At the end of the term, the university asks students to evaluate the course. Many students ignore this request with various assumptions. Some think that the course is over, so what good will it do for me. Others think that…
Good presentations
AI is advancing at an enormous pace, so we all benefit from people who writes blogs or presentations about a paper. If you are the one doing a presentation about a paper, you may want to watch for the following:…
Course Selection
While this post is mainly for Sabanci students, it may also apply to other students. I get a lot of questions as to which courses to take, especially in the sophomore year. After reading the information in, I would…
Not Ms, not Hanım, not Bey….
You should not call women profs Madame or Hanim or Mrs or Ms; nor call male profs as Mr or Bey. Prof. X (Hi Prof. Berrin) or X. hoca (Hi Berrin hoca) is the proper form of addressing in Turkey. I…
Getting a place in an undergraduate research project
After we announce our graduation projects for the term, we get many emails from students. Some write too short (“I am interested in your project, can you tell me more about it”) without any useful information about their background or…
Email Etiquette
I have been bothered by the tone or content in some emails I receive. When you want to meet, you should not say “…. when are you free?” This is a bit too direct or impolite (I have double checked…
Lost Emails
Since we receive so many emails, it would help if you use the subject wisely to enable search. For ENS491 requests – please write ENS4912 on the subject line Particular class – please add its code (CS412) and also particular…
Yeşil Pasaport
Vakıf üniversitelerindeki akademisyenlere bazı şartları sağladıkları takdirde yeşil pasaport hakkı çıktı. Bu konuda bilgileri yazayım dedim. Yine de doğrulayın ama: Her şehirde sadece İl Nüfus Müdürlüğünden veriliyor, ama başka şehirlere gidebiliyorsunuz (biz Sakarya’dan alıyoruz, Ist %100 dolu). Çocuklarınızı da götürmeniz…
Here are some advice and information about rights and expectations that especially starting grad. students may find useful. More senior students may benefit from presentation and paper writing tips I give over and over to my students: Choosing your advisor,…
Most Important 1. Pick the right program/department: You have a great opportunity at SU. Try to reduce your choices to two programs, take their introductory courses, audit some if necessary (even a few lectures may be enough to give you…