SCI journal articles (*-Corresponding author) PUBMED
68. I Shaheen, I Hussain, T Zahra, R Memon, AA Alothman, M Ouladsmane, …(2023) Electrophoretic deposition of ZnO/CuO and ZnO/CuO/rGO heterostructure based film as environmental Benign flexible electrode for supercapacitor Chemosphere, 138149
67. A Qureshi, JH Niazi (2023) Graphene-interfaced flexible and stretchable micro-nano electrodes: from fabrication to sweat glucose detection. Materials Horizons (In press)
66. A Qureshi, T Shaikh, JH Niazi (2023) Semiconductor quantum dots in photoelectrochemical sensor from fabrication to biosensing applications. Analyst (in press)
65. T Zahra, KS Ahmad, C Zequine, R Gupta, MA Malik, JH Niazi, A Qureshi (2023) Bio‐inspired NiO/ZrO2 mixed oxides (NZMO) for oxygen evolution reactions: from facile synthesis to electrochemical analysis. Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology 98 (1), 296-305
64. N Abbas, I Shaheen, I Ali, M Ahmad, SA Khan, A Qureshi, JH Niazi, …(2022) Effect of growth duration of Zn0. 76Co0. 24S interconnected nanosheets for high-performance flexible energy storage electrode materials. Ceramics International 48 (23), 34251-34257
63. N Abbas, I Shaheen, I Hussain, C Lamiel, M Ahmad, X Ma, A Qureshi, … (2022) Glycerol-mediated synthesis of copper-doped zinc sulfide with ultrathin nanoflakes for flexible energy electrode materials. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 919, 165701
62. S Muhammad, JH Niazi, S Shawuti, A Qureshi (2022) Functional POSS based polyimide nanocomposite for enhanced structural, thermal, antifouling and antibacterial properties. Materials Today Communications 31, 103287
61. S Muhammad, JH Niazi, S Shawuti, A Qureshi (2022) Silver nanoparticles decorated polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane nanocages as an effective nanoadditive for improved structural and biological properties of poly (vinylidene …Materials Today Chemistry 23, 100643
60. I Shaheen, KS Ahmad, C Zequine, RK Gupta, AG Thomas, A Qureshi, … (2022) Phyto-synthesized facile Pd/NiOPdO ternary nanocomposite for electrochemical supercapacitor applications. RSC advances 12 (54), 35409-35417
59. S Siddiqui, JH Niazi, A Qureshi (2021) Mn3O4–Au nanozymes as peroxidase mimic and the surface-enhanced Raman scattering nanosensor for the detection of hydrogen peroxide. Materials Today Chemistry 22, 100560
58. EN Özmen, E Kartal, MB Turan, A Yazıcıoğlu, JH Niazi, A Qureshi (2021) Graphene and carbon nanotubes interfaced electrochemical nanobiosensors for the detection of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) and other respiratory viral infections: A review. Materials Science and Engineering: C 129, 112356
57. A Tufani, A Qureshi, JH Niazi (2020) Iron oxide nanoparticles based magnetic luminescent quantum dots (MQDs) synthesis and biomedical/biological applications: A review. Materials Science and Engineering: C 118, 111545
56. A Qureshi, A Tufani, G Corapcioglu, JH Niazi (2020) CdSe/CdS/ZnS nanocrystals decorated with Fe3O4 nanoparticles for point-of-care optomagnetic detection of cancer biomarker in serum. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 321, 128431
55. Y Birinci, JH Niazi, O Aktay-Çetin, H Basaga (2020) Quercetin in the form of a nano-antioxidant (QTiO2) provides stabilization of quercetin and maximizes its antioxidant capacity in the mouse fibroblast model. Enzyme and Microbial Technology 138, 109559
54. A Qureshi, JH Niazi (2020) Biosensors for detecting viral and bacterial infections using host biomarkers: A review. Analyst 145 (24), 7825-7848
53. Qureshi A, Tufani A, Corapcioglu G, Niazi JH* (2020) CdSe/CdS/ZnS nanocrystals decorated with Fe3O4 nanoparticles for point-of-care optomagnetic detection of cancer biomarker in serum. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 321, 128431. Patent Granted
52. Y Birinci, JH Niazi, O Aktay-Çetin, H Basaga (2020) Quercetin in the form of a nano-antioxidant (QTiO2) provides stabilization of quercetin and maximizes its antioxidant capacity in the mouse fibroblast model. Enzyme and Microbial Technology 138, 109559.
51. Ilyas H, Shawuti S, Siddiq M, Niazi JH, Qureshi A (2019) PEG functionalized graphene oxide-silver nano-additive for enhanced hydrophilicity, permeability and fouling resistance properties of PVDF-co-HFP membranes. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects. doi.org/10.1016/j.colsurfa.2019.123646
50. Siddiqui S, Shawuti S, Sirajuddin, Niazi JH, Qureshi A (2019) L-cysteine mediated self-assembled Ag-Au nanoparticles as fractal patterns with bowl alley-like-hollow arrays for electrochemical sensing of dopamine. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 58, 8035-8043.
49. Omer Ceylan, Geetesh K. Mishra, Melik Yazici, Anjum Qureshi, Javed H. Niazi, Yasar Gurbuz (2018) A Hand-Held Point-of-Care Biosensor Device for Detection of Multiple Cancer and Cardiac Disease Biomarkers using Interdigitated Capacitive Arrays. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems 12, 1440-1449.
48. Niazi S, Purohit M, Niazi JH (2018) Role of p53 circuitry in tumorigenesis: a brief review. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 158, 7-24.
47. Niazi S*, Purohit M, Sonawani A, Niazi JH* (2018) Revealing the molecular interactions of aptamers that specifically bind to the extracellular domain of HER2 cancer biomarker protein: An in silico assessment. Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling 83, 112-121.
46. Saz M, Siddiq M, Niazi JH, Qureshi A (2018) Role of quaternary ammonium compound immobilized metallic graphene oxide in PMMA/PEG membrane for antibacterial, antifouling and selective gas permeability properties. Polymer Bulletin 1-18.
45. Chouhan RS, Niazi JH, Qureshi A (2018) Development of immunoblot assay for carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) in human serum using portable UV illuminator. Analytical Methods 10, 947-949.
44. Alpugana S, Topkaya D, Atilla D, Ahsen V, Niazi JH*, Dumoulin F* (2017) Zn phthalocyanine conjugation to H2-ul aptamer for HER2-targeted breast cancer photodynamic therapy: design, optimization and properties. Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines 21, 887.
43. Shaikh T, Pandey A, Sirajuddin, Talpur FN, Kaushik A, Niazi JH* (2017) Gold nanoparticles based sensor for in vitro analysis of drug-drug interactions using imipramine and isoniazid drugs: a proof of concept approach. Sensors and Actuators B. Chemical 252, 1055-1062.
42. Pandey A, Gurbuz Y, Ozguz V, Niazi JH* and Qureshi A* (2017) Graphene-interfaced electrical biosensor for label-free and sensitive detection of foodborne pathogenic E. coli O157:H7. Biosensors and Bioelectronics. 91, 225-231.
41. Bharadwaj S, Mitchell RJ, Qureshi A, Niazi JH* (2017) Toxicity evaluation of e-juice and its soluble aerosols generated by electronic cigarettes using recombinant bioluminescent bacteria responsive to specific cellular damages. Biosensors and Bioelectronics 90, 53-60.
40. Chouhan RS, Panday A, Qureshi A*, Ozguz V, Niazi JH* (2016) Nanomaterial resistant microorganism mediated reduction of graphene oxide. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 146, 39-46.
39. Chouhan RS, Qureshi A, Yagci B, Gülgün MA, V Ozguz, Niazi JH* (2016) Biotransformation of multi-walled carbon nanotubes mediated by nanomaterial resistant soil bacteria. Chemical Engineering Journal, 298, 1-9.
38. Niazi JH*, Pandey A, Gurbuz Y, Ozguz V, Qureshi A (2016) Cells-on-chip based transducer platform for probing toxicity of metal nanoparticles. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 231, 659–665.
37. Qureshi A*, Gurbuz Y and Niazi JH* (2015) Label-free capacitance based aptasensor platform for the detection of HER2/ErbB2 cancer biomarker in serum. Sensors and Actuators B. Chemical 220, 1145-1151.
36. Pandey A, Chouhan RS, Gurbuz Y, Niazi JH* and Qureshi A* (2015) S. cerevisiae whole-cell based capacitive biochip for the detection of toxicity of different forms of carbon nanotubes. Sensors and Actuators B. Chemical, 218, 253-260.
35. Chouhan RS, Qureshi A and Niazi JH* (2015) Determining the fate of fluorescent quantum dots on surface of engineered budding S. cerevisiae cell molecular landscape. Biosensors and Bioelectronics 69, 26-33.
34. Qureshi A*, Gurbuz Y and Niazi JH* (2015) Capacitive aptamer-antibody based sandwich assay for the detection of VEGF cancer biomarker in serum. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 209, 645-651.
33. Niazi JH*, Verma SK, Niazi S and Qureshi A (2015) In vitro HER2 protein-induced affinity dissociation of carbon nanotube-wrapped anti-HER2 aptamers for HER2 protein detection. Analyst, 140, 243-240.
32. Qureshi A,* Pandey A, Chouhan RS, Gurbuz Y, and Niazi JH* (2015) Whole-cell based label-free capacitive biosensor for rapid nanosize-dependent toxicity detection. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 67, 100-106.
31 Chouhan, RS, Niazi JH*, and Qureshi A* (2014) Quantum dots conjugated E. coli living cells as fluorescent reporters to detect cytotoxicity of chemicals. Progress in Exergy, Energy, and the Environment. Springer International Publishing, 471-475.
30. Chouhan RS, Qureshi A*, Niazi JH* (2014) Quantum dot conjugated S. cerevisiae as smart nanotoxicity indicators for screening toxicity of nanomaterials. Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2, 3618-3625.
29. Chouhan RS, Niazi JH*, Qureshi A* (2014) Chemical toxicity detection using quantum dot encoded E. coli cells. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 196, 381-387.
28. Chouhan RS, Niazi JH*, Qureshi A** (2013) E. coli-quantum dot bioconjugates as whole-cell fluorescent reporters for probing cellular damages. Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 1, 2724-2730.
27. Unal H, Niazi JH* (2013) Carbon Nanotube Decorated Magnetic Microspheres as an Affinity Matrix for Biomolecules. Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 1, 1894-1902.
26. Park J-W, Kallempudi SS, Lee SJ, Niazi JH*, Gurbuz Y, Youn BS, Gu MB* (2012) Rapid and sensitive detection of nampt (PBEF/Visfatin) in Human Serum using an ssDNA aptamer-based capacitive biosensor. Biosensors and Bioelectronics 38(1), 233-238.
25. Qureshi A*, Gurbuz Y, Niazi JH* (2012) Biosensors for Cardiac Biomarkers Detection: a review. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 171-172, 62-76.
24. Qureshi A, Roci I, Gurbuz Y, Niazi JH* (2012) An aptamer based competition assay for protein detection using CNT activated gold-interdigitated capacitor arrays. Biosensors and Bioelectronics 34, 165-170. [PDF link].
23. Kallempudi SS, Altintas Z, Niazi JH, Gurbuz Y (2012) A new microfluidics system with a hand-operated, on-chip actuator for immunosensor applications. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 163, 194-201. [PDF link]
22. Y.S. Kim, J.H. Niazi, Y.J. Chae, U.Go, M.B. Gu (2011), Aptamers-in-liposome for selective and multiplexed capturing of small organic compounds, Macromolecular Rapid Communications 32, 1169-1173 DOI: 10.1002/macp.201100001 [PDF-link] (SCI)
21. Qureshi, A., Gurbuz, Y. and Niazi, J.H.*(2011) Probing chemical induced cellular stress by non-Faradaic electrochemical impedance spectroscopy using Escherichia coli capacitive biochip. Analyst 136, 2726-2734. DOI:10.1039/C1AN15202E [PDF] [Supplementary] (SCI) This article has been featured in Royal Society of Chemistry blogs- Click here
20. Niazi, J. H., Sang B. I., Kim, Y.S. and Gu, M.B. (2011) Global gene response in Saccharomyces cerevisiae exposed to silver nanoparticles. Applied Biochemsitry & Biotechnology 164, 1278-1291 DOI: 10.1007/s12010-011-9212-4 [PDF] [Supplementary] (SCI)
19. Qureshi, A., Gurbuz, Y., Kallempudi, S. and Niazi, J.H.* (2011) Label-free capacitive E. coli biochip for determining chemicals that induce cellular toxicity. Procedia Engineering, 25, 928-931. (SCI)
18. Qureshi, A., Gurbuz, Y., Kallempudi, S. and Niazi, J.H.* (2010) Label-free RNA aptamer based capacitive biosensor for the detection of C-reactive protein. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 12, 9176-9182. DOI:10.1039/c004133e [PDF-link or click here] (SCI)
17. *Qureshi, A., *Niazi, J.H., Kallempudi, S. and Gurbuz, Y. (2010) Label-free capacitive biosensor for sensitive detection of multiple biomarkers using gold interdigitated capacitor arrays. Biosensors & Bioelectronics 25, 2318-2323. [PDF] [Supplementary] (SCI) *These authors equally contributed
16. Kim, Y.J., Kim, Y.S., Niazi, J.H. and Gu, M.B. (2010) Electrochemical aptasensor for tetracycline detection. Bioprocess & Biosystems Engineering 33, 31-37 [PDF-file] (SCI)
15. Quershi, A., Gurbuz, Y., Niazi, J.H. (2010) Label-free detection of cardiac biomarker using aptamer based capacitive biosensor. Procedia Engineering 5, 828-83 [PDF] (SCI)
14. Ahn, J.M., Hwang, E.T., Youn, C.H., Banu, D.L., Kim, B.C., Niazi, J.H. and Gu, M.B. (2009) Prediction and classification of the modes of genotoxic actions using bacterial biosensors specific for DNA damages. Biosensors & Bioelectronics 25, 767-772. [PDF] [Supplementary] (SCI)
13. *Joeng, C.B., *Niazi, J.H., Lee, S.J. and Gu, M.B. (2009) ssDNA aptamers that recognize diclofenac and 2-anilinophenylacetic acid. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry 17, 5380-5387. [PDF] [Supplementary] *-Equally contributed (SCI)
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12. Niazi, J.H. and Gu, M.B. (2009) Toxicity of metallic nanoparticles in microorganisms-a review. In: Atmospheric and Biological Environmental Monitoring. Kim, Y.J.; Platt, U.; Gu, M.B.; Iwahashi, H. (Eds.) Springer-verlag, Heidelberg, Germany, pp. 193-206. [Book Chapter] DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4020-9674-7. [PDF] (SCI)
11. Kim, Y.S., Niazi, J.H. and Gu, M.B. (2009) Specific detection of oxytetracycline using DNA aptamer immobilized interdigitated array electrode chip. Analytica Chimica Acta 634, 250-254. [PDF-file] (SCI)
10. Niazi, J.H., Kim, B.C., Ahn, J.M. and Gu, M.B. (2008) A novel bioluminescent bacterial biosensor using the highly-specific oxidative stress-inducible pgi gene. Biosensors & Bioelectronics 24, 670-675. [PDF] [Supplementary] (SCI)
9. Niazi, J.H., Lee, S.J. and Gu, M.B. (2008) Single stranded DNA aptamers specific for antibiotics tetracyclines. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry 16, 7245-7253. [PDF] [Supplementary data 1; data 2] (SCI)
8. Lee, S.J., Youn, B.S., Park, J.W., Niazi, J.H., Kim, Y.S., Gu, M.B. (2008) A ssDNA aptamer-based SPR biosensor for the detection of RBP4 for the early diagnosis of type 2 diabetes. Analytical Chemistry 80, 2867-2873. [PDF] (SCI)
7. Niazi, J.H., Lee, S.J., Kim, Y.S. and Gu, M.B. (2008) ssDNA aptamers that selectively bind oxytetracycline. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry 16, 1254-1261. (SCI)
6. Niazi, J.H., Kim, B.C. and Gu, M.B. (2007) Characterization of superoxide-stress sensing recombinant Escherichia coli constructed using promoters for genes zwf and fpr fused to lux operon. Applied Microbiology & Biotechnology 74, 1276-1283. [PDF] (SCI)
5. Patil, N.K., Sharanagouda, U., Niazi, J.H., Karegoudar, T.B. (2004) Stable degradation of catechol by Pseudomonas sp. strain NGK1 encapsulated in alginate and polyurethane foam. Indian Journal of Biotechnology 4, 568-572. (SCI)
4. Niazi, J.H., Shinde, M. and Karegoudar, T.B. (2003) Degradation of dimethylphthalate by a Bacillus sp. Research Journal of Environmental Chemistry 7, 57-61. [Journal Home] (SCIE)
3. Patil, N.K., Sharanagouda, Niazi, J.H., Kim, C.K and Karegoudar, T.B. (2003) Degradation of salicylic acid by free and immobilized cells of Pseudomonas sp. strain NGK1. Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology 13, 29-34. (SCI)
2. Niazi, J.H., Prasad, D.T. and Karegoudar, T.B. (2001) Initial degradation of dimethylphthalate by esterases from Bacillus species. FEMS Microbiology Letters 196, 201-205. (SCI)
1. Niazi, J.H. and Karegoudar, T.B. (2001) Degradation of dimethylphthalate by free and immobilized cells of Bacillus sp. in calcium alginate and polyurethane foam. Journal of Environmental Science & Health A36, 1134-1144. (SCI)
Unsorted other/proceedings articles
Taşdemir, Ferhat and Zihir, Samet and Özeren, Emre and Kolkar Mohammed, Javed Hussain Niazi and Qureshi, Anjum andKallempudi, Sreenivasa Saravan and Kaynak , Mehmet and Scholz, Rene and Gürbüz, Yaşar (2010) A new lab-on-chip transmitter for the detection of proteins using RNA aptamers. In: 40th European Microwave Conference, Paris, France, pp. 489-492..
Ahn, J.M., Hwang, E., Kim, B.C., Niazi, J.H. and Man Bock Gu (2009) Prediction and classification of the modes of genotoxic actions using bacterial biosensors and cell array chip. Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering 108, 1, S94-S95. [PDF link]
Qureshi A, Pandey A, Gurbuz Y, Niazi JH* (2015) Electronic Transducing Chip Platforms for Biosensing Applications. Macromolecular Symposia 357(1) 109-115.
Qureshi A, Roci I, Gurbuz Y, Niazi JH* (2015) VEGF Cancer Biomarker Protein Detection in Real Human Serum Using Capacitive Label-Free Aptasensor. Macromolecular Symposia 357(1), 74-78.
Mahalingam D, Gurbuz Y, Qureshi A, Niazi JH (2015) Design, fabrication and performance evaluation of interdigital capacitive sensor for detection of Cardiac Troponin-I and Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor 2. IEEE-SENSORS, pp. 1-4.
Chouhan RS, Ozguz V, Qureshi A, Niazi JH* (2017) Inducing structural defects in multi-walled carbon nanotubes by biological oxidation. Materials Today Proceedings, 4(8), 8788-8791.
Pandey A, Gurbuz Y, Ozguz V, Niazi JH, Qureshi A (2017) Probing synergistic toxicity effects on living cells by combination of two different sized nanoparticles by a whole–cell based biochip. Materials Today Proceedings, 4(8), 8427-8431.
Chouhan RS, Ozguz V, Qureshi A, Niazi JH* (2017) Modifications in physiochemical property of engineered graphene oxide by nanomaterials resistant bacteria. Materials Today Proceedings, 4(8), 8792-8795.
O. Ceylan et al., “Development of Hand-Held Point-of-Care Diagnostic Device for Detection of Multiple Cancer and Cardiac Disease Biomarkers,” 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), Florence, Italy, 2018, pp. 1-5. doi: 10.1109/ISCAS.2018.8351593
Other (unsorted) articles
Lee, S.J*., Niazi, J.H*. and Gu, M.B. Colorimetric detection of antibiotics using ssDNA aptamer conjugated gold nanoparticles. YABEC 2008. The 14th Symposium of young asian biochemical engineers? community. Nov. 19-Dec. 1, 2008, Tokyo, Japan(*Contributed equally)
Lee, S.J., Youn, B.S., Park, J.W., Niazi, J.H., Kim, Y.S. and Gu, M.B. ssDNA aptamer-based SPR biosensor for the detection of RBP4 for the early diagnosis of type 2 diabates. Biochip 2008, June 12~13, 2008, Daejon, Rep. of Korea.
Kim, Y.S., Niazi, J.H. and Gu, M.B. Label-free detection of oxytetracycline using aptamer immobilized gold interdigitate array (IDA) electrode chip. Bichip 2008, June 12~13, 2008, Daejon, Rep. of Korea.
Lee, S.J., Niazi J.H., Kim, Y.S., and Gu, M.B. ssDNA aptamer-based SPR biosensor for early diagnosis of type 2 diabates by RBP4 detection.
Niazi, J.H., Kim, Y.S., Lee, S.J., and Gu, M.B. Single strand DNA aptamers that specifically bind tetracycline group of antibiotics.
Niazi, J.H., Gu, M.B. Hwang, J.E., Sang, B.I., and Yi, J.Y. Whole genome transcription profile of Saccharomyces cerevisiae in response to silver nanoparticles.
The Korean Chemical Engineering conference, April 23-25, 2008, Jeju-island, South Korea.
Niazi, J.H., Hong, J.E., Pham, C.H., Sang, B.I., Yi, J.H., and Gu, M.B. Global gene response to silver-nanoparticles in yeast by DNA-microarray. The 7th International Symposium on Advanced Environmental Monitoring, Feb. 25-28, 2008, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
Pham, C.H., Hong, J.E., Niazi, J.H., Sang, B.I. and Gu, M.B. Nanoparticle Toxicity in Japanese medaka: a comparative study between Ag-NP and Gold colloid by using cDNA microarray. The 7th International Symposium on Advanced Environmental Monitoring, Feb. 25-28, 2008, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
Niazi, J.H., Lee, S.J., Kim, Y.S. and Gu, M.B. DNA Biosensor using ssDNA aptamer for oxytetracycline detection in drinking water. Feb. 25-28, 2008, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
Niazi, J.H., Kim, B.C., Ahn, J.M. and Gu, M.B. Characterization of a new oxidative stress responsive pgi promoter element of Escherechia coli.
Niazi, J.H., Hong, J.E., Pham, C.H., Sang, B.I. and Gu, M.B. Global gene response in yeast cells exposed to silver nanoparticles using DNA microarray.
Niazi, J.H., Lee, S.J., Kim, Y.S. and Gu, M.B. Development of ssDNA aptamers that bind selectively to oxytetracycline for screening and detection.
The 2nd Korea-Singapore international conference on bioscience and biotechnology, Nov. 12-13, 2007, Seoul, Korea
Niazi, J.H., Ahn, J.M., Kim, B.C. and Gu, M.B. Superoxide-stress sensing recombinant Escherichia coli constructed using promoters for genes zwf and fpr fused to lux operon. Environmental Science & Technology Conference, Nov. 1, 2007, Chuncheon, South Korea.
Niazi, J.H., Ahn, J.M., Kim, B.C. and Gu, M.B. Construction and characterization of oxidative-stress specific recombinant bioluminescent bacteria using zwf and fpr promoters. 2007 International meeting of the federation of Korean Microbiological Socites. October 11-12, Seoul, Korea
Niazi, J.H, Hwang E.T, Sang B.I. and Gu, M.B. Toxicity assays of phthalate compounds using toxicity specific signature bacterial sensors. Annual Meeting of Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 2007.10.18-19, Daegu, Korea
Niazi, J.H., Lee S.J., Kim Y.S., Gu M.B., Single strand DNA aptamers for screening and detection of oxytetracycline. Biochip 2007, 2007.10.4-5, Seoul, Korea.
Niazi, J.H., Hong, J.E., Pham, C.H., Sang, B.I., Gu M.B. Whole genome transcription profile of yeast exposed to Ag-nanoparticles. Omics to Industry, 2007.09.13-14, Seoul, Korea.
Ahn, J.M., Niazi, J.H., Youn, C.H., Kim, B.C. and Gu, M.B. Development of whole-cell based biosensor using DNA microarray. The environmental toxicology conference, Seoul, Korea. 2006. 05.
Niazi J.H., Lee S.M, Sang B.I., Anaerobic biodegradation of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene (BTEX) and changes in microbial community by TRFLP analysis. Annual Meeting of Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 2006.04.26-04.28, Seoul, Korea
Niazi, J.H., J.H. Lee, S.M. Lee, M.B. Gu, B.I. Sang, Anaerobic Bi-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate degradation and toxicity assays using toxicity specific bacterial sensors. The 6th International Symposium on Advanced Environmental Monitoring, 2006. 6.27-30, Heidelberg, Germany.
Niazi, J.H., Lee, S.M., Lee, J.H., Gu, M.B. and Sang, B.I. Behavior of microbial community during anaerobic di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate degradation and toxicity analysis. International Meeting of the Federation of Korean Microbiological Societies, Seoul, South Korea, Oct. 19~20, 2006.
Lee, J.H., C.H. Youn, B.C. Kim, R.J. Mitchell, J.H. Niazi., M.B. Gu, Development of a bioluminescent bacterial cell array chip (OxiTox chip) for measuring oxidative stresses and toxicity. The ninth world congress on biosensors, 2006. 5.10-12, Toronto, Canada.
Lee, J.H., J.H. Niazi, B.I. Sang, M.B. Gu, Application of cell array chip biosensors for toxicity monitoring of degradation byproducts and evaluation of biodegradation processes. The ninth world congress on biosensors, 2006. 5.10-12, Toronto, Canada.
Lee, J.H., C.H.Youn, B.C.Kim, R.J.Mitchell, J.H. Niazi, M.B.Gu, A bioluminescent bacterial cell array chip for measuring oxidative stresses and toxicity. The 6th International Symposium on Advanced Environmental Monitoring, 2006. 6.27-30, Heidelberg, Germany.
Lee, S.M., J.H. Niazi, M.B. Gu, B.I. Sang, Comparison of microbial communities during anaerobic di-(2-ethylhelxyl) phthalate degradation under different electron accepting conditions. The 6th International Symposium on Advanced Environmental Monitoring, 2006. 6.27-30, Heidelberg, Germany.
Lee, S.M., J.H. Niazi, M.B. Gu, B.I. Sang, Effects of electron acceptors on microbial communities during anaerobic BTEX and MTBE degradation. The 6th International Symposium on Advanced Environmental Monitoring, 2006. 6.27-30, Heidelberg, Germany.
Lee, J.H., C.H. Youn, B.C. Kim, R.J. Mitchell, J.H. Niazi, M.B. Gu, Bioluminescent bacterial cell array chips (OxiTox chip) for measuring oxidative stresses and toxicity. The 10th International symposium on the genetics of industrial microorganisms, 2006.6.24-28, Praque, Czech Republic.
Lee, J.H., J.H. Niazi, B.I. Sang, M.B. Gu, Analysis of DEHP [Di-(2-EthylHexyl)-Phthalate] biodegradation byproducts using a bacterial cell array chip. The 3rd international workshop on biochips and environmental monitoring, 2006. 8.17-18, Osaka, Japan.
Niazi, J.H., S.M. Lee, B.I. Sang, Anaerobic Di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate degradation by soil mixed microbial cultures under different electron accepting conditions, 2006. 07. International Symposium on Environmental Biotechnology, Seoul, Rep. of Korea.
Niazi, J.H., Lee, S.M., Lee, J.H., Gu, M.B., Sang, B.I., Assay and toxicity evaluation of DEHP and its catabolic intermediates in a simulated natural environment by whole-cell array chip composed of toxicity specific signature-bacterial sensors. Annual Meeting and international conference on toxicogenomics-2005, 2005. 10.30-11.1, Seoul, Korea
Lee,J.H., C.H.Youn, B.C.Kim, J.H. Niazi, M.B.Gu, OxiTox-cell array chip: Functional cell array chip for oxidative stress monitoring. 05 KU-AIST Joint Symposium on Stress signalling and monitoring, 2005.12.5, Seoul, Korea
Gu, M.B., J.H. Lee, C.H.Youn, B.C. Kim, J.H. Niazi, A Cell Biochip for Oxidative Toxicity Analysis. 11th Symposium of Young Asia Biochemical Engineering Community, 2005.10.24-26, Beijing, China
Lee,J.H., C.H.Youn, J.H.Niazi, R.J.Mitchell, B.C.Kim, M.B.Gu, Bioluminescent cell array biosensors for water toxicity analysis. The 2nd IWA conference on instrumentation, control and automation, 2005.5.29-6.2, Busan, Korea
Lee, J.H., C.H.Youn, J.H.Niazi, R.J.Mitchell, B.C.Kim, M.B.Gu, Bioluminescent cell array biosensors for water toxicity analysis. The 2nd IWA conference on instrumentation, control and automation, 2005.5.29-6.2, Busan, Korea
Niazi J.H. and T.B. Karegoudar, ?Microbial degradation of diethylphthalate (DEP) by PUF immobilized Bacillus cells in continuous reactor. Proceedings of Current Biotechnology and Bioengineering (XIV) 2004. 4.16-17, Daegu, South Korea. [video available here]
Niazi J.H. and Karegoudar, T.B. entitled ?Isolation and Characterization of Phthalate Esterase from Bacillus sp.? in 70th Annual Meeting of Society of Biological Chemists, Osmania University, Hyderabad, Dec. 2001.
Niazi J.H. and Karegoudar, T.B. Degradation of Dimethylphthalate by a Bacillus species in the National Symposium on Environmental Issues- The 21st Century, Organized by National Environmental Science Academy at Gulbarga University, Gulbarga, Dec. 12-15, 1998.