinan Üniversitesi, Fındıklı, İstanbul

“Being a Syrian Immigrant in Turkey: Health Policies and Inequalities”, EASA- MAGic 2015: Anthropology and Global Health Interrogating Theory, Policy and Practice, September 8-11, 2015, Brighton, England

“Medical and Cultural Significance of Having Children and Child Health among Syrian and African Immigrants in Istanbul”, Reproductive Health Working Group, Annual Meeting, June 13-15, 2015, Dhour Choueir, Lebanon

“Neden İyi İnsanlar Kötü Şeyler Yapar?”, (Why do Nice People Behave Badly?) Oturum Başkanlığı-Moderator, 14. Doğu  Akdeniz Aile Hekimliği Sempozyumu (Eastern Mediterranean Family Medicine Symposium), May 22-24, 2015, Adana

Tevitöl Lisesi, Sosyal Bilimler Çalıştayı, Öteki-Ötekileştirme, Antropoloji ve Ötekileştirme çalıştayı yöneticisi (TEVİTÖL High School, Social Science Workshop on Otherization, Anthropology and Otherization, Session Moderator), April 28, 2015, Istanbul

International Tobacco Control Workshop, March 24-26, 2015, Turkish Ministry of Health&TAPDK, Ankara 

Organizer and Discussant of the Panel: “Living with Chronic Illness:Challenges and Perspectives across Borders, Biennial Meeting of EASA (European Association of Social Anthropologists),  July 31-August 3,  2014, Tallinn, Estonia

“Medical Tourism, Irregular Immigrants’ Health Conditions and Problems of Globalizing The Health Sector in Turkey”, May 2-5, 2014, Doğu Akdeniz Aile Hekimliği Sempozyumu, Çukurova Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi, Adana

“The Quality of Life among Turkish Breast Cancer Patients”, The Comparative RHWG-QoL Research Results, April 25-28, 2014, Birzeit Üniversitesi, Filistin

“Medical Tourism and Asylum-Seekers: The Two Faces of Globalization and Health in Turkey”, January 27-29, 2014,  Reproductive Health Working Group, Annual Meeting, Muscat, Oman

“Sağlık Politikalarında Hasta ve Vatandaş Algısı”, (The Conception of Patients and Citizens in the Turkish Health Policies), May 12-15, 2013, Doğu Akdeniz Aile Hekimliği Sempozyumu, Çukurova Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi, Adana

Healthcare for All?: Rethinking Globalization and Health Inequalities in the Turkish Context, December 11-13, 2012,  Beyond Boundaries: Interstices in Medical Anthropology, Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Vienna, Austria

Reform and Controversies: The AKP’s Discourses and Policies on Gender, Health and Reproduction, November 16, 2012, Taking Stock: Ten Years of AKP Rule in Turkey, Department of Politics, New York University, New York, U.S.

Who Talks and Who Listens? Breast Cancer and Biological Citizenship in Turkey, October 22-28, 2012, Re-Ordering the Social – Producing Change: Contemporary Ethnographies of Turkey in an Interconnected World, Part 2, Humboldt University at Berlin, Department of European Ethnology and Collaborative Research Centre, Berlin, Germany

(Re) Discovering Islam: Survival Strategies of Turkish Women with Breast Cancer, July 10-13, 2012, Biennial Meeting of EASA (European Association of Social Anthropologists), Paris, France

Privileged Biological Citizens:  When Well-known Turkish Women Have Breast Cancer, July 07-09, 2012, Reproductive Health Working Group, Annual Meeting, Tunis, Tunisia

“Transformation of the Turkish Health System”, November, 2011, International Workshop organized by Friedrich Ebert Stiftung and Social Policy Forum, Boğaziçi University, Istanbul

“Globalization and Medical Tourism in Turkey”, November, 2011, Annual Meeting of Society for Social Studies of Sciences (4S), Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.

“From an ‘Immense Loneliness’ to ‘Cancer Mother’ The  Quality of Life among Turkish Breast Cancer Patients”, July 05-07, 2011, Reproductive Health Working Group, Annual Meeting, Tyr, Lebanon

“Grassroots Cancer Patients’ Organizations and Biological Citizenship in Turkey”, “Ordering the Social-Producing Change: New Ethnographies of Turkey in Transformation’’, June 24-25, 2011, Humboldt University at Berlin and Boğaziçi University, Department of Sociology, Istanbul

“Quality of Life Workshop-presentation and discussion of preliminary analysis”, January 07-09, 2011, American University of Beirut, Faculty of Health Sciences, Beirut, Lebanon

Conceptions of Quality of Life, Body and Gender among Turkish Breast Cancer Patients”, November 18-19,  2010, International Meeting of Anthropology and Health, University of Coimbra, Department of Anthropology, Coimbra, Portugal

“Quality of Life among Turkish Breast Cancer Patients: An Oxymoron or an Attainable Goal”, July 05-07, 2010, Reproductive Health Working Group, Annual Meeting, Ain Al-Sokhna, Egypt

“Kadın Bedeni Üzerine Tıbbi Çeşitlemeler: Kanserli Kadınlar Rahim ve Meme Kaybı Süreçlerini Nasıl Anlatıyor?” (Medical Interventions on Women’s Body: How do Women with Cancer Narrate their Loss of Breast and Uterus?), May 13-15, 2010,  “Gender in Medicine”, Turkish Chamber of Medicine and Ankara University,  Faculty of Political Sciences, Ankara

“Cervical Cancer, Sexuality and Gender Identity in Turkey”, July 15-17, 2009, Reproductive Health Working Group, Annual Meeting, Aleppo, Syria

“Listening and Understanding Cancer Patients in Searching for Solutions to the Problems in the Turkish Health Realm”, November 22, 2008,  SASBİL (Sağlık İçin Sosyal Bilimler Derneği) symposium, Türkiye’nin Değişen Sağlık Gündemi (The Changes in the Health Issues of Turkey), Yeditepe University, Istanbul

“Complementary or Alternative Medicine and Cancer Patients in Turkey: Different Approaches and Interpretations”, August 26-30, 2008, Biennial Meeting of EASA, Ljubljana, Slovenia

“Female Cancer Patients’ Conceptions of Gender, Privacy and Reproduction: Decisions and Negotiations”, July 12-14, 2008, Reproductive Health Working Group Annual Meeting, Istanbul

“After the Disaster:The Debate on the Chernobyl Effect in Turkey”, September 24-25, 2005, Emergent Nature/Cultures Workshop, Department of Anthropology, University of Minnesota

“Personal Struggles, Public Representations: Autobiographical Cancer Narratives in Contemporary Turkey” August 21-26, 2005, Yeditepe University. Moderator: “Health and Disease in World’s Myths, Scripts and Literature”. “Health Challenges in the Third Millennium”, International Forum For Social Sciences and Health

Moderator of the workshop: “The Current Health Problems in Istanbul and Their Possible Solutions”, November 2003, History Foundation, Transcriptions published in Istanbul (Vol.48) 

Moderator of the workshop: “Creating better assignments in social sciences”, March 16, 2003, Brooklyn College

“How to Improve the Assignments for Anthropology Classes?” June 02-04, 2002, Conference on Writing Across the Curriculum, Brooklyn College

“Writing to Learn” Participation to the workshop, May 18-19, 2002, Institute for Writing and Thinking, Bard College



“Suriyeli Mültecilerin Bedensel Görünürlüğü”, (Bodily Visibility of Syrian Refugees), Bomovu (Body, Movement, Vulnerability) Foundation, November, 18, 2019, Istanbul

“Sonsuz bir Çaba: Normali Anlamak, Tanımlamak ve Sorgulamak” (An Endless Effort: Understanding, Defining and Questioning the Normal), April 27, 2017, Davranış Bilimleri Klubü (Behavioral Sciences Club), Boğaziçi University

“Globalization, Health and Inequalities: Problems and Possible Solutions”, April 3, 2017, Southern Denmark University, Department of Anthropology, Odense, Denmark

“Toplumun Tıbbileşmesi, Tıbbın Toplumsallaşması: İkilemler ve Çıkmazlar” (Medicalization of the Society, and Socialization of Medicine: Dilemmas and Dead-ends), March 9, 2017, Cerrahpaşa Medical School, Istanbul University

Opening Talk of the “Dicle Koğacıoğlu Article Awards Ceremony”, December 24, 2016, SU Gender, Sabancı University

“The Medical and Popular Discourses on Syrian Women’s Health and Body in Turkey”, October 18, 2016, “Designing Nature, Upgrading Life? How Medicine, Science and Technology Transform Our Lives” Lecture Series, Orient Institute Istanbul

“Küreselleşme ve Sağlık: Neden Artık Bütün Sağlık Konularını Küresel Olarak Ele Almalıyız?”  (Globalization and Health: Why should we Conceptualize Health Issues Globally?), September 20, 2016, BETIM (Beşikçizade Tıp ve İnsani Bilimler Merkezi-Beşikçizade Center for Medicine and Humanities), Sağlık Akademisi Dersi (Health Academy Lectures Programme), Istanbul

“Rethinking Citizenship, Vulnerability and Uncertainty through the Syrians in Turkey”, June 6, 2016, University of Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany

“Sağlık Eşitsizlikleri ve Hastalık Anlatıları: Direnç Noktalarından Mücadele Alanlarına”, (Health Inequalities and Illness Narratives: From Resistance to Struggle), UNIV 101 Seminar for Nursing and Medical Students, February 19, 2016, Koç University, Istanbul

Sigara Bırakma Danışma Becerileri, Eğitici Eğitimi, (Trainers’ Training Program to Increase the Skills in Consultation in Quitting Smoking), QTI-TPD (Quit Tobacco International-Türk Psikologlar Derneği) -The Association of Turkish Psychologists), July 1-3, 2015, Istanbul

“Mesleki Cinsiyetçilik ve Erkek Hemşire Olmak” (Professional Sexism and Male Nurses), March 16, 2015, Bilgi Üniversitesi, Hemşirelik Klubü Etkinliği, Istanbul

“Social Behavior and Health”, Psychology of Social Identities and Gender Lecture Series, November 28, 2014, Şehir University, Department of Psychology, Istanbul

“Politika, Tıp ve Kadın Bedeni: Dayatmalar ve Özgürlükler Arasında Kaderler, Kararlar ve Seçimler”, (Politics, Medicine and Woman’s Body: Decisions and Choices in the Era of Liberties and Impositions), April 15, 2014, Bilim Kantini, Sabancı Üniversitesi Toplumsal Cinsiyet Forumu, (Sabancı University, Gender Forum), Istanbul

“Sağlıkta ve Hastalıkta Kadın Olmak: Tıp Alanındaki Cinsiyetçi Bakış Açısı”, (Being a Woman in Sickness and Health: The Gender Bias in Medical Realm), July 06-09, 2009, Mor Sertifika Programı (Purple Certificate Program), Sabancı University, Cultural Studies, UNDP (United Nations Development Program)

“A Fulbrighter’s Vision of World Peace”, May 22, 2002, Annual Fulbright Awards Conference, United Nations, New York



“Toplumsal Cinsiyet ve Sağlık” (Gender and Health), July 29-August 3, 2019, Mor Sertifika Programı (Purple Certificate Program), SU Gender, Istanbul

“Toplumsal Cinsiyete Giriş” (Introduction to Gender), SU Gender, Mor Sertifika Programı, Sivil Toplum Kuruluşları için Toplumsal Cinsiyet Farkındalık Eğitimi, (SUGender Purple Certificate Program: Gender Awareness Education for the Non-Governmental Organizations), January 10-13, 2019,   Sabancı University

“Niteliksel Araştırma Yöntemleri” (Qualitative Research Methods), Metod Okulu, Toplumsal Değişimi Çalışmak: Göç (Studying the Social Change: Migration), June 26-30, 2017, ISTANPOL, Kadir Has University

“Sağlık Politikaları, Eşitsizlik ve Ayrımcılık” (Health Policies, Inequalities and Discriminations), Educational Program for NGO members, December, 16-17, 2017, Sabancı University

“Integration Gender into Research in Turkey”, Educational Seminar for the Ph.D. and Master’s students, Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, December 8-9, 2017, Istanbul

“Culture and Health”, MEDI 101 Seminar, October 27, 2017, Koç University, Faculty of Medicine

“Halk Sağlığı Alanında Çalışanlar İçin Medikal Antropoloji ve Sosyoloji Kursu” (Medical Anthropology and Sociology for the Public Health Specialists), HASUDER (Halk Sağlığı Uzmanları Derneği- The Association of the Public Health Specialists, October 19-20, 2017, 9 Eylül University

“Niteliksel Araştırma Yöntemleri”, (Qualitative Research Methods), Florence Nightingale Nursing School, Ph.D. Program in Nursing, SASBİL Educational Program, June 14-16, 2017

“Niteliksel Araştırma Yöntemleri”, (Qualitative Research Methods), Ph.D. Program in Nursing, SASBİL Educational Program, June 18-21, 2015, Ege University

“Etkin Görüşme Yöntemleri”,  (Effective Interview Methods), April 14, 2015, T.C. Adalet Bakanlığı; İstanbul Denetimli Serbestlik Müdürlüğü (Turkish Ministry of Justice, Department of Probation), Istanbul



Spring 1998, History Foundation, “3×25: The 75th year of the Turkish Republic project” with Dr. Arzu Öztürkmen.

Spring 1996, History Foundation,  “The Oral History Project” with Dr. Leyla Neyzi.

Fall 1996, Boğaziçi University, “The popular conceptions of AIDS in Turkey” with Prof. Diane Sunar

Spring, Summer 1995, Boğaziçi University, Prof. Belgin Tekçe’s research on child health in Istanbul.

Summer, Fall 1994, Boğaziçi University, Prof. F.C. Shorter’s research on child health in Istanbul.



Fall 1997, Hil Press, Istanbul. Selected articles by Habermas, Foucault, Deleuze and Guattari, Jameson, Lyotard and Baudrillard for Postmodernizm (1999), edited by Dr. Hakan Yılmaz

Fall 1995, Boğaziçi University Publications, Seven chapters of Methods on the Calculations of Population Projections, (1995). Textbook by Prof. F.C. Shorter, Y. Sendek and E. Bayoumy



AAA-The American Anthropological Association,

EASA-The European Association of Social Anthropologists

SSSS- The Society for Social Studies of Sciences

RHWG- The Reproductive Health Working Group, QoL-Quality of Life Working Group

SASBIL- Sağlık İçin Sosyal Bilimler Derneği (The Association of Social Sciences in Health)



Turkish (native speaker), English (excellent) and French (excellent)