Dr. Emrah Kalemci
Sabanci University
Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences
Orhanli-Tuzla, 34956, Istanbul, TURKEY
Phone: +90 (216) 483 9614
Fax: +90 (216) 483 9550
E-mail: ekalemci@sabanciuniv.edu
My political window….
Disclaimer: The ideas and information presented in my political window reflect my own personal beliefs and have not been endorsed or controlled by my employer, Sabanci University…
I support Osman Kavala (and Çiğdem Mater, Can Atalay, Mine Özerden, Yiğit Ali Ekmekçi, Tayfun Kahraman all wrongly imprisoned activists) and demand their immediate release from prison as requested by the European Court of Human Rights. They are held in prison because of political reasons, being part of peaceful demonstrations is not a crime but our right! I am proud to be part of GEZI demonstrations….
Can Atalay is elected by the PEOPLE of Hatay and should be in the parliament, not in prison. Shame on parts of the judiciary and the ministry for still keeping a free man in jail despite the rule of the Constitutional Court.
I stand in solidarity with scientists protesting Naci Inci, the APPOINTED president of Bogazici University.
I am a member of the Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Sabanci University. Previously, I was a post-doctoral researcher at the Space Sciences Laboratory at Berkeley. I got my PhD at UCSD, Center for Astrophysics and Space Sciences. You may obtain a copy of my dissertation from the publications list.
My current research activities are concentrated on two topics; high energy astrophysics instrumentation and observational studies of Galactic black holes. More information on my research can be found in the links below.
At Sabanci, I teach NS 101 (Science of Nature), graduate and undergraduate Statistical Physics, graduate Classical Mechanics, Inside the Milky Way, and Beyond the Milky Way classes. Last few years I enjoyed teaching a new class named “Introduction to Space Technology”.
I am also involved with public outreach efforts for astronomy, high energy astrophysics and astrophysical instrumentation. These include talks given at universities, high schools and kindergartens, and articles published at popular scientific magazines, such as Bilim ve Teknik and Bilim ve Utopya. Some of the talks and articles can be retrieved from my publications list.
Application Software of WFM on eXTP
The eXTP (enhanced X-ray Timing and Polarimetry) mission is a joint large mission of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and European partners designed to study the state of matter under extreme conditions of density, gravity and magnetism. One of the four major instruments on eXTP is the Wide Field Monitor (WFM) which consist of 3 pairs of coded mask cameras with a total combined Field of View (FoV) of 90×180 degrees. Together with Tubitak Space Research Institute we write the Application software for the WFM that will run on Leon 4 processors. More information can be found in this SPIE proceeding. This project is funded by the Turkish Space Agency.
iXRD on SharjahSAT, a 3U Cubesat
The iXRD is the primary science payload on Sharjah-Sat-1, a 3U CubeSat expected to be launched in December 2022. Its main scientific goal is monitoring bright hard X-ray sources and transients in 20 – 200 keV band. The iXRD consists of a CdZnTe crystal (6.45 cm2 area, 5 mm thickness), a Tungsten collimator with square holes with an opening angle of 4.26 degrees, readout and control electronics and power circuitry, a back-shield and mechanical structures.
For more information check out the article submitted to the Experimental Astronomy.
XRD on BeEagleSAT, a 2U Cubesat
Here is the XRD on BeEagleSat. XRD is an orthogonal strip CdZnTe based small X-ray detector that fits into 10cm x 10cm board along with its readout and electrical power system. The XRD has been launched on BeEagleSAT from the ISS as part of the QB50 mission in May 2017. The mission deorbited in 2019.
Awards and Recognitions
Science Academy Turkiye Membership
I have been one of the inductees of the Science Academi, Turkiye (Bilim Akademisi) in 2023. https://bilimakademisi.org/bilim-akademisinin-yeni-uyeleri-aralik-2023/
TUBITAK Incentive Award
I am one of the recipients of the 2010 TUBITAK Incentive award given to researchers in Turkey under 40. This is the highest award given to young researchers by Tubitak in Turkey.
I have been one of the recipients of the Turkish Academy of Sciences (TUBA) Young Scientist Award (GEBIP) for the year 2007. The TUBA-GEBIP Programme was started in February 2001 with the objective to provide support to young scientists (under 37 years of age) of outstanding performance in a critical phase in their career as independent investigators. The GEBIP project will support high energy astrophysics instrumentation efforts in Turkey.
Past projects:
TUBITAK 1001 Project:
A Multifaceted Approach to Understand Emission Properties and the Geometry of Black Hole Binary Systems April 2016-2018 Budget: ~ 30k$ |
FP7 PEOPLE Initial Training Network 
Sabancı University has been a partner of the Initial Training Network Project “Black Hole Universe“. A PhD student worked under my supervision on multiwavelength observations of black holes. The total project budget was 2,5 Million Euros. The project ended in 2013 with great success.
ASTRONS was an FP6 Transfer of Knowledge program led by Dr. Ali Alpar of Sabancı University. I coordinated efforts on high energy astrophysical instrumentation related to this project. I have visited University of Leicester and DTU-Space in Copenhagen, and several distinguished scientists visited Sabancı to help build an instrumentation lab here. The total project budget was 1,1 Million Euros. The project ended successfully in 2010.
I was awarded with the European Comission’s Marie Curie International Reintegration Grant (FP6) to work mainly on INTEGRAL data analysis at Sabanci University between 2005-2007. The Grant is titled Data Mining with the INTEGRAL Observatory, or INDAM. The project has finished. Please click here to obtain more information, publications and talks under the program.