
Refereed Journal Papers (published or accepted)

  1. F. Topuz, A. Nadernezhad, O.S. Caliskan, Y.Z. Menceloglu, B. Koc, “Nanosilicate Embedded Agarose Hydrogels with Improved Bioactivity”, Carbohydrate Polymers, 2018. (SCI)
  2. B. Toprakhisar, A. Nadernezhad, E. Bakirci, N. Khani, G.A. Skvortsov, B. Koc, “Development of Bioink from Decellularized Tendon Extracellular Matrix for 3D Bioprinting”, Macromolecular bioscience, 1800024, 2018. (SCI)
  3. C.B. Dayan, F. Afghah, B.S. Okan, M. Yıldız, Y. Menceloglu, M. Culha, B. Koc, “Modeling 3D melt electrospinning writing by response surface methodology”, Materials & Design, 2018. (in-press) (SCI)
  4. A. Hodaei, O. Akhlaghi, N. Khani, T. Aytas, D. Sezer, B. Tatli, Y.Z. Menceloglu, B. Koc, O. Akbulut, “Single Additive Enables 3D Printing of Highly Loaded Iron Oxide Suspensions”, ACS applied materials & interfaces, 2018. (in-press) (SCI)
  5. A. Rahmat, B. Koc, M. Yildiz, “A systematic study on numerical simulation of electrified jet printing”, Additive Manufacturing, 18, pp. 15-21, 2017.
  6. E. Bakirci, B. Toprakhisar, M. C. Zeybek, G. Ince, B. Koc, ” Cell Sheet Based Bionk for 3D Bioprinting Applications “, Biofabrication, Vol. 9, No.2, p024105, 2017. (SCI)
  7. N. Khani, A. Nadernezhad, P. Bartolo, B. Koc, “Hierarchical and spatial modeling and bio-additive manufacturing of multi-material constructs”, CIRP Annals., Vol. 66, No. 1, pp. 229-232 (SCI)
  8. S.B. Ozler, E. Bakirci, C. Kucukgul, B. Koc, “Three‐dimensional direct cell bioprinting for tissue engineering”, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials, Vol. 105, No. 8, pp. 2530-2544, 2017. (SCI)
  9. N. Khani, M. Yildiz, B. Koc, “Elastic properties of coiled carbon nanotube reinforced nanocomposite: A finite element study”, Materials & Design 109, 123-132, 2016. (SCI)
  10. A. Nadernezhad, N. Khani, G.A. Skvortsov, B. Toprakhisar, E. Bakirci, S. Unal, Y. Menceloglu, B. Koc, “Multifunctional 3D printing of heterogeneous hydrogel structures”, Nature Scientific Reports, 6, 2016. (SCI)
  11. A. Carlier, G. Akdeniz Skvortsov, F. Hafezi, E. Ferraris, J. Patterson, B. Koc, H. V. Oosterwyck, “Computational design and biofabrication of cell gradient tissue engineering constructs”, Biofabrication, 2016 Vol. 17, No:8, doi: 10.1088/1758-5090/8/2/025009 (SCI)
  12. C. Kucukgul, S.B. Ozler, I. Ilyas, H.E. Karakas, S. Irmak, D. Gozuacik, A. Taralp, B. Koc, “3D bioprinting of biomimetic aortic vascular constructs with self-supporting cells”, Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 2015, Vol. 112, No: 4, pp. 811–821. (SCI)
  13. C. Kucukgul, S.B. Ozler, B. Koc, “3-boyutlu biyobasım (3D bioprinting)”, Türkiye Klinikleri Tıbbi Onkoloji Özel Dergisi, 2015, Vol. 8, No:2, pp. 155-161.
  14. C. Chimate and B. Koc, “Pressure assisted multi-syringe single nozzle deposition system for manufacturing of heterogeneous tissue scaffolds” The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2014, Vol. 75, No. 1-4, pp. 317-330. (SCI)
  15. K. Samanta, I. T. Ozbolat and B. Koc, “Optimized normal and distance matching for heterogeneous object modeling,” Computers and Industrial Engineering, 2014, Vol. 69, pp. 1-11. (SCI)
  16. A.K.M.B. Khoda, I.T. Ozbolat and B. Koc, “Designing Heterogeneous Porous Tissue Scaffolds for Additive Manufacturing Processes”, Computer-Aided Design, 2013, Vol. 45,  No: 13. (SCI)
  17. A.K.M.B. Khoda and B. Koc, “Functionally heterogeneous porous scaffold design for tissue engineering”, Computer-Aided Design, 2013, Vol. 45, No: 11, doi:10.1016/j.cad.2013.05.005 (SCI)
  18. I. T. Ozbolat, M. Marchany, J. A. Gardella Jr. and B. Koc, “Computer-Aided 4D Modeling of Hydrolytic Degradation in Micropatterned Bioresorbable Membranes”, ASME Transaction of Medical Devices, 2013, Vol. 7, No:2, 021004, doi:10.1115/1.4024158 (SCI)
  19. A.K.M. B. Khoda, and B. Koc, “Modeling of Variational Gradient Porous Architecture with Multi-directional Filament Deposition in 3D Scaffolds”, Journal of Computer Aided Design and Applications 10(3) pp. 445-459, 2013, DOI: 10.3722/cadaps.2013.445-459
  20. A.K.M.B. Khoda and B. Koc, ” Designing Controllable Porosity for Multifunctional Deformable Tissue Scaffolds ,” ASME Transaction of Medical Devices, 2012, Vol. 6, No:3, 031003, doi: 10.1115/1.4007009 (SCI)
  21. I. T. Ozbolat, and B. Koc, ” 3D Hybrid Wound Devices for Spatiotemporally Controlled Release Kinetics,” Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine , 2012, Vol. 108, No:3, pp. 922-931, doi: 10.1016/j.cmpb.2012.05.004 (SCI)
  22. Ozbolat, I.T., Khoda, A.K.M.B., Marchany, M., Gardella, J.A., Koc, B. “Hybrid tissue scaffolds for controlled release applications”, 2012, Virtual and Physical Prototyping, Vol. 7, No:1, pp. 37-47.
  23. A.K.M.B. Khoda, I.T. Ozbolat and B. Koc, “A functionally gradient variational porosity architecture for hollowed scaffolds fabrication,” Biofabrication, 2011, Vol. 3, No. 3, 034106, doi:10.1088/1758-5082/3/3/034106. (SCI)
  24. I. T. Ozbolat, and B. Koc, “A Continues Multi-material Toolpath Planning for Tissue Scaffolds with Hollowed Features,” Journal of Computer-aided Design & Applications, 2011, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 237-247. doi: 10.3722/cadaps.2011.237-247
  25. I. T. Ozbolat and B. Koc, 2011, “Multi-directional Blending for Heterogeneous Objects”, Journal of Computer-aided Design, 2011, Vol. 43, No: 1, pp. 863-875. doi:10.1016/j.cad.2011.04.002 (SCI)
  26. I. T. Ozbolat. and B. Koc, “Multi-function Based Modeling of 3D Heterogeneous Wound Scaffolds for Improved Wound Healing ”, Computer-Aided Design & Applications, 2011, Vol.8, No.1, 43-57
  27. S. Thangaswamy and B. Koc, “Design and Analysis of a Reconfigurable Discrete Pin Tooling System for Molding of Three-dimensional Free-form Objects,” Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 2011, Vol. 27, No. 2, 335-348. (SCI)
  28. I. T. Ozbolat and B. Koc, “Modeling of Spatially Controlled Bio-molecules in Three-dimensional Porous Alginate Structures,” ASME Transaction of Medical Devices, 2010, Vol. 4, No. 4 . (SCI)
  29. A.K.M. B. Khoda, I. T. Ozbolat and B. Koc, “Engineered Tissue Scaffolds With Variational Porous Architecture,” ASME Transactions of Biomechanical Engineering, 2010, Vol. 133, No. 1. (SCI)
  30. S. George and B. Koc, “Free-Form Simulation of Sequential Etching and Surface Characterization for 3-D MEMS Fabrication,” ASME/IEEE Transactions of Microelectromechanical Systems, 2009, Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 296-307. (SCI)
  31. F. Lin, B. Koc and L. Lin, “Material selection decision making under environmental taxation and environmentally conscious consumer buying behavior,” International Journal of Sustainable Design, 2009, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 145-162.
  32. I. T. Ozbolat, M. Marchany, J. A. Gardella Jr., F. V. Bright, A. N. Cartwright, R. Hard, W. L. Hicks and B. Koc, “Feature-based Design of Bio-degradable Micro-patterned Structures,” Computer Aided Design and Applications Journal , 2009, Vol. 6, No. 5, pp. 661-671.
  33. K. Sambhos, B. Koc and R. Nagi, “Extracting Assembly Mating Graphs for Assembly Variant Design,” ASME Transactions, Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering, 2009, Vol. 9, No. 3, pp. 73-82. (SCI)
  34. J.M. Steves, L.T. Tan, J.A. Gardella Jr., W.L. Hicks Jr., R. Hard, A.N. Cartwright, B. Koc, and F.V. Bright, “Guest Aggregation within Poly(L-lactic acid)/Pluronic P104 Thin Films,” Appl. Spectroscopy, 2008 Vol. 62, No. 3, pp. 290-294(5). (SCI)
  35. A. Kelkar and B. Koc “Geometric planning and analysis for hybrid re-configurable molding and machining process,” Rapid Prototyping Journal, Vol. 14, No. 1, 2008, pp. 23-34. (SCI)
  36. S. K. P. Gurusamy and B. Koc, “Geometric algorithms for manufacturing of freeform multi-material objects using reconfigurable tools,” Int. J. Manufacturing Technology and Management, Special Issue on Digital Manufacturing¸ Vol. 14, No. 1/2, 2008, pp. 145-173.
  37. K. Samanta and B. Koc, “Optimum matching of geometric features for material metamorphosis in heterogeneous object modeling,” Computer Aided Design and Applications, Vol. 4, No. 1-4, 2007, pp. 57-66.
  38. S. Sogutlu and B. Koc, “Stochastic Modeling of Tissue Engineering Scaffolds with Varying Porosity Levels,” Computer Aided Design and Applications, Vol. 4, No. 5, 2007, pp. 661-670.
  39. K. Samanta and B. Koc, “Feature-based design and material blending for free-form heterogeneous object modeling,” Computer Aided Design, Special Issue on Heterogeneous Object Modeling and Applications, Vol. 37, No. 3, 2005, pp. 287-305. (most cited paper award in Computer Aided Design Journal) (SCI)
  40. A. Kelkar, R. Nagi and B. Koc, “Geometric algorithms for rapidly reconfigurable mold manufacturing of free-form objects,” Computer Aided Design, Vol. 37, No. 1, 2005, pp. 1-16. (SCI)
  41. A. Wang, B. Koc and R. Nagi, “Complex assembly variant design in agile manufacturing. Part I: System architecture and assembly modeling methodology,” IIE Transactions on Design and Manufacturing, Vol. 37, 2005, pp. 1-15. (SCI)
  42. A. Wang, B. Koc and R. Nagi, “Complex assembly variant design in agile manufacturing. Part II: Assembly variant design methodology,” IIE Transactions on Design and Manufacturing, Vol. 37, 2005, pp. 17-33. (SCI)
  43. B. Koc, “Adaptive layer approximation of free-form models using marching point surface error calculation for rapid prototyping,” Rapid Prototyping Journal, Vol. 10, No. 5, 2004, pp. 270-280. (SCI)
  44. K. Samanta and B. Koc, “Heterogeneous object design with material feature blending,” Computer-Aided Design and Applications, Vol. 1, No.1-4, 2004, pp. 429-439.
  45. B. Koc and Y.S. Lee, “Adaptive Ruled Layers Approximation of STL Models and Multiaxis Machining Applications for Rapid Prototyping,” Journal of Manufacturing Systems, Vol. 21, No. 3, 2002, pp. 153-166. (SCI)
  46. B. Koc and Y.-S. Lee, “Non-uniform offsetting and hollowing by using biarcs fitting for rapid prototyping systems,” Computers in Industry, Vol. 47, No. 1, 2002, pp. 1-23. (SCI)
  47. B. Koc, Y. Ma and Y.-S. Lee, “Smoothing STL files by Max-Fit biarc curves for rapid prototyping,” Rapid Prototyping Journal, Vol. 6, No. 3, 2000, pp. 86-204. (SCI)
  48. Y. -S. Lee and B. Koc, “Ellipse-offset approach and inclined zig-zag method for multi-axis roughing of ruled surface pockets,” Computer-Aided Design, Vol. 30, No. 12, 1998, pp. 957-971. (SCI)


Refereed Book Chapters

  1. S. B. Ozler, C. Kucukgul, F. Hafezi and B. Koc, “Bioprinting with live cells”, Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine, Eds.: K. Turksen, New York City, USA: Springer, 2015, pp. 67-88.
  2. Forough Hafezi, Can Kucukgul, S. Burce Ozler, B. Koc, “Bioprinting – Application of Additive Manufacturing in Medicine”, Additive Manufacturing, Eds.: A. Bandyopadhyay and S. Bose, CRC Press, 2015, pp. 197–214
  3. K. Samanta and B. Koc, “Feature-Based Material Blending for Heterogeneous Object Modeling,” Heterogeneous Objects Modeling and Applications, Eds.: A. Pasko, V. Adzhiev, P. Comninos, 2008, pp. 142-167.


Refereed Conference Proceedings (Full paper)

  1. A. Nadernezhad, N. Khani, B. Koc, “Biomanufacturing of heterogenous hydrogel structures with patterned conductive regions”, Procedia CIRP, 2017.
  2. N. Khani, A. Nadernezhad, B. Koc, “Modeling and additive manufacturing of biomimetic heterogeneous Scaffold”, Procedia CIRP, 2017.
  3. C. Kucukgul, S. B. Ozler, H. E. Karakas, D. Gozuacik, B. Koc, “3D Hybrid Bioprinting of Macrovascular structures”, Procedia Engineering, Vol. 59, 2013, pp. 183–192. 3rd International Conference on Tissue Engineering, ICTE2013.
  4. AKM Khoda, IT Ozbolat, B Koc, “Spatially Multi-functional Porous Tissue Scaffold”, Procedia Engineering, Vol. 59, 2013,  pp. 174-182. 3rd International Conference on Tissue Engineering, ICTE2013.
  5. AKM Khoda, IT Ozbolat, B Koc, “Functionally Gradient Tissue Scaffold Design and Deposition Path Planning for Bio-additive Processes”, Proceedings of the 2013 Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Conference, Puerto Rico, USA.
  6. I.T. Ozbolat, Y. Deng and B. Koc, “Multi-directional Material Blending for Heterogeneous Object Modeling”, International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE 2012), Nov. 9-15, 2012, Houston, Texas, USA.
  7. AKM B. Khoda and B. Koc, “Functionally Heterogeneous Porous Scaffold Design for Tissue Engineering”, International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE 2012), Nov. 9-15, 2012, Houston, Texas, USA.
  8. AKM B. Khoda, I.T. Ozbolat, and B. Koc, “Modeling of Multifunctional Porous Tissue Scaffolds With Continuous Deposition Path Plan”, International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE 2012), Nov. 9-15, 2012, Houston, Texas, USA.
  9. I.T. Ozbolat, AKM B. Khoda, and B. Koc, “Bioadditive Manufacturing of Hybrid Tissue Scaffolds for Controlled Release Kinetics”, International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE 2012), Nov. 9-15, 2012, Houston, Texas, USA.
  10. AKM B. Khoda, and B. Koc, “Designing Bio-mimetic Variational Porosity for Tissue Scaffolds”, Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Conference (ISERC- 2012), May 19-23, 2012, Orlando, FL, USA.
  11. AKM Khoda, and Bahattin Koc, “Modeling of Multifunctional Deformable Porous Scaffolds for Soft Tissue Engineering”, Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Conference (ISERC- 2012), May 19-23, Orlando, FL, USA.
  12. AKM Khoda, and Bahattin Koc, “Multi-Functional Variational Porosity in Bone Tissue Scaffolds”, International Conference on Design and PROcesses for MEdical Devices (PROMED 2012), May 2-4, Brescia, Italy.
  13. AKM Khoda, and Bahattin Koc, “Conformal Tissue Scaffold with Multi-Functional Porosity for Wound Healing”, International Conference on Design and PROcesses for MEdical Devices (PROMED 2012), May 2-4, Brescia, Italy.
  14. I.T. Ozbolat, A. K. M. B. Khoda, and B. Koc, 2011, “Multi-functional Tissue Scaffolds for Controlled Release Applications,” 5th International Conference on Advanced Research in Virtual and Rapid Prototyping, Sept 28-Oct 1, Portugal.
  15. A. K. M. B. Khoda, I.T. Ozbolat and B. Koc, 2011, “Bio-Mimetically Designed Functionally Gradient Pore Generation with Continuous Path Plan for Hollowed Tissue Scaffolds,” 5th International Conference on Advanced Research in Virtual and Rapid Prototyping, Sept 28-Oct 1, Portugal.
  16. I.T. Ozbolat and B. Koc, “Multi-material Blending for Complex-Shaped Heterogeneous Objects,” 5th International Conference on Advanced Research in Virtual and Rapid Prototyping, Sept 28-Oct 1, Portugal.
  17. AKM Khoda, I.T. Ozbolat, and B. Koc, “Modeling and Fabrication of Hollowed Scaffolds with Interconnected Variational Porosity Architecture“, International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition (IMECE 2011), Nov 11-17, Denver, Colorado.
  18. AKM B Khoda, I.T. Ozbolat and B. Koc,  2011, “Continuous Path Planning for Variational Porosity in Holllowed Scaffold Fabrication,” Industrial Engineering Research Conference, IERC 2011, May 21-25, Reno, Nevada.
  19. I.T. Ozbolat, and B. Koc,  2011, “3D Engineered Wound Scaffolds for Spatiotemporally Controlled Release Kinetics,” Industrial Engineering Research Conference, IERC 2011, May 21-25, Reno, Nevada.
  20. I.T. Ozbolat, and B. Koc, 2011, “A new Toolpath Planning in Solid Freeform Fabrication for Hollowed Objects,” Industrial Engineering Research Conference, IERC 2011, May 21-25, Reno, Nevada.
  21. I.T. Ozbolat, and B. Koc, 2011, “Multi-directional Material Blending for Heterogenous Object Modeling,” Industrial Engineering Research Conference, IERC 2011, May 21-25, Reno, Nevada.
  22. I. T. Ozbolat and B. Koc, “Spatially Controlled Bio-molecules in 3D Porous Structures,” Annual Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Cancun, Mexico, June 5-9, 2010.
  23. I. T. Ozbolat, A.K.M. Bashir Khoda and B. Koc, “Toolpath Optimization in Solid Freeform Modeling and Fabrication of Tissue Scaffolds,” Annual Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Cancun, Mexico, June 5-9, 2010.
  24. M.D., Marchany, J.A Gardella Jr., I. Ozbolat, B. Koc, “Determination of Spatially Resolved Hydrolytic Degradation Kinetics of a Micropatterned Bioresorbable Polyester Membrane”, 17th International Conference on Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry, SIMS XVII. Sept 14-18, 2009, Toronto, Canada.
  25. I. T. Ozbolat, M. Marchany, J. A. Gardella Jr., F. V. Bright, A. N. Cartwright, R. Hard, W. L. Hicks and B. Koc, “Computer-aided Bio-modeling of Micro-patterned Structures for Tissue Engineering,” Annual Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Miami, Florida, May 30- June 3, 2009.
  26. J. A. Gardella, Jr., S. A. Burns, F. V. Bright, R. Hard, A. Cartwright, B. Koc, D. Cohen, L. Sigurdson and W.L. Hicks, Jr., “Polymer Surface Chemistry and Tissue Engineering: Aspects of Biadhesion in Wound Healing”, Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Meeting of the Adhesion Society, Savannah GA, C. Stafford and G. Anderson, Editors, The Adhesion Society, Blacksburg, VA., pp. 101-103, 2009.
  27. Marchany M.D., Gardella Jr.,J.A., Ozbolat I. and B. Koc, “Determination of Spatially Resolved Hydrolytic Degradation Kinetics of a Micropatterned Bioresorbable Polyester Membrane”, 17th International Conference on Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry, SIMS XVII. Sept 14-18, 2009. Toronto, Canada.
  28. K. Samanta and B. Koc, “Optimum curve matching between two free-form curves for modeling and manufacturing,” 2007 ASME Design and Manufacturing Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 4 – 7, 2007.
  29. S. George and B. Koc, “Surface Characterization and Simulation in Freeform Micro-Electromechanical Systems (MEMS) Object Fabrication,” Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing (FAIM2004) Conference, Toronto, Canada July 12-14, 2004.
  30. B. Koc and Y.S. Lee, “5-xis machining and ruled layers approximation of STL models for rapid prototyping,” International Conference on Advanced Research in Virtual and Rapid Prototyping (VRAP 2003) Leiria, Portugal, October 1-4 2003.
  31. A. Kelkar, R. Nagi, and B. Koc, “Rapidly Re-configurable Mold Manufacturing,” 2003 ASME Design and Manufacturing Conference, Chicago, Illinois, September 2 – 6, 2003.
  32. B. Koc, “Marching Point Surface Error Calculation and Adaptive Layer Approximation for 3D Rapid Prototyping,” 12th Annual Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Portland, Oregon, May 19-21, 2003.
  33. K. Samanta and B. Koc, “Feature-Based Design and NURBS Modeling for Heterogeneous Objects,” 12th Annual Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Portland, Oregon, May 19-21, 2003.
  34. B. Koc and Y.S. Lee, “Adaptive ruled layer approximation and slicing for 3D rapid prototyping,” 2002 ASME Design and Manufacturing Conference, Montreal, Canada, Sept. 29-Oct. 2, 2002, DETC2002/DFM-34171.
  35. B. Koc and Y.S. Lee, “Hollowing objects with biarcs fitting to improve the efficiency and the accuracy of rapid prototyping processes,” 11th Annual Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Orlando, Florida, May 19-21, 2002.
  36. B. Koc, Y.S. Lee and Y. Ma, “Surface Modeling and Max-Fit Biarcs Fitting for Rapid Prototyping Processes,” The Sixth ACM Symposium on Solid Modeling and Applications, ACM SIGGRAPH, Ann Arbor, MI, June 4-8, 2001. (Acceptance rate for 2001 SIGGRAPH: 21.7 %)
  37. B. Koc and Y.S. Lee, “Multi-axis roughing and finishing of ruled surface pockets for CAD/CAM systems,” The third ASME Design and Manufacturing Conference, Atlanta, GA, Sept. 13-16, 1998, (CD paper#: DETC’98/DFM-5735).


Conference Proceedings and Posters with Abstract Reviewed

  1. B. Toprakhisar, E. Bakirci, B. Koc, “3D bioprinting stem-cells with solubilized tendon extracellular matrix (ECM) based hydrogel”, Towards Future Regenerative Therapies (TERMIS-EU 2016), Uppsala, Sweden, 2016.
  2. E. Bakirci, B. Toprakhisar, M. C. Zeybek, G. Ince, B. Koc, “Cell-sheet as a bioink for 3D bioprinting”, Towards Future Regenerative Therapies (TERMIS-EU 2016), Uppsala, Sweden, 2016.
  3. B. Ozler, C. Kucukgul, M. Altunbek, O. Sen, M. Culha, B. Koc, “3D Bioprinting of aortic structures with HDF cells”, TERMIS EU 2014 Conference Abstracts, Genova Italy, 2014.
  4. C. Kucukgul, B. Ozler, M. Altunbek, O. Sen, M. Culha, B. Koc, “3D Bioprinting of branched vessel constructs”, TERMIS EU 2014 Conference Abstracts, Genova Italy, 2014.
  5. C. Kucukgul, B. Ozler, H. E. Karakas, D. Gozuacik, B. Koc, “Optimized 3D Hybrid Bioprinting of Macrovascular Structures”, TERMIS 2013 EU Conference Abstracts, Istanbul, Turkey, 2013.
  6. AKM B. Khoda, C. Kucukgul, S. B. Ozler, B. Koc, “Heterogeneous scaffold design and 3D Bio-Printing for Macro-vascular Tissues TERMIS 2013 EU Conference Abstracts, Istanbul, Turkey, 2013.
  7. H. E. Karakas, B. Koc, D. Gozuacik, “Analysis of the Role of Autophagy in Tissue Engineering Studies”, TERMIS 2013 EU Conference Abstracts, Istanbul, Turkey, 2013.
  8. C. Kucukgul, B. Ozler, H. E. Karakas, D. Gozuacik, B. Koc, “ Optimized 3D Design and Hybrid Bioprinting”, 2013 ISERC Conference Abstracts, Puerto Rico, USA, 2013.
  9. D Gozuacik, S Irmak, E Karakas and B. Koc, “Optimized 3D design and bioprinting of a blood vessel based on autophagy analyses” J Tissue Eng. Regen. Med. 2012; 6 (Suppl. 1): 1–429, 2012 TERMIS Conference, Vienna, Austria, 2012.
  10. I. T. Ozbolat and B. Koc, “Multi-material Printing for Heterogeneous Tissue Scaffolds”, 2011 TERMIS Conference, Granada, Spain, 2011.
  11. S. A. Burns, J. A. Gardella, Jr. J. Behar and B. Koc, “New approach to the synthesis of multilayered biodegradable polymers and applications in controlled drug delivery”, Preprints of the Polymer Materials Science and Engineering Division, 232nd National Meeting of the American Chemical Society Meeting, San Francisco, CA, September, 2007.