Info for students
I am always looking for Independent Study Project students, and volunteer lab assistants.
You need to have passed Research Methods with a good grade, have a good GPA, and have enough time and work ethic to take the work seriously.
Volunteer Assistants
Your main job will be to collect data, and sometimes you may help with other tasks, like data entry and preparation. I can’t pay you 🙂 but if you work for me, it gives you something to write on your CV, and gives me something to write about in your reference letters!
If you have an idea of your own for a project you would like to do, please feel free to discuss it with me. If I can help, I will.
Independent Study Projects
Ethics clearance at Sabancı can take a month or two. For that reason, my ISP students usually complete a project of my design. If you want to do your project on your own idea, come to me a couple of months before the semester starts, so we can start planning.
My deal with ISP students is this: your project will be a real piece of valuable psychological research. Anything else is a waste of your time. We will, at all times, be trying to produce publishable data. It is extremely unlikely that your project data will be publishable; even if it is publishable, the process can take years. But, if the data you collect for your ISP is published, you will be an author on the paper.