• (2024) Between a curse and a Blessing: Germany’s role in Shaping the EU-Turkish relations with the Eastern Mediterranean as a Litmus Test, with Sinem Tastan, Cambridge University Workshop on German Politics, April 18-19.

  • (2024) Turkey’s Migration Governance and the Impact of Transnational Linkages, with Samet Apaydin, International Studies Association, San Francisco, April 3-7.

  • (2023) Conceptualizing the EU’s Strategic Partners, with Senem Aydin Duzgit and Ezgi Uzun, EUIA Conference, Brussels, May 3-5.

  • (2023) The Migration Governance in Turkey: The Interplay of Internal and External Policies, with Samet Apaydin, Magyc concluding conference Sciences Po, Paris, April 20-21.

  • (2022) European foreign policy dilemmas and Turkish role in European Security, RENPET Conference, Leiden, June 1-3 2022.

  • (2021) Turkey and Third Country influence in the EU, Workshop on Third Country influence, University of Geneva, November 4-5.

  • (2021) Turkey and the UAE as competitors in Africa through foreign aid allocation, co-authored with and presented by Nihat Mugurtay, Council of European Studies Annual Conference, June 22-24.
  • (2021) Assessing Turkish Parliamentary debates on the Syrian refugees, co-authored with Samet Apaydin, University of Pennsylvania, Workshop on Syrian refugees, April 29.
  • (2021) Turkish foreign policy in the midst of global turmoil, ISA Annual convention, April 9-11.
  • (2021) Turkey’s integration into the EU’s  policies- a pattern of norm diffusion, co-authored with Damla Cihangir-Tetik, ISA Annual Convention, April 9-11.
  • (2020) Turkish Parliamentarians’ Deliberations on the Turkish-EU migration Deal, co-authored with Samet Apaydin, MAGYC Workshop, University of Bratislava, September 25.
  • (2019) European borderlands and Turkey : Imperialistic Past and Hegemonic Aspirations, NPSA, November 7-9.
  • (2019) Democratic Backsliding, Rise of Populism and Authoritarian Consolidation in the European Periphery: Assessing the Interplay of Internal and External Factors, APSA, August 28-September 1.
  • (2019) Turkey and the EU in Humanitarian aid: Patterns of cooperation, co-authored with Damla Cihangir-Tetik, EUSA Bi-annual conference, Denver, May 9-11.
  • (2019) The Future of Turkey’s relations with the EU: a process of differentiation, EUSA Bi-annual conference, Denver, May 9-11.
  • (2018) Turkey in the European periphery: Imperialistic Past and European Borderlands, ECSA-Denmark conference, Roskilde, September 26-27.
  • (2018) The different paths of Differentiated integration for Turkey’s future with the EU, SGEU-ECPR Conference, Paris, June 13-15.
  • (2018) Turkish Foreign Policy: Challenges to its European orientation, International Studies Association, 59th Annual Convention, San Francisco, April 3-7.
  •  (2017)  Limits of Political Conditionality: A Comparative study of the Western Balkans and Turkey, Northeastern Political Science Association, Philadelphia, November 9-11.
  • (2017) The role of judicial independence in democratic transformation, American Political Science Association, APSA Annual meeting, August 31-September 4.
  • (2017) The Turkish judicial reforms and the European Union, ISA-CISS conference, University of Bologna, June 28-30.
  • (2017) Gender Equality in Turkey: Unexpected consequences of Harmonization to the EU norms, ECPR European Conference on Gender and Politics, ECGP, University of Lausanne, June 8-10.
  • (2017) The European Union and Turkey as Foreign Aid Donors: Patterns of Competition or Complementarity, co-authored with/presented by Damla Cihangir-Tetik, ISA 58th Annual conference, February 22-24.
  • (2016) The European Union enlargement process: The role of External and internal scope conditions, EUSA Asia Pacific conference on EU Studies, Hong Kong, June 29-30.
  • (2016) Turkey and the European Union: Transforming the European periphery to European Borderlands, Borderlands ERC conference, EUI, Florence, June 19-21.
  • (2016) Turkey and the European Union in an Unstable Neighbourhood: Diverging Security Partners, Conference on Regional security complexes in the European Union, Jean Monnet conference, Dundee University, Scotland, June 12-14.
  • (2016) The European Foreign policy and the Turkish role, Jean Monnet conference on European foreign policy, Bilgi University, Istanbul, May 30.
  • (2016)The EU enlargement and its scope conditions, MAXCAP Final conference, Leiden University, Den Hague, January 22-24.
  • (2015) The Turkish role in the EU’s neighborhood: Converging interests and diverging policies, University of Dundee, workshop on European Security, Dundee, June 15-16.
  • (2015) Back sliding into Authoritarianism in Turkey: The EU accession process and the limits of political conditionality, LSE conference on the Middle East, London, March 19-20.
  • (2015) A comparative analysis of the European Union enlargement: Who gets in when and how? Co-authored with/presented by Aylin Ece Cicek, EUSA Bi-Annual Conference, Boston, March 5-7.
  • (2014) The EU’s limited political conditionality and Turkey, Maxcap workshop, Sarajevo, November 20-21.
  • (2014) Turkey and the EU as Complementary partners in South Caucasus, Maxcap workshop, Tiblisi, Georgia, October 7-8.
  •  (2014) Linking Academic Research and policy making in EU Studies, Jean Monnet Conference, Brussels, Belgium, October 1-2.
  • (2014) Uluslararası Ä°liÅŸkiler Literatürüne Türkiye’den bilimsel katkı, UÄ°K Kongresi, ÇeÅŸme, Nisan 17-19.
  • (2014) Pandora’s Box: Democratic Transformation in Turkey as a gauge of its Europeanization, Workshop on Rule of Law as a Strategic priority in EU external relations, KU Leuven University, Leuven, February 26-28.
  • (2013) Turkey as an Emerging power: Global and Regional power constellations, Emerging Powers workshop, European University Institute, EUI, Florence, September 30-October 2.
  • (2013) MAXCAP Kick Off conference, Maximizing Integration capacity of the EU, Free University of Berlin, Berlin, May 30-June 1.
  • (2013)  The Impact of the European integration process on Transatlantic Relations, co-authored with and presented by Damla Cihangir, European Union Studies Association, Baltimore, May 8-11.
  • (2013) The European Union’s Role in Transatlantic Relations: A coherent body or disjointed partner for the USA, co-authored with and presented by Arzu Kibris. International Studies Association Annual Conference, San Francisco, April 3-6.
  • (2013) Jean Monnet cluster meeting, Trends and developments in European studies, February 7-8.
  • (2012) The European Union’s enlargement policy as foreign policy making, 6th Pan-European conference on the EU, ECPR-SGEU, University of Tampere, Finland, September 13-15.
  • (2012) The European integration and its impact on Transatlantic Relations, co-authored with Damla Cihangir, Transworld WP1 Workshop, University of Edinburgh, Scotland, September 10-11.
  • (2012) Turkey’s foreign policy challenges: Reconciling security interests in Europe and the Middle East, 53rd Annual Convention of the International Studies Association, San Diego, USA. April 1-4.
  • (2012) The European Union and Turkey, partners in Stability in South Caucasus, co-authored with Aybars Gorgulu, Sabanci University- CEU Workshop, Budapest, Hungary, January 12-13.
  •  (2012) The Turkish role in the European Union?s Euro Mediterranean policy, co-authored with Mustafa Halit Tagma, Sabanci University- CEU Workshop, January 12-13
  • (2011) Democracy, multiculturalism and the European Identity: Turkey and the European Union, RECON Concluding conference, Oslo, Norway, November 24-26.
  • 2011) The European Union in crisis; the end of a dream or an opportunity for a new momentum, ECPR general conference, Rejkjavik, Iceland, August 23-28.
  • (2011) Turkey’s accession to the EU: An end to a Dream, Jean Monnet workshop, Koc University, Istanbul, May 13-14.
  • (2010) Voting in the United Nations: Cohesion between Turkey and the EU, co-authored with Arzu  Kibris, RECON Workshop for WP6, “What kind of Democracy for What kind of European foreign and Security Policy?”, ARENA,  University of Oslo, September 15-18 2010.
  • (2010) Turkey, Iraq and the EU: the changing Middle East, British Academy, London, March 17-19 2010
  • (2010) The changing dynamics of Turkish foreign policy and its Domestic determinants, Whither Turkey and the EU, Sabanci University, January 15-16 2010.
  • (2009) Is there a Europeanization of Turkish Foreign policy? An Addendum to the Literature on Candidate Countries, co-authored with Yaprak Gursoy, ECPR General Conference, Potsdam, September 10-12.

  • (2009)Turkey’s Accession to the EU: Its Impact on Reconstituting Democracy and Security in Europe, 50th Annual Convention, ISA, New York, February 14-19.

  • (2008) The Turkish Perceptions of the EU?s Common Foreign, Security and Defense Policies, co-authored with Yaprak Gursoy, Workshop on Beyond intergovernmentalism and the quest for unity: democracy or efficiency , Istanbul, November 13-14.

  •  (2008) Turkey and the EU?s Normative Power: The Turkish Perceptions, co-authored with Yaprak Gursoy, 49th Annual Convention ISA, San Francisco, March 24-29.

  • (2007) Turkey’s political reforms and the future of Europe, NPSA-ISA Annual conference, Philadelphia, November 14-18 2007.

  • (2007)The Political conditionality of the European Union on Turkey, Conference-the end of the Democratic movement, Science Po and Centre D?Etudes et de Recherces Internationales, Paris, May 11-12 2007.
  • (2007) The European Union?s Legitimacy Crisis and the future of European Ä°ntegration,48th Annual Convention ISA, Chicago, February 28-March 4.
  • (2006) Theoretical Approaches to Turkey’s Accession to the EU, Conference on Turkey and the EU, Izmir Ekonomy University, Izmir, October 19 2006.
  • (2006) Turkey’s Political Reforms and the EU, conference on Between Shifting and resilient Forces: Turkey in Comparative Perspective, Isik University, Istanbul, August 6-8.
  • (2006) Turkey’s contribution to European Security and Its new neighborhood policy, Conference The EU and its Security Architecture, Center for European Security Studies, Istanbul, June 12-13.
  • (2006) Turkey’s Accession to the EU: Bridging the divide between the EU governments and their pblic, ISA annual Convention, San Diego, USA, March 21-26.
  • (2006) The EU’s Legitimacy crisis: Its impact on Turkey, Beyond Homogeneity, Central European University, Budapest, February 9.
  • (2005) The foreign policy impact of Turkey’s EU membership, BISA Annual Conference, December 19-21, St.Andrews, Scotland.
  • (2005) The Domestic and Supranational implications of Turkey’s EU Accession, Conference on Transformation and Europeanization in Turkey, Koc University, December 9, Istanbul.
  • (2005) Turkey, the EU and the USA: Partners in Security, NorthEastern Political Science Association-ISA, Annual Convention, Philadelphia, November 17-19, USA.
  • (2005) Theorizing Turkey?s accession to the EU, WSIC-ISA conference, Istanbul, August 24-26.
  • (2005) Turkey?s role in the EU as a security partner, Workshop on European Security, Sabanci University, 25 May.
  • (2004) Unenthusiastic Yes to Hungary, Resounding No to Turkey: Individual, Contextual, and Historical Explanations of Citizen Attitudes to Enlargement, co-authored with Lauren McLaren, 2nd Pan European Conference on the EU Politics, Johns Hopkins University, Bologna, 24-26 June.
  • (2004) Turkey’s bilateral relations with Greece, Conference on Turkey and Greece Relations, Oxford University, May.
  • (2004) Terrorism, Transatlantic Divide and Turkey in between EU and USA, presented at the 45th Annual Conference of the ISA, Montreal, March.
  • (2003) Turkey in the EU?s enlargement process, a theoretical approach, presented at the 3rd Turkey-EU days, Galatasaray University, October.
  • (2003) Turkey’s challenges to the EU’s CESDP: Implications for a new security order, presented at the ISA-CEEISA joint convention, Budapest, June.
  • (2003), Turkey’s new face: Its domestic and foreign policy implications, presented at the 8th Biennial Conference, European Union Studies Association, Nashville, March.
  • (2002) Turkey’s position in the EU enlargement process, presented at the 1st Pan-European Conference on the EU, Bordeaux, September.
  • (2002) Citizen Attitudes to European Union enlargement, co-authored with Lauren McLaren, presented at the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, April.
  • (2001) The institutional impact of Turkey’s membership in the European Union, presented at the 42nd annual ISA Convention, Chicago, February.
  • (2000) Preferences and Policy-Making in the EU: Impacts on Turkey, presented at the 41st ISA Annual Convention, Los Angeles, March.
  • (1999)  Turkey’s Security and Identity Dilemmas, presented at the 40th ISA Annual Convention, Washington D.C, February.
  • (1999) War, Peace and Cooperation: The Shadows of the future and Misperceptions, co-authored with Mehmet Bac, presented at the 40th Annual ISA Convention, Washington D.C, February.
  • (1998) “The Never-Ending Story: Turkey and the European Union”, presented at the 3rd Pan-European and ISA joint convention, Vienna, September.
  • (1998) “Turkey and Israel: A New Axis of Power in the Middle East”, presented at the 39th Annual ISA Convention, Minneapolis, March.
  • (1997) Through the Looking Glass: Turkey in Europe, presented at the 2nd UACES Research Conference, Loughborough, UK, September.
  • (1997) Migrant Women and their Predicament for European Citizenship, co-authored with Dilek Cindoglu, presented at the Third European Feminist Conference, Coimbra, Portugal, July.
  • (1996) New Patterns of Cooperation in the post-Cold War Era, presented at the ISA-JAIR joint Convention, Japan, September.
  • (1995) Turkey and the EU: The road to Customs union, presented at the 2nd Pan-European Conference, Paris, September.
  • (1995) “Turkey’s Predicament in the Post-Cold War Era”, presented at the 36th ISA Annual Convention, Chicago, March.
  • (1994) Turkey as a Potential Stabilizer, presented at the 2nd Conflict Resolution Congress, San Sebastian, October.
  • (1993) Turkey and the EU, presented at the 2nd Bi-annual ECSA Convention, Washington D.C, May.
  • (1992) Turkey and the EU: A History of Partnership, presented at the Pan-European conference, Heidelberg, September


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