Özgür Proje
A page where I share the free projects initiated by undergraduate students at Sabancı University, FASS.
Classical university education in classrooms is typically a passive learning model whereas learning requires interest and participation, which begins with asking a question… Your question.
We instituted Özgür Proje to fill in this gap in 2011, with the initiative of “Ateş Aile Fund” our donor, to set up a new model of university education in which students are encouraged to ask their own question, and to study, inquire and apply their findings. To touch and feel “life” with a critical eye.
Students are completely free to determine the topic for their Özgür projects: they can investigate campus-related issues, or regional and even global problems. Or their topics can include economics, political science, international relations, sociology and culture, arts, visual media, law, psychology. The objective could be purely academic, or it could have a community involvement aspect, forming and mobilizing networks, or a social/humanitarian/philanthropic side that aims at investigating injustice, inequality, poverty, development, etc.. Artistic/creative projects are also welcome. We encourage successful students to learn how to write a social project and implement it, to seek funds from outside agencies such as TUBITAK, NGOs, or the Project calls by European Union, etc.
Sosyo-kulturel farklar ve eşcinsel evlilik projesi
Sokak Sanatçıları Proje- Ahmet Fatih İnci & Faruk Ulusoy
Does stress affect academic performance?
Nilay Düzen – Zeren Atalay Özgür Proje
Çocuk Evlilikleri proje ön rapor
Yaygın Eğitimde Bilim Müzelerinin Rolünün Araştırılması
Ozgur Proje Application form ENGLISH
Ozgur Proje başvuru formu TURKCE
Nilay-Zeren Proje Final Raporu
Nimet-Ersan özgür proje final rapor
Türkiye’deki seçim sisteminin güvenilirliği
Liderlik ve Kultur degisimi Rusya
Tekbulut-Inam Sanat Yasa tasarısı
Karadeniz ve Güneydoğu Mutfak Kültürü
Spor ve Dostluk ÖzgürProjeRapor
Karadeniz Yemek Kuturu Ozgur Proje Raporu
Kent Kulturu Deha-Kemal-Alperen
Özgür Proje Öğretmen Yetiştirme Sistemleri
Liderlik-sosyokulturel degisim Rapor
Seçim Güvenliği-Ece-Begüm-Miray-Rozem
Gülsüm Can Universite Öğrenci Sorunlar
Engeller ve Hayaller – Aysenur-Deniz
Almanya’da Türkiye Sineması Algısı
Avrupa – Türkiye Göçmen Politikaları
Yiğit ÖzkanMusicEmbodiment- Final Report
Hayalle ve Engeller;Deniz-Ayşenur
Farklı Pencerelerden Mutluluğa Bakış
Perception of Turkish Cinema in Germany
Kuzey afrika ve ortadoğu mülteci-rapor
Toplu Tasima vs Ozel Araç – Prestij
Dilimizdeki yabancı kelimeler ENES SIMSEK
Sustainable Fashion Project Final Raporu
M. Enes ŞİMŞEK – Türkçeyi yeniden keşfetmek
‘de Fiziksel Şiddet Eğiliminin Sebepleri ve Analizi_final
Et Tüketimi-ÖyküTeomanEceYegane
Meclislerde Kadın Temsili ve Yolsuzlukinal
Toplu Taşıma Özel Araç kullanımı
Saldırganlık Cografyası ÖzgürProjeRapor