Address: Sabanci University
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Orhanli, 34956 Tuzla,
Marital Status: married to Mehmet Baç
- Ph.D. Political Science/International Relations- Temple University 1992.
- M.A Political Science/International Relations-Temple University 1989.
- B.A Political Science-Boğaziçi University 1988.
- High School Robert College 1984
- Professor, Sabanci University 2005 -present
- Associate professor, Sabancı University 2002-2005
- Associate Professor, Bilkent University. 1998-2002
- Visiting Scholar, Fulbright Fellow, University of Chicago. 1999-2000
- Assistant Professor, Bilkent University. 1992-1998
(Doçent Title awarded by the Interuniversity Board-Üniversitelerarası Kurul 1996)
- Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence, European Commission 2011
- Teaching Excellence Award, FASS Sabanci University 2011
- Jean Monnet Chair ad personam, European Commission, 2004
- Turkish Academy of Sciences, TUBA, GEBIP-Distinguished Young Scientist Award, 2003.
- Turkish Academy of Sciences, TUBA, Young Investigator Award, 2002.
- Fulbright Fellowship for post-Doctoral Research 1999.
- Coordinator, European Studies MA, Sabancı University 2008-2014
- Coordinator, International Studies BA, Sabanci University 2011-2014
- Coordinator, Social and Political Sciences BA, Sabancı University 2002-2011
- Vice Dean, Bilkent University, Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences 2000-2002
- Vice Chairperson, Bilkent University, Department of Political Science 1998-1999
- Affiliate Professor, University of Pennsylvania, 2019-2020
- Affiliated Professor, University of Stockholm, 2013-2016
- Coordinator, Sabanci University Centre of Excellence in European Studies, 2011-2016
- Senior Fellow, Istanbul Policy Center, 2010-present
- Task force on Wider Europe, Council of Europe, 2013
- Advisory board member, The Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Research Centre on War, Peace and International Change, 2012
- Advisory Board membership, Glodem-Global Democracy platform, Koc University 2010-present
- Chair, Steering Committee for the Standing Group on the EU, ECPR 2009-2011
- Vice-Chair, Steering Committee Standing Group on the EU, ECPR, 2007-2009.
- Member, Steering Committee for Standing Group of the European Union, European Consortium for Political Research. 2003-present
- Editorial Board Membership, Journal of European Integration, 2017-present.
- Editorial Board Member, European Union Politics . (SSCI) 2001-2011
- Editorial Board Member, Women Studies International Forum (SSCI)
- Editorial Board Member, Review of International Law and Politics (SSCI)
- Editorial Board Member, Jean Monnet Journal of European Studies
- Member, Steering Committee for Standing Group of International Relations, European Consortium for Political Research. 1998-2001
- H2020, Consortium Partner, MAGYC: Migration Governance and Asylum Crisis, coordinator: University of Liege, 2019-2023.
- H2020, Consortium Partner, InDivEU: Integrating Diversity in the European Union, coordinator: European University Institute, 2019-2022
- Advisory Board member, H2020 project, EU-List, European Foreign policy, 2018-2021.
- Advisory Board member, H2020 project, FEUTURE The Future of EU-Turkey Relations: Mapping Dynamics and Testing Scenarios, 2016-2019.
- Project co-director, Track II Diplomacy Working group on Turkey-EU-German Relations, Istanbul Policy Center and Sabanci University, Stiftung Mercator, 2017-2018.
- Project Co-Director, Tubitak Joint Bilateral Research project with KU Leuven on Turkey and the EU, 2015-2017.
- PACO, Interparliamentary cooperation and the EU’s External Action, Coordinator: KU Leuven, 2014-2017.
- Predict Nato project, partner. Coordinator: University of Trento 2014
- FP7, Consortium partner, Work Package Leader MaxCap, European Commission 2013-2016 project coordinator: Leiden University and Free University Berlin:
- FP7, Consortium partner, Work Package Leader TransWorld, European Commission 2012-2015 project coordinator: IAI.
- Project co-director, Global Turkey, Stiftung Mercator, IAI and IPC joint consortium 2013-2015
- Project co-director with Ahmet Evin, La Caixa- Anna Lindh Foundation 2012-2014
- Project co-director with Uwe Puetter, CEU-SABANCI Project 2011-2013
- Project partner CEU-SABANCI Project on Reclaiming impetus project co-directors, Ahmet Evin, Peter Balazs 2011-2013
- Project co-director with Matteo Fumagalli, CEU-SABANCI Project on Rising Regional Powers and Turkish foreign policy, 2011-2013
- Project partner, LISBOAN, Erasmus Academic network 2010-2013
- F6 Consortium Partner, RECON, Reconstituting Democracy, project leader ARENA, 2007-2011.
- Jean Monnet European Module, POLS 592 European Commission 2008-2013
- Research partner for Italian International Affairs Institute Project on Turkey and European Security, 2005.
- Jean Monnet Permanent Course, Pols 492, European Commission, 2002-2007
- Research Grant, Unboxing the Turkish Society, European Commission, 2002-2003,
Invited Teaching activities
- Penn Global Seminar on International Borders, University of Pennsylvania, August 2019-January 2020.
- PhD Viva, Margaux Malhaes, University of Sorbonne, July 11, 2019
- Turkey, USA and Europe, Sabanci Lise Yaz okulu, Istanbul, July 11-22, 2016.
- Turkey, USA and Europe, Sabanci Lise Yaz okulu, Istanbul, June 29-July 10, 2015.
- Summer school on the Euro-Mediterranean, Anna Lindh-La Caixa summer school, Sabanci University, September 8-12, 2014.
- PhD viva, Filiz Coban, PhD in Political Science doctoral exam, University of East Anglia,September 4, 2014,
- Turkey between Europe and the USA, Sabanci Lise Yaz Okulu, Istanbul, June 30 – July 11, 2014.
- Summer school on the Euro-Mediterranean, Anna Lindh-La Caixa summer school, Sabanci University, September 16-21, 2013.
- Enlargement as a foreign policy tool, LISBOAN PhD school, University of Maastricht, April 9, 2013.
- Turkey, Europe and the Middle East, IBEI, Summer school on the Mediterranean, Barcelona, July 15-19, 2013.
- Turkey between Europe and the USA, Sabanci Lise Yaz Okulu, Istanbul, July 1-12, 2013.
- Turkish Foreign policy, IBEI Summer school, IBEI and IEMED organization, Barcelona, July 16-20, 2012
- Turkey and the EU, Sabanci University, Eliamep and FUB, Istanbul, June 6-15, 2012.
- PhD Viva, Rahime Suleymanoglu, PhD in Political Science, University of Notthingham, February 2, 2012.
- Turkish politics, Turkey and the EU, Seasonal Schools, Free University Berlin, Eliamep, Athens, November 9, 2011.
American Political Science Association
International Studies Association
European Community Studies Association
Turkish Social Sciences Association
Turkish-European Community Studies Association
University Association for Contemporary
European Studies
Standing Group on International Relations, ECPR