c. Technology Supported Tasks & Activities

When planning your lesson, you can refer to SLOnline and SUCourse in addition to your BtheB. On top of all these, you can also use any technological tool that suits your needs.

There is a ?unit? folder for each level on SLOnline. The unit includes folders for ?inputs? and ?outputs? which contain materials etc specific to the subject of each section of Beyond the Boundaries as well as the ?teaching learning programme? and ?end of unit quizzes?. In addition to these an ?extra material folder? can be found which includes supplementary materials related to the unit theme which practice all skills.

TIP: If you are planning to get students to use their laptops it is best if you tell them to bring their laptops, chargers and headphones.

Most SL instructors send reminder e-mails prior to the lesson.

Please refer to the sub-headings in this section to see samples.

