Academic Publications


 Cumhuriyet İradesi-Demokrasi Muhakemesi: Türkiye’de Demokratik Açılım Arayışları (Republican Will-Democratic Reason: Search for a Democratic Disclosure in Turkey) (Istanbul: Metis, 1999).

Vatandaşlığın Dönüşümü: Üyelikten Haklara (Transformation of Citizenship: From Membership to Rights) (Istanbul: Metis, 2008, second edition 2012, third edition 2022).

(co-edited with Fuat Keyman) Symbiotic Antagonisms: Competing Nationalisms in Turkey (Salt Lake City: The University of Utah Press, 2011).

(co-edited with Kerem Öktem and Mehmet Karlı) Another Empire? A Decade of Turkey’s Foreign Policy Under the Justice and Development Party (Istanbul: Istanbul Bilgi University Press, 2012).


Articles in refereed journals (in chronological order):

“Citizenship, Immigration, and Racism in a Unified Germany with Special Reference to the Turkish Guestworkers,” Bosphorus University, Journal of Economics and Administrative Studies, 6/1-2, 1992, pp. 199-211.

“Devletini Arayan Millet: Almanya Örneği” (A Nation in Search of Its State: The German Case), Toplum ve Bilim, 62, Fall 1993, pp. 95-111.

“Women’s Subordination in Turkey: Is Islam Really the Villain,” The Middle East Journal, 48/4, Autumn 1994, pp. 645-661.

“Impact of Migration Experiences on Gender Roles: Findings of a Field Research in Turkey,” International Migration, 32/4, 1994, pp. 533-560.

“The Paradox of Turkish Nationalism and the Construction of Official Identity,” Middle Eastern Studies, 32/2, April 1996, pp. 177-194.

“Migration Experiences of Turkish Women: Notes from a Researcher’s Diary,” International Migration, 35/4, 1997, pp. 537-557.

“Republican Epistemology and Islamic Discourses in Turkey in the 1990s,” The Muslim World, LXXXVIII/1, January 1998, pp. 1-21.

“Citizenship and Individuation in Turkey: The Triumph of Will Over Reason,” CEMOTI , 26, 1998, pp. 23-43 (also translated into Turkish and published in Fuat Keyman (ed.), Liberalizm, Devlet, Hegemonya (Liberalism, State, Hegemony), Everest, Istanbul, 2002, pp. 258-283/Reprinted in English in Steunebrink G. and E. van der Zweerde (eds), Civil Society, Religion, and the Nation: Modernization in Intercultural Context, Russia, Japan, Turkey (Studies in Intercultural Philosophy 13, Rodopi, Amsterdam, 2004).

“An Islamic Critique of Modernity in Turkey: Politics of Difference Backwards” (co-authored with Menderes Çınar), Orient , 40/1, March 1999, pp. 53-69.

“Civil Society, Islam and Democracy in Turkey: A Study of Three Islamic NGOs,” The Muslim World, 95/1, January 2005, pp. 23-43.

“Denationalization of Citizenship?, The Turkish Experience,” Citizenship Studies, 11/3, July 2007, pp. 283-301.

“An Oxymoron: The Origins of Civic-Republican Liberalism in Turkey,” Critique, 16/2, Summer 2007, pp. 171-190.

“Political Participation from a Citizenship Perspective,” Middle East Law and Governance, Inaugural issue, 1/1, January 2009, pp. 90-116.

“The Pathologies of Turkish Republican Laicism,” Philosophy and Social Criticism, 36/3-4, 2010, pp.489-504.

“Reading John Stuart Mill in Turkey in 2017,” Middle East Law and Governance, 10/2, 2018, pp. 203-232.

“Leaving a Life Behind: Eliza Binemeciyan’s Encounter with ‘the Banality of Evil,'” Journal of the Society for Armenian Studies, 28/1, October 4, 2021.

“Autocratic Legalism in New Turkey,” Social Research: An International Quarterly, 88/2, Summer 2021, pp. 445-471.

“Writing to exist: Mes’adet Bedirhan’s pleas for Ottoman women,” Women’s History Review, published online on March 27, 2024.


Book Chapters and Other Articles (in chronological order):

“The Human Tie: International Labor Migration” in Canan Balkır and Allan M. Williams (eds), Turkey and Europe, Pinter Publishers, Ltd., St. Martin’s Press, London, New York, 1993, pp. 140-157.

“Is Racism Being Combated Effectively in Germany? The New Immigration Legislation,” in Goran Rystad (ed.), Encountering Strangers: Responses and Consequences, Lund University Press, Sweden, 1996, pp. 73-93.

“Cinselliğin İnkarı: Büyük Toplumsal Projelerin Nesnesi Olarak Türk Kadınları” (Denouncing Sexuality: Turkish Women as Objects of Grand Social Projects), Bilanço 98, 75 Yılda Kadınlar ve Erkekler (Women and Men in 75 Years) (Istanbul: Türkiye Ekonomik ve Toplumsal Tarih Vakfı, 1998), pp. 89-101 (also translated into German and published in Barbara Pusch (ed.), Die neue muslimische Frau (Istanbul: Orient-Institut and Goethe-Institut, 2001), pp. 31-50.

“Democratic Citizenship,” Günay Göksu Özdoğan and Gül Tokay (eds), Redefining the Nation, State, and Citizen (Istanbul: Marmara University Research Centre for International Relations, 2000), pp. 59-69.

“Milliyetçilik-Liberalizm Ekseninde Vatandaşlık ve Bireysellik” (Citizenship and Individuation along the Nationalism-Liberalism Axis) in Tanıl Bora (ed.), Modern Türkiye’de Siyasi Düşünce Tarihi (History of Political Thought in Modern Turkey), Vol. 4 (Istanbul: İletişim, 2002), pp. 284-292.

“Can We Envision Turkish Citizenship as Non-membership” in Fuat Keyman and Ahmet İçduygu (eds), Citizenship and Identity In a Globalizing World: European Questions/Turkish Experiences (London and New York: Routledge, 2005), pp. 105-123.

“Muslim Feminist Debates on the Question of Headscarf in Contemporary Turkey,” Ibrahim M. Abu-Rabi (ed.), The Blackwell Companion to Contemporary Islamic Thought (Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 2006).

“Aydınlanma, Vatandaşlık ve Kadın: Türkiye Örneği,” in Fuat Keyman (ed.), Aydınlanma, Türkiye ve Vatandaşlık (Istanbul: Osmanlı Bankası Arşiv ve Araştırma Merkezi, 2008).

“Vatandaşlık ve Siyasal Katılım” (Citizenship and Political Participation), Ergun Özbudun’a Armağan Cilt I (In Honor of Ergun Özbudun, Vol. I), (Istanbul: Yetkin Yayınları, 2008).

Genos versus Devlet: Conceptions of Citizenship in Greece and Turkey,” Othon Anastasakis, Kalypso Nicolaidis and Kerem Oktem (eds), In the Long Shadow of Europe:  Greeks and Turks in the Era of Postnationalism  (Leiden: E. J. Brill, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2009).

“Necessity and State of Exception: Turkish State’s Permanent War with its Kurdish Citizens” in Riva Kastoryano (ed.), Turkey Between Nationalism and Globalization, (Routledge, 2013).

“What Stories does Europe Tell: A View from Turkey,” Harvard University, Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies, Open Forum Series, 35, October 17, 2019.

“Imperious Nationalism in New Turkey: Foreign Policy Discourses in the AKP’s Electoral Manifestos,” (co-authored with Bengi R. Cengiz) in Alpaslan Özerdem and Ahmet Erdi Öztürk (eds), A Companion to Modern Turkey’s Centennial: Political, Sociological, Economic and Institutional Transformations since 1923 (Edinburgh University Press, forthcoming in 2023).