
14.12.2024 Mersin Cambridge and Evrim School of Languages Conference  Plenary:So many constraints, so many restraints…How can I ensure effective teaching and learning?
13.8.2024 Online Bahçeşehir Schools Plenary: Fostering our creativity in teaching
04.5.2024 Adana PGM Mektebim Koleji World Languages Teacher Summit Plenary: Unlocking and cultivating creativity in teaching and learning
02.3.2024 Paloma Oceana, Side Oxford Day 2024

Learner Progress

Plenary: The odyssey of learning: Learners’ perspectives through learner-based research and formative feedback
23.02.2024 Online TESOL Türkiye LAMSIG Workshop Qualitative research to explore interconnectedness and interdependence in school development
11.11.2023 EskiÅŸehir Osmangazi University 9th SLTEP Alumni Conference and Meeting Plenary: Insights into perception and experience in teaching and PPD
09.9.2023 Acıbadem University TESOL Türkiye LAMSIG “Systems Thinking in ELT Leadership & Management” Plenary: The woods and the trees: The role of research in school development
18.3.2023 Maya Schools Ankara 7th Exclusive Inspirational Talks Conference, Back to Basics: Things we should not transform Plenary: Let us please not throw the baby out with the bathwater
04.3.2023 Radisson Blu Şişli Istanbul Eğitim Teknolojileri Zirvesi (ETZ) 10uncu Yıl A Super Duo: Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and Flipped Learning
19.11.2022 Atılım University, Ankara 8th SLTEP Alumni Conference and Meeting Plenary: Inspirations from Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
13 November 2021 Online 7th SLTEP Alumni Conference and Meeting Plenary: Sine quibus non in teaching, training, and school development
28-29 June 2021 Online MEB TTK          Foreign Language Education in Turkey and European Practices Tools used for language teachers’ professional development: EPG and Eaquals TDFRAM
15-16 October 2020 Online Yıldız Technical University INNOVAPROS Conference ‘Innovare’ and ‘sustinere’ in 21st century educational practices
 7 March 2020 Radisson Blu Hotel, ÅžiÅŸli Ä°stanbul Educational Technology Summit (ETZ) on Sustainable Innovation Trainer training for sustainable educational development and growth
10 June 2019 Yıldız Technical University SFL CPD Seminar Towards greater motivation and engagement: Creativity in tasks and activities
28-29 May


Sabancı University 2nd Internal Education Conference Peer observation and professional dialogue
4 May 2019 EÄŸitim Bilimleri Ä°stanbul ELT Conference Plenary: Creative thinking in language teaching and learning
 3 Nov. 2018 Ä°stanbul Åžehir University SLTEP Alumni Conference and Meeting 5 Plenary: Assessing observed lessons (with Serap Yıldırım)

Plenary: Designing short in-service courses

 6 October 2018 FMV Erenköy Işık High School TEDxYouth

Thinking Outside the Box

Perceptions of ‘the box’: Exploring the way we think
24-25 May 2018 Sabancı University SU Internal Education Conference  allaboutPPD@SL
4-5 May 2018 Sabancı University SL International Conference

Pathways that Inspire Us

Opening Plenary:

Research as inspiration: A genuine interest to explore with self and with others

Follow-up interview

 13 April 2018 Istanbul Ticaret University CPD Seminar Towards greater motivation and engagement: Creativity in classroom tasks and activities
 5 April 2018 BoÄŸaziçi University Istanbul FLE Department Teacher Training Seminar An odyssey of self-discovery and teacher learning
 1 March 2018   IATEFL LAMSIG Webinar Institutional research for greater school effectiveness
23-25 Feb 2018



Thessaloniki Greece



25th Jubilee Conference, TESOL Macedonia-Thrace Northern Greece Opening Plenary:

A road map for CPD: the Eaquals Teacher Training and Development Framework

Workshop: Exploring school effectiveness through appreciative inquiry, institutional research and formative feedback

22-23 May 2017 İstanbul Technical University İTÜ Conference Plenary:

The Learner’s World


4-7 April 2017 Glasgow, Scotland IATEFL 51st Annual Conference Looking into ‘the marrow’: Researching school ethos and culture
10-11 Dec.


MEF University Istanbul EÄŸitimde DeÄŸiÅŸim Konferansları (EDK) 2016 Let’s decide on the title together… (21 key concepts in PPD)
19 March 2016 Istanbul Terakki Vakfı Okulları TELT Conference Plenary:      Enhancing Quality through Teacher Development: The Eaquals TD Framework
19-21 Nov. 2015 Nice, France Eaquals Members Meeting Opening Plenary:  ‘Am I a problem student?‘ Exploratory research practices

Workshop: Exploratory research practices

17 October 2015 Ankara SLTEP@Pre-Service with Student Teachers and Alumni Meeting METU Plenary:            Making a difference… Professional development for student teachers
15-18 Sep. 2015 Glasgow  EAIE 2015 Presentation: Approaches to enhancing quality in teaching foreign languages (with Ioana Sonea & Sarah Aitken)
17-18 April 2015 Malaga, Spain Eaquals International Conference Workshop: Enhancing engagement in learning
28 March 2015 Gaziantep GKV ELT Conference Plenary: Teachers report: Potential hibernating in den! Workshop: Learner based research
14 March 2015 Ankara AyÅŸe Abla Koleji ELT Conference Plenary: I hear you…The gem of feedback
21 Feb. 2015 Istanbul TELT Conference Plenary: I hear you…The gem of feedback
14-15 Nov. 2014 Belgrade Eaquals Members’ Meeting Eaquals Development Group presentation and workshop (co-presenter)
7 Nov. 2014 Istanbul Åžehir University 5th T-Plus Event Plenary: Our Eternal Homework: Me-laboration and Col-laboration
1 Nov. 2014 Sabancı University SLTEP Alumni Conference and Meeting Plenary: Your Course, Your Feedback: SLTEP and Beyond
13 October 2014  Webinar  IATEFL TTED SIG Professional Development and Self-assessment: the European Profiling Grid (EPG) and the Eaquals Teacher Training and Development Framework (TDFRAM)
16-19 Sep. 2014 Prague Congress Center EAIE 2014 Practical Tools to Ensure Quality in University Language Centers (with Galya Mateva & Sarah Aitken)
24 May 2014 Fatih University Istanbul Fatih English Language Teaching (FELT) 7th Conference Plenary: From Profiles to Principles, from Principles to Effective Practices
17-18 May 2014 Belek, Antalya Oxford Days for Higher Education Plenary: Embracing the present and setting sail beyond
26 April 2014 Sabancı University School of Languages Professional Development Seminar & Workshop Plenary: The European Profiling Grid (EPG)Plenary: The EAQUALS TDFRAM (with Sharon Çeltek)
22-23 March 2014 Kemer, Antalya 1st Annual Oxford Leaders’ Summit Plenary: On board the ship of the ‘leader’
22-23 November 2013 Eurocentres London, UK EAQUALS Members Meeting The European Profiling Grid and the Teacher Training and Development Framework
15 November 2013 TED University Ankara T-Plus 3rd Meeting Plenary: Of course but sometimes off course? Observation, Research and Development
21-22 October, 2013 Sevres, France EPG Final seminar, CIEP Getting to know The EPG and the eGrid in detail
9-12 April, 2013 Liverpool, UK IATEFL Annual Conference Plenary: The ELT weather forecast: Perceptions on effectiveness and teacher motivation
      Workshop: In search of the sea of energy: Fostering teacher motivation in the workplace
9-10 March, 2013 Bilgi University Istanbul 1st International Conference on Outliers in ELT: Making the Most out of Today’s Opportunities Plenary: A Shot of Creativity and a Bowl of Inspiration Please
8-10 Nov. 2012 Goethe Institut Munich EAQUALS Special Interest Project Workshop Teachers’ responses to the EAQUALS Framework for Language Teacher Training and Development: A piloting report
31 May-2 June 2012 METU Ankara 11th METU International ELT Convention Plenary:Towards a Single Sea of Energy? Fostering Teacher Motivation in the Workplace
12 May 2012 Bilgi University Istanbul ELP ELT Conference on Using Resources Efficiently Plenary:I-sources as my Re-sources
27 March 2012 Gazi University Ankara OUP Professional Development Seminars Plenary: Feeding back or Feeding Forward: Observation for Research and Development
17 March 2012 Bakırköy Titanic Hotelİstanbul İstanbul Kültür University Second Roundtable Meeting Panel Chair: Discovering a new path to the same end: Innovation in EAP-ESP Teaching at İstanbul Kültür University
11-12 November 2011 Trieste EAQUALS 20th Anniversary Conference Presentation: Enhancing and reviewing performancePanel member: What has changed – and what has not  in the last 20 years of language education, and what may change next?
14-16 October 2011 Düzce Düzce University The Second Black Sea ELT Conference
Making the most of it in ELT: The Learner, the Teacher and the Context
Opening Plenary:Institutional Development through Project Work and Research
28 May 2011 Holiday Inn Istanbul Airport Hotel İstanbul Kültür University First Roundtable Meeting Plenary:Academic Management and Institutional Development
19-20 May, 2011 Dubai British University in Dubai International Conference Plenary:Waves of possibility… Observation for Research and Development Workshop:The U-niverse in Observation: Developing as an Observer
2-3 April, 2011 Ä°stanbul Istek Schools, International ELT Conference Hi, this is My Space calling…


19 March, 2011 Ankara Yüce Schools 6th Foreign Languages Teachers’ Conference Plenary: And who’s going to look after me?
25 February 2011 Ä°zmit Kocaeli University Plenary: Creativity, learner-centeredness and challenge in enhancing student motivation
26 May, 2010 Varajdin, Croatia Skola Stranih Jezika, Ziger Schools Vara?din Alone Together in Development and Change: Creative Processes for Personal and Professional Growth
20-21 May, 2010 Tekirova, Antalya Dünya Aktüel & Cambridge University Press 3rd ELT Symposium Plenary:What about me? My space, my voice, my motivation?
14-16 October, 2009 Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus Eastern Mediterranean UniversityProfessional Development SeminarsSponsored by OUP Plenary:Alone Together in Development and Change: Creative Processes for Personal and Professional GrowthWorkshop:
Teachers as Learners and ResearchersSession:
Performance management and appraisal
16 September, 2009 Istanbul, Turkey Işık UniversityProfessional Development Seminar Plenary:Alone Together in Development and Change: Creative Processes for Personal and Professional Growth
11-12 June, 2009 Istanbul İTÜ Professional Development Seminars Plenaries:Alone Together in Development and Change: Creative Processes for Personal and Professional GrowthProgram development and strategic planning
8-9 May, 2009 Ankara, Turkey Reaching Our Horizons: A Platform for Sharing Best Practices TOBB ETU – Pearson Longman Opening Plenary:Training as Inspiration…Inspiring Others through our Own Inspirations Panel member
25 April, 2009 Istanbul EAQUALS International ConferenceQuality and Effectiveness in Teacher Training and Development Plenary session: Are we really in the dark or do we shy away from the light?Workshop: Unearthing the dark: From raising self-awareness to inspiring self-awarenessPanel member: Quality and effectiveness in teacher training and development
26-28, November 2008 Bergen, Norway EARLI Practice-based and Practitioner Research Conference Students’ perceptions of quality (with Oya Basaran)
17-18 May, 2008 Antalya, Turkey The Second Cambridge-Dünya Aktüel Annual ELT Symposium Plenary session:
In search of re-search for personal and professional development
23 May, 2008 Ankara, Turkey Çankaya University
The First National Symposium on ELT Programs in the Preparatory Schools of Universities
Plenary session:
Research for learner, teacher and institutional developmentPanel member in panel on:Hazirlik okullarinin sorunlari, ögretmen egitimi, program gelistirme, ders kitabi yazma, dil becerilerini ölçme, kur sistemi
23-25 April, 2008 Paris,France EAQUALS Conference Staff development through learner-based research Qualisearch for quality search: Exploring the perception of quality in the students? minds (with Oya Basaran)
19 March, 2008 Koç University, Istanbul Teacher/School development session Curriculum, training and development
16-17 November, 2007 Budapest, Hungary EAQUALS SIP Event Qualisearch for quality search (with Oya Basaran)
24-26 May, 2007 Istanbul, Turkey Sabanci University School of Languages International Conference on Foreign Language Education Tuning in: Learners of language, language of learners See me beyond, hear me beyond? Learner-based research
27-28 April, 2007 Krakow, Poland EAQUALS Conference In search of re-search for professional and institutional development
27-28 January, 2007 Abu Dhabi, UAE Abu Dhabi University-IATEFL ELT Management and Teacher Development SIGs Conference Plenary session:
Alone Together in
Development and Change: Creative Processes for Personal and Professional GrowthPanel member in panel on:
What makes change effective?
November 2006 San Sebastian, Spain EAQUALS Annual Conference Panel member in panel on:
Leadership in language teaching and language teacher education
25-28 May, 2006 Ankara Baskent University IATEFL Teacher Development & Teacher Trainers and Educators SIG Conference Plenary session:
Failing to see beyond the moment? We are not alone but I am?
2-5 May, 2006 Famagusta
Turkish Rep. of Northern Cyprus
2nd International ELT Conference Eastern Mediterranean University Plenary session:
Getting to the heart of ‘training’: teachers’ voices, teachers’ choices?
March 2006 Istanbul Instituto Cervantes Professional development workshop Classroom observation
29-30 November, 2005 Birmingham, U.K. Staff & Educational Development Association (SEDA) Conference Developing and promoting standards in teaching through a research-based approach
5-9 April, 2005 Cardiff, Wales 39th International Annual IATEFL Conference Principles and practice in trainer training and supervision
4-6 March, 2005 Vienna, Austria IATEFL TTEdSIG & Volkshochshule The way forward in teacher and trainer education
15-16 January 2005 Istanbul Sabanci University
Istanbul Policy Center
Education Reform Initiative
Ögretmen egitiminde ders gözlem süreci: Hem ormani hem de agaçlari görebilmek (The Process of Lesson Observation in Teacher Education: Seeing the wood and the trees)
October 2003 Ankara INGED-BETA-ETAI & TESOL-GREECE Joint International Conference, Baskent University Opening plenary:
The Treasure Within
November 2002 Istanbul Marmara University Seminar Creativity and challenge in the EFL classroom
13-15 September, 2002 Istanbul Sabanci University IATEFL Special Interest Groups Symposium Plenary session:
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood? Choices in training and development
June 2001 Corum OUP professional development event Plenary session:
Beyond techniques:
Creativity and imagination in the EFL classroom
12 May, 2001 Cankiri OUP professional development event Plenary session:
Beyond techniques:
Creativity and imagination in the EFL classroom
17-21 April, 2001 Brighton, U.K. IATEFL Conference The wood or the trees? Classroom observation and effective teaching
2 April, 2001 Izmir ELT seminar
Ege University Department of Foreign Languages
Plenary session:
Sound foundations in writing
31 March, 2001 London, U.K. Cambridge ELT ? Professional Development Day ? Evaluation
and Assessment in Teacher Training
Opening plenary:
Stepping out before stepping in: trainer training for evaluation of teaching practice
November 2000 Leeds, U.K. IATEFL Conference ? Developing trainers in ELT University of Leeds Two models for training new trainers
September 2000 Istanbul ELT seminar,
Bilgi University
Plenary session:
Language into skills and skills into language: teaching lower levels in ELT
April 2000 Ankara ELT seminar,
Hacettepe University
Plenary session:
Six doors to creativity in task design
April-May 2000 BUSEL Trainer Training to middle managers Effective teaching, supervision, classroom observation skills and criteria
April 2000 BUSEL Presentation ‘Jizz’ in effective teaching
March 2000 Dublin, Ireland IATEFL Conference The ‘jizz’ rainbow: A new challenge in teacher training
February 2000 Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus – Famagusta Eastern Mediterranean University
ELT Conference
Six doors to creativity in task design
February 2000 Bilkent Ankara International Conference on Excellence in Teaching Towards excellence: ?Jizzful? teaching
May 1999 Kayseri OUP professional development event Plenary session:
Creativity in Writing: marrying left brain and right brain activities
May 1999 Turkish Rep. of Northern Cyprus AKM professional development event, OUP Plenary session:
A world of magic and inspiration: Stories for language learning
May 1999 Turkish Rep. of Northern Cyprus Near East University professional development event, OUP Plenary session:
A world of magic and inspiration: Stories for language learning
May 1999 Turkish Rep. of Northern Cyprus EMU professional development event
Plenary session:
Creativity in writing:
marrying left brain and right brain activities
April 1999 BUSEL Workshop EAP listening
April 1999 BUSEL Curriculum & Testing Development Program session Course evaluation
March 1999 BUSEL Curriculum & Testing Development Program session Course design
Feb.1999 Özel Bilkent Lisesi Trainer Training Seminar ‘Effective’ teachingClinical supervision and the observation cycle
Feb. 1999 Bilkent Ankara International Conference on Curriculum Where training and curriculum meet: Effective teaching and learning (with Marion Engin)
Feb. 1999 Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus – Famagusta Eastern Mediterranean University
ELT Conference
Creativity in writing: Marrying left brain and right brain activities
– A framework for training new trainers
– Panel discussion on Teacher education for the next millennium
Jan. 1999 Turco-British Association Ankara Longman
Plenary session:
Fun with grammar: Maximizing student involvement through games, visuals, realia, music, stories, and drama (with Marion Engin)
Dec. 1998 BUSEL Workshop Listening and note-taking
August 1998 Birmingham, U.K. Certificate/Diploma in ELT Workshop
Aston University
Demos of humanistic approaches: the Silent Way, Community Language Learning, TPR, Suggestopedia
May 1998 METU Ankara International METU ELT Convention Interaction, exploration, and ‘gypsies’ (with Marion Engin)
May 1998 Adana OUP
professional development event
Plenary session:
Speaking to learn: A bag of tricks for the EFL teacher
Feb. 1998 Izmir OUP and BC ELT Symposium Plenary session:
Speaking to learn: A bag of tricks for the EFL teacher
Feb. 1998 London, U.K. International House Teacher Training Conference Having that something special: Teachers with Jizz
Jan.1998 Turco-British Association Ankara Longman professional development event Plenary session:
New tricks out of old ones:
Games in ELT
Oct. 1997 METU International INGED/METU ELT Conference Through the eyes of the learner: Learner observations of teaching and learning
August 1997 Birmingham, U.K. Certificate/Diploma in ELT Workshop Aston University LSU Demos of humanistic approaches: the Silent Way, Community Language Learning, TPR, Suggestopedia
April 1997 Brighton, U.K. IATEFL Conference The power of trainer language in training and development
Jan. 1997 Turco-British Association Ankara OUP professional development event Plenary session: It?s story time! The challenge and fun of stories
Dec. 1996 Bilkent University Bilkent/IATEFL
Teacher Training Conference
The power of trainer language in training and development
Nov. 1996 Izmir OUP and BC –
ELT Symposium
Plenary session: Creativity and variety in writing
Nov. 1996 British Council Ankara Workshop Ways of handling information and input in training sessions (with Jane K.Harvey)
Sep. 1996 BUSEL Workshop Violet and the little fairy: One little story, ten techniques?and they lived happily ever after: Stories in ELT (with Marion Engin)
Spring 1996 BUSEL INSET/Mini-course EAP
May 1996 METU ELT Convention Workshop …and they lived happily ever after: Stories in ELT
(with Marion Engin)
May 1996 Diyarbakir Oxford Univ. Press, ELT Conference Workshop Plenary session:
Colorful presentations
Dec. 1995 BUSEL Workshop Using cuisenaire rods
(with Marion Engin)
Nov. 1995 Ankara Demo for the MA Course,BILKENT MA TEFL Program Suggestopedia
April 1995 Mersin INGED ELT Afternoon Plenary session:Process and creativity in writing
Fall 1994 Ankara Workshop and Demo, METU High School Self-access centers (with Oya Basaran)
April 1994 Izmir USIS & TAA International ELT Convention Process and creativity in EFL writing Self-access centers (with Oya Basaran)
May 1994 METU International ELT Convention Suggestopedia
May 1994 BUSEL Workshop Process writing
Spring 1994 BUSEL INSET/Mini-course Writing skills
March 1994 Athens, Greece TESOL Greece – International Convention Process and Creativity in EFL writing
Sep. 1994 BUSEL Series of workshops EAP writing
April 1993 Athens, Greece TESOL Greece – International Convention Drama techniques in ESP
May 1993 BILKENT MA TEFL Program Demos for the MA course The Silent Way Suggestopedia
May 1992 METU International ELT Convention Teaching ESP through drama
April 1992 BUSEL Development workshop Teaching writing
Teaching ESP through drama
Sep. 1991 BUSEL Development workshop Teaching pronunciation
Drama in the language classroom
May 1989 Bilkent University School of English Language (BUSEL) Development workshop Teaching writing

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